YOUR perfect colours (or not-so-perfect ones)


Specktra Bestie
Since we all like to experiment with colour, I thought it might be fun to share some insights into what shades work and don't work for all of us. (And that it might help some people to know what kind of colours have worked for others that may share their colouring or skin tone.)

So to get things started... Here are a few of my thoughts:

Skin tone: Pale (Mac NC15, Nars Mont Blanc/ Terre Neuve, usually the lightest or second lightest shade in any range) and neutral-cool. I used to think I was more cool toned, but I'm actually very close to purely neutral.

Hair and eye colour: Black-brown hair and blue-grey eyes

Colour that always works on you: I have never met a red lipstick that I hated on me. It took me many, many years to build up the courage, but once I started wearing them, I couldn't figure out what I'd been afraid of. Berry and red-violet lips always seem to be a safe bet too. Eye colours are trickier, but I find that most gold tones are, well, golden. I also seem to be able to wear fairly bright colours without it looking too overdone (at least for my tastes).

Colour that never seems to work: Teal. I have tried virtually every shade of teal eye shadow and I love them all when I see them on my hand, but they just tend to look awful on my eyes, like they suck the colour right out of me. Also, nude lips make me look like a corpse. The closest I can get is a nude-type colour a bit darker than my regular lip tone. Too many light shades tend to make me look washed out.

Colour that sometimes works: Brown lipsticks. Some work really well (usually ones that are described as "plummy browns") and others look like poo... there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why some work.

Feel free to chime in with your experiences/ thoughts.

Anyone tried any type of colour analysis? Were you happy with the results?


Staff member
Oooh, I like this idea! :) Skintone: Pale/extremely fair (NARS Siberia/Mont Blanc; Illamasqua #115/SB2ish; can use MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer in NW15) Hair and eye colour: Medium-dark brown hair (darker at the roots, lighter toward the ends), grey eyes with a ring of brown around the pupil (that said, most of my legal stuff says hazel) Colour that always works: * Medium-to-dark purple eyeshadows, almost any undertone. * Most neutrals. * Blues. * Some greens. * I think I can wear most red lippies, but I tend to prefer slightly darker reds (e.g., Illamasqua Sangers, Revlon True Red) * MAC Up the Amp works on me -- something I was surprised by when I tried it out. (My first violet-toned lippy.) Colour that never works: * Pastel pink on the lids. No. Just... no. * I don't think orange will work on me, either. May need to experiment. Colour that sometimes works: * Fuschia pink on the lids. Depends on placement.


Well-known member
Very good idea !


Generally speaking :

- Pink shades
- Coral or peachy shades
- Red shades from orange/red to deep burgundy
- Neutral
- Blue shades
- Purple, violet, orchid shades
- Black and grey shades

I carefully avoid :

- teal ( used alone )
- green ( used alone )
- yellow ( all the time )
- white
- very nude or pale beige colours

I am NW20, brown hair, brown eyes, prone to redness issues but I still use blushes like Frankly Scarlet esp in winter.