Wow, thank you for your lovely replies. I didn't really want to bring my problems onto this forum as make up is one of my escape mechanisms, but I am really touched by the kind replies and feel a bit better about it. We've had a really crap day, although she was lovely and happy in the morning (bit too happy actually considering how upset she was last night, she was crying for ages about how rubbish her life is) and was preparing to go to one of her friend's party, then got really angry because my husband broke a jar in the kitchen and I shouted at them not to come in (they all wanted to check it out, but there was bits of glass all over the place) and then refused to go to the party. She screamed at me for ages, told me I'd spoilt her day (and life), then cried that she's missed the party, her emotions were just all over the place. She spent the whole day in her pyjamas as she wouldn't get dressed, had no supper, wrote nasty songs about her little brother, but then was very sweet and good at bath time and is now in bed, although not asleep yet. I've had the worst headache all day and was really irritable, which is of course not good for the other two either.
It was CAMHS that fobbed us off, but I'm going back to our GP on Monday because she's really changed since mid-December, so maybe we can be referred to them again as well as paed. Thanks again everyone!