Youth & Plastic Surgery


Well-known member
Alright, so, I have a very personal issue that I'm considering right now. My whole life, I've hated my nose. It's gotten to the point where I hate going out with my friends because it makes me so self-consious. I have extremely low self esteem. My family, friends, aquaintances and other adults tell me I'm crazy, that there's nothing big about my nose and that I'm beautiful, but I don't see it! It's not like they'd agree and say, yes, you're ugly, would they? I'm almost 18 and I'm going to university in the fall. I've been bothering my parents for a rhinoplasty since I was 11 (yes, ridiculous, I know). They have always said, no, of course not, but since I'm moving out of the house in August, it becomes my decision. I have the money saved to get a nose job, but it's a scary, huge choice, and I know that people will judge me because I'm so young. If I get this procedure, it will be only for me, not for anyone else.. So, how do you guys feel about my situation, and youth getting plastic surgery in general? Be honest, I can take it!


Well-known member
Honestly, it's your body so you can do what you like with it. Just do your research. It's your choice at the end of the day.


Well-known member
I agree with the above poster it is your body, if you feel you will be a much more happier person if you get surgery then go for it


Well-known member
i dont think 18 is too young for a nose job... i want my boobs done and im 18 but i think thats too young for a boob job. Just do ALOT and ALOTTT more research, search forums, search all over google, ask lots of questions and if you think it will make you gain confidence then i say go for it.
I know what you mean when you say you darent go out sometimes and have low self esteem, im exactly the same but its more about weight for me. im not exactly fat but i wanna be tiny, i get jealous when i see skinny girls wearing nice fashionable clothes, i just feel ugly and my skin is terrible, the only way i can get it to look *decent* is by wearing fake tan (this makes the redness less noticeable because im so pale) and wearing good coverage concealer and foundation.
I think its quite rare if you meet someone whos completely fine with the way they look, i wish i was like that... i used to be like that when i lost tonnes of weight and my skin cleared up but it always comes back and makes me down

but yeh make sure you research, look at different cosmetic surgery companies (Theres tonnes out there!) and just be patient. If you rush into it, pick the wrong surgeon etc... you wont get the results you want.


Well-known member
I agree with the above posts. It's your choice! I think a good doctor would try to give you the most natural results possible, and that's a good thing!


Well-known member
Honestly, an 18 year old can be just as if not more self conscious than a 30 year old, so I say give it a shot. Just get a good doctor, dont skimp on the money to save a few bucks, make sure you find the best surgeon possible. My friend had a nose job when she was 17 and it changed her life for the MUCH better.


Well-known member
I'm completely with everyone else. But please, please PLEASE do your research on doctors beforehand. Interview at least 5. It's absolutely 100% crucial to find a good doctor who's legit and does not have any lawsuits. Also find one you feel totally comfortable with and who's on the same page as you regarding the results. Good luck!


Well-known member
In addition to finding the best plastic surgeon you can, I'd also suggest therapy. For serious. It's always been a mystery to me that people who want an operation to change their gender are required to have X amount of therapy, but people who want to change the entire REST of their body don't.

Changing your nose will not fix your overall self-esteem problem. Once your nose is different, maybe you find something else wrong with you just to have something to obsess over, and then you save up for another surgery, and another... it may never be enough for you because surgery isn't what'll fix your problem in the end. I strongly recommend seeing a good therapist first to fix your underlying self esteem problems, THEN work on your nose, if you still want to.

Having said that, it's your call, you're an adult. Getting the nose job will probably make you feel better - the question is, will it make you feel better in the long-run, or will it just reinforce your idea that you're not good enough and need to be fixed, leading you to worse psychological problems in the long-run? I strongly, strongly suggest you figure the answer to this out *before* getting the surgery, because you cannot undo it once it's done.


Well-known member
I would wait, I think you are very young and a lot of girls are very self conscious at that age. But the more you age, the more you grow your self-confidence as well. I don't like my nose either, but I wouldn't get surgergy, everyone has their flaws. I personally think getting surgery at such a young age, or most types of cosmetic surgeries, are plain dumb and warping how society views the bodies of women. Sorry, that's my opinion.

I would def wait a few more years though, you might not care about it in a few years and wish you'd spent your money on something else.

And, sorry I know everyone says that if it makes you happier, go for surgery, but sorry I just think there is something so wrong with this advice !! We shouldn't need surgery to be able to feel good about ourselves...


Well-known member
I share sort of similar views with you. I really just want my lips to be a little fuller because they are really small and unless I focus on keeping them slightly protruding, they kind of disappear--at least to me. But I plan on waiting a few years after I can legally do it on my own before I commit because it is serious, and to see if I still want it.

I think that it is your body and you should be able to live your life as you want (provided it isn't hurting anybody). However, I think you should just wait a little while. For a long time, I really wanted a nose job, too, because I thought mine was too wide, but then I began to look at other people's noses to get an idea of how my "dream" nose would look like. Gradually, I started to like those larger noses; I felt they gave character and appear somewhat distinguished. So now, I like my nose better, but I wish for a bigger one! But I digress....

Research, research, research!!! This cannot be stressed enough. Forums are great sources of information and ways to find the right doctor for you. Everytime I get a new piercing, I research it for weeks before hand. This isn't something to be stepped into lightly, because there may come a time when you are older and you will wish that you still had your original nose. So much can change in the course of a year.

Best wishes and luck with whatever you decide to go with!


Well-known member
Since you say you've wanted it for so long I would consider it. First do your research as everyone else says. You may benefit from therapy too. People are getting body dysmorphic disorder at an alarming rate these days. A good surgeon most likely won't operate on you if your nose and bones are still growing though. I don't know what age this stops.
Also think about what happens if you don't like the end result...would you have more surgeries and risk looking like Michael Jackson?
Another thing to look at is before and after pictures and the ages of the people. In my opinion the best jobs on everything from noses to breasts to tummy tucks is on people a little older than you.

kristina ftw!

Well-known member
What about fixing a broken nose? Mine broke when I was little, but we didn't get it fixed, so it still has a bump on one side. It can be a bit painful sometimes, as well. Is it ridiculous to get that fixed? Because it's not like I'm trying to change something I was born with - I want to get back what I was born with. Any opinions?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kristina ftw!
What about fixing a broken nose? Mine broke when I was little, but we didn't get it fixed, so it still has a bump on one side. It can be a bit painful sometimes, as well. Is it ridiculous to get that fixed? Because it's not like I'm trying to change something I was born with - I want to get back what I was born with. Any opinions?

Reconstructive surgery is a little different. If it is painful or affecting your breathing I would get it fixed just because the pain would annoy the crap out of me.
Not that it's totally wrong to get regular plastic surgery, but many people just get it done and then move on to the next body part because of some self esteem deficiency inside or because they've been brainwashed by the media.


Well-known member
Just to share something with everyone, you can't really wait until you're more "grown" to get a nose job, as the nose never stops growing. The nose and the ears are the only two parts of the body that continue to grow until death. Which is..terrifying, haha.


Well-known member
I agree with the above posts. It's your choice!

BUT... I would wait if I were you.
You must & I say must... check out different surgeons. Make sure they're board certified. Check out if they have any malpractice suites against them.

I have seen & heard so many young girls getting plastic surgery done & they don't do they're research. Please do your research on the procedure as well.

Also, you may want to goto a therapist to deal with your issues. You have to ask yourself is it your nose or something else & once you get your nose done, are you going to want to change something else b/c how it looks or your self esteem?

If you have self esteem issues ur not alone sweetie. We all have issues, you're not the only one.

You're issues will always be there if you don't work them out. I would work out your issues before going under the knife.
Good luck


Well-known member
I obviously hav no objection to plastic surgery if YOU feel like you can handle all that goes with it. I'm planning to be a plastic surgeon. As a woman, I know that we all compare ourselves to other, especially at this age where we notice each other in a different light. Think about if this is what you want. A lot of people think getting plastic sugery is a way to cover up who you really are. To me plastic surgery, like makeup, is should be embracing your innerself and showing it on the ouside. Okay... i kinda rambled


Well-known member
all plastic surgery excluding reconstructive kind of saddens me, but if it'll really make you feel prettier/happier i'd wait a couple of years & see if i felt the same..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I would take a hard look at why you're doing this. I'm not saying don't do it, but how unhappy are you with your looks?

I know some people who are happy after one surgery. I know some people continually find "flaws" in themselves and keep using surgery as means of medicating those flaws.

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I know what its like to want plastic surgery. I have a bump in my nose and I absolutely HATED it when I was your age. I'm almost 22 now and it doesn't bother me as much, but I still want it fixed.

How do your parents feel about this? Have you talked to them and had a serious conversation with them about it? If you decide to get it done, don't just do it alone. Talk to them about it. I'm sure they will understand and be there for you.