You're so vain?


Well-known member
Hey all,
I loooovvveee makeup and am always looking in the mirror at my own to check it out/ talking about makeup with others/buying it/etc.

Am I becoming vain? Do other people feel this way?


Well-known member
I love makeup, but I just put it on and forget about it...maybe a powder touchup during the day. If you keep looking in the mirror you will become really bored with the reflection hehe..


Well-known member
Like I said before in the bad habits thread, i am very very vain. I cant take FOTD's in the morning because I know I just couldnt stop camwhoring and I'd probably be late for work/shool. I also have lots om mirrors and even when I drive, I often check my reflection in the rear view mirror


Well-known member
LOL Glad im not the only one!
But honestly, im not vain when others are around...and its not like im thinking, "damn im a hot biatch" but rather, just checking to make sure my MU looks good and stuff


Well-known member
I do the same thing.. sometimes like at work, I'll walk to the bathroom just to look at my makeup. I use UDPP so I know it still looks okay and I don't need to reapply. I just wanna look at it. haha

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I do the same thing sometimes. I think it is a bit vain, but as long as you're not doing it all the time I think it's totally fine. Everyone has their "wow I look so good" days.


Well-known member
I am totally aware of my makeup for the first hour or so after I put it on... like when I'm going out I check it out all the time in the car mirror and in reflections and I'm like 'man, I did pretty good today!"... but it only lasts for like an hour or so after application because I am so aware of it. Also, what sucks is I can never replicate a look I just kind of go off feeling so I feel like i have to enjoy it while I can.


Well-known member
If my hair looks good, I tend to look in mirrors more.

But I'm admittedly narcissistic.


Well-known member
Shit, I drive with the vanity mirror OPEN, glancing up at every stop. I KNOW people are probably next to me at a red light saying, "You are not all that....". LOL.


Well-known member
Hahaha, I am the one you see walking through the city looking into store windows not to see whats inside, but to glance at my own reflection to make sure I look well put together. LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
Hahaha, I am the one you see walking through the city looking into store windows not to see whats inside, but to glance at my own reflection to make sure I look well put together. LOL
