Youth & Plastic Surgery


Well-known member
thats absolutely your choice, and if you wanted it since 11, u think you know better if you need it or no. One thing you gotta be aware of - there always stays the risk. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, you shoul just know that, that anestesia is a risk, and the results may not satisfy you. If after all that you are still down for having a surgery, you should go for it. also, 20-30 percents of nose jobs require 2nd surgery after that.

I strongly believe that if you want it, you should do it as early as possible. 18-19 for sure. Because seriously, you won't start to love your nose ever, why let it spoil your whole life? 18 is early for a boob job, bit for nose its ok. All the bones there are in the state they wont grow no more, so you can operate them. I had a surgery on my nose 1 year ago, i was 18. So i feel your pain. My nose had some breathing problems, so i needed it, and also, there was a little bump i hated completely, I was always told i'm beautiful etc, but that lil thing was killing me. So i asked my doc like... if we operate it anyways, can we get rid of the bump???And he said yes
I recovered pretty fast from it. So see, i get you

THe other tip is - never ever go to budget surgeons. Thats too big risk. Its better to save up and go to a well-known one. Plastic surgeries cant be insured. But a well-known doc will just do his job really good. And well, i believe you should relly let your family know what you are going to do. There should be someone to help you. at least a good friend, but the family should know at least.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Even though you nose, unlike fattier parts of your body (breasts, stomach), won't change, the facial features around them may. Some people realize, after all the crazy puberty changes, that quirky ears, an imperfect nose, etc. aren't so bad looking


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I would wait, I think you are very young and a lot of girls are very self conscious at that age. But the more you age, the more you grow your self-confidence as well. I don't like my nose either, but I wouldn't get surgergy, everyone has their flaws. I personally think getting surgery at such a young age, or most types of cosmetic surgeries, are plain dumb and warping how society views the bodies of women. Sorry, that's my opinion.

I would def wait a few more years though, you might not care about it in a few years and wish you'd spent your money on something else.

And, sorry I know everyone says that if it makes you happier, go for surgery, but sorry I just think there is something so wrong with this advice !! We shouldn't need surgery to be able to feel good about ourselves...

I agree. I have a pretty decent sized nose but due to my Greek background, it has a bit of a bump! I hated it through my teens, I even used to wear my hair out all the time in the hope it would 'hide' it.

I am now 25 and have come to love my nose and its slight asymmetry.

With society becoming a little more lax on teen surgery, it should be borne in mind that with every procedure comes risks and for some people, surgery can be a life changing experience. Just make sure it is for the better (ie. you do it to please yourself) and not to impress others or to look like someone else.

And above all, if you do take the plunge, please make sure its a realistic change! Seeing a friend go from a Streisand to a Jolie nose is not only obvious, but it has totally changed her face.


Well-known member
ah revinn, it sounds like you've done your research and I'm glad to know you've saved up the $$ for this so you must have been considering this for a long time. You are an adult, a young one so in the end it will be your choice but personally I would hold off and give this some more consideration.

I do wish society weren't so freaking hard on women! We're supposed to do it all. Obtain a career, good marriage, raise children and while you're at it, we're also supposed to achieve unrealistic standards of beauty. When you look at fashion magazines, it's no longer just the tall, twiggy girls with no boobs and chicken legs that are supposed to represent female perfection. Now we're also supposed to complete with animated depictions of female perfection that portray the female form with Barbie doll legs, breasts and an even more unrealistic tiny little waist. Look also to the likes of Dita von Teese, who has trained her waist to be so small. I actually think it looks disproportionate but hey, what she's done in the name of beauty.

It is your choice. Look deep within and ask yourself whether or not you really, really need to do this in order to feel better about yourself. Question whether you really think you'll be satisfied with this or are you going to find some other imperfection to obsess over?

Think about what else you can do with the $$ you've saved and if you will regret it later when you have your new nose and can't afford a down payment on a new car, new home or that trip around the world you've always dreamed of.

Just think about it OK?


Well-known member
Well I don't like my nose either, I'm really self-consious about my whole face but I wouldn't do it. I don't believe in plastic surgery.


Well-known member
Iam really torn in the issue of plastic sugery, seriously.
I believe that nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws/things the dislike (or even hate) about themselves. I personally believe a person should first find out why they are so unhappy about something, and i believe that a person should work on themselves mentally, to accept and love themselves just how they are.
But i still don't think plastic sugery is completely wrong. Sometimes people just really desperately want to 'fix' something they believe is wrong with themselves. But i tend to judge on the circumstances.
It saddens me when someone who is clearly fine resorts to plastic surgery to fix minor flaws, or things that most people wouldn't even notice anyway; and then they go on to find find even more flaws to fix, in the ultimate quest for perfectionism. (is that a word? lol)
The beautiful thing about the human body is how different everyone's body is, and i believe we should all learn to love ourselves before resorting to try to 'fix' ourselves.
I just think that someone who undergoes so much plastic surgery that they are virtually irrecognisable compared to how they looked before, is fake. I'm sorry but that's my opinon.
If it helps you gain self-confidence and you are completely 100% sure you want to do this, go for it. Just don't become a plastic barbie.


Well-known member
if that's what you want, i say go for it...but read up on it first. educate yourself and know the risks.

i'm nineteen and my forehead goes from here to texas, and let me tell you if i ever have the money to get it fixed i'll be damned if anyone can stop me.