Your Very Own Photography Studio!


Well-known member
I guess long, boring flights are good for something. Check out this Mini Photography Studio I found in the Sky Mall mag.

This would be great for makeup, swatch and ebay photos.



Well-known member
thats pretty neat.

i cant tell you how many times i looked though that mag. within my 5 hr flight to cali...( i was late so i couldnt get reading material!)


Well-known member
Wow I really like that! I wonder how I could dupe that with store bought materials? Anyways Sky Mall Mag is really cool, but somethings are waaay over priced.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
Wow I really like that! I wonder how I could dupe that with store bought materials?


Like this! Foam board, cardboard, clip lamps and diffused bulbs, and I also have little cheesecloth bags that I scammed from the local deli to hang on the lamps if I'm photographing something really reflective or glossy. I have a proper light tent that cost me a squillion dollars and isn't really suitable for my needs (I shoot top-down most of the time and most of them don't work as well when you flip them around, hot spots and shadows start appearing), but this gets the job done 90% of the time. I photograph the jewellery I make, but this picture of Other Worldly blush was quickly taken with a basic cheap digital camera - hence why the DOF is a bit borked, but otherwise it worked out quite nicely.

I got the basic idea from this tutorial, made a few modifications for my purposes (like a removeable front and a removable lid - I have a half-lid on in the picture, just enough to capture some reflected light) and made it all out of things from my local hardware store. The whole thing cost me AU$40 and took an hour to make.


Well-known member
omgz...that's so cute. i'm stoked and i want one...for real. i don't know what i'd use it for since i never swatch things anymore, but i want one anyway haha!