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Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your family problems, it sounds ever so distressing.

In other news, if anyone wants some MAC that's sold out - Selfridges have several pieces online - I just ordered Siahi fluidline! Wahey! Soiree is still sold out, as are the paintpots I think. I didn't expect Mickey Contractor to be up on there!

They don't have Stylishly Yours, though - I've just checked :(

I've been a fool - I had Play It Proper sitting in my basket at MAC while I tried to decide whether I needed it or just wanted it, and now it's gone.


Well-known member
Yes, I noticed. I only buy staples in full size pigments so I didn't pay much attention to their availability - seems this collection is just on right?

I also got Chez Chez Lame - I shouldve phoned MACpro for it, but I have placed 3 orders this week and spoken to the same girl each time, so I would feel creepy hahhaha.


Well-known member
Wow, thank you for your lovely replies. I didn't really want to bring my problems onto this forum as make up is one of my escape mechanisms, but I am really touched by the kind replies and feel a bit better about it. We've had a really crap day, although she was lovely and happy in the morning (bit too happy actually considering how upset she was last night, she was crying for ages about how rubbish her life is) and was preparing to go to one of her friend's party, then got really angry because my husband broke a jar in the kitchen and I shouted at them not to come in (they all wanted to check it out, but there was bits of glass all over the place) and then refused to go to the party. She screamed at me for ages, told me I'd spoilt her day (and life), then cried that she's missed the party, her emotions were just all over the place. She spent the whole day in her pyjamas as she wouldn't get dressed, had no supper, wrote nasty songs about her little brother, but then was very sweet and good at bath time and is now in bed, although not asleep yet. I've had the worst headache all day and was really irritable, which is of course not good for the other two either. :(

It was CAMHS that fobbed us off, but I'm going back to our GP on Monday because she's really changed since mid-December, so maybe we can be referred to them again as well as paed. Thanks again everyone!
yes that does sound like a really stressful day for all of your family. i really hope that you get things sorted soon - because it must be dreadful for her to have her emotions all over the place like that and also for the rest of you trying to calm her down and keep her moods on a level.

oh and yes wasnt stylishly yours an online only collection? that is most likely why it isnt up on selfridges site. and me and nick have got a week off work at the end of Feb and we are 100% going to York cco on the first day of the holiday! lol!


Well-known member
I did a psychology degree and my younger sister's been through depression so I know a little bit. If there's depression in your family (there is in mine) it's probably a chemical imbalance in her brain that meds can sort until she feels more 'sorted' and confident, talking to a therapist might help (my sister didn't want to know when she was 15), but your best bet is just being as positive as possible and remembering that she will get through it eventually. If there is a trigger (something that's happened, maybe bullying or boy troubles - not sure how old she is sorry!) then you need her to trust you and explain what's going on, as they say a problem shared is a problem halved! It could also just be a teenage thing, just be there for her and watch out for bad influences friend-wise! Hope you get something sorted soon xxxxxxx

Also! Try St Johns Wort, 5HTP or Evening Primrose Oil to calm her down a bit? You can get them from Holland and Barrett.


Well-known member
Hi Laura, Thanks for your suggestions, but she is only 6, so hopefully it's not boy trouble lol. As she is so young, I'm not sure if we can make some of the ideas work, and she's not very willing to talk to people, but will see what happens. I'm really grateful for everyone who's replied and shared their experiences/advice, or just encouragement, it means a lot to me. You are all such nice people, I'm really glad I've started posting here, it's such a lovely community! xxx

I did a psychology degree and my younger sister's been through depression so I know a little bit. If there's depression in your family (there is in mine) it's probably a chemical imbalance in her brain that meds can sort until she feels more 'sorted' and confident, talking to a therapist might help (my sister didn't want to know when she was 15), but your best bet is just being as positive as possible and remembering that she will get through it eventually. If there is a trigger (something that's happened, maybe bullying or boy troubles - not sure how old she is sorry!) then you need her to trust you and explain what's going on, as they say a problem shared is a problem halved! It could also just be a teenage thing, just be there for her and watch out for bad influences friend-wise! Hope you get something sorted soon xxxxxxx

Also! Try St Johns Wort, 5HTP or Evening Primrose Oil to calm her down a bit? You can get them from Holland and Barrett.


Well-known member
Anitacska -
My little brother has bipolar disorder and has done since he was 12 (he's 17 now). We were told by CAMHS that bipolar disorder is very rare in under 18's, and normally something triggers it (stress, sexual abuse, loss of someone/pet, divorce etc) but from what you've described it does seem quite likely. The NHS and CAMHS have both been pretty useless so I know exactly what you're going through, but please persist and don't give up cause they can give a lot of help (eventually!) to you and your family. Until then, all I can say is keep a sense of normality - don't not punish your daughter when she's naughty because you're concerned about her (my parents did exactly that and now my brother thinks he can get away with anything. Some parts of bipolar are just wanting attention.) and keep a routine.
Oh, and make a diary - write all episodes good or bad in it, and take note of how your daughter seems to be feeling. when you see the GP or CAMHS, show them it - it gives you a bit of back up and allows you to describe her behaviour and emotions a bit more accurately, and that should get you an accurate diagnosis quicker.

Apart from that, all I can say is good luck and I really hope it isn't bipolar!

Wannabe Junkie

Well-known member
Wow, thank you for your lovely replies. I didn't really want to bring my problems onto this forum as make up is one of my escape mechanisms, but I am really touched by the kind replies and feel a bit better about it. We've had a really crap day, although she was lovely and happy in the morning (bit too happy actually considering how upset she was last night, she was crying for ages about how rubbish her life is) and was preparing to go to one of her friend's party, then got really angry because my husband broke a jar in the kitchen and I shouted at them not to come in (they all wanted to check it out, but there was bits of glass all over the place) and then refused to go to the party. She screamed at me for ages, told me I'd spoilt her day (and life), then cried that she's missed the party, her emotions were just all over the place. She spent the whole day in her pyjamas as she wouldn't get dressed, had no supper, wrote nasty songs about her little brother, but then was very sweet and good at bath time and is now in bed, although not asleep yet. I've had the worst headache all day and was really irritable, which is of course not good for the other two either. :(

It was CAMHS that fobbed us off, but I'm going back to our GP on Monday because she's really changed since mid-December, so maybe we can be referred to them again as well as paed. Thanks again everyone!
Sorry I haven't seen this sooner. We're seeing PCAHMS currently and I'm sure the lady said if anything changed you could arrange further visits. I'm also shocked that it's a long wait to see Educational Psychologist, that was really the break through for us in getting in to the system. The Paed appointment was excellent too, I hope that your appointment will be as constructive. It must be very stressful for all of you having to wait when it is obviously effecting her so much.

I hope the GP can offer some assistance. Lots of hugs for you too, it must be so upsetting, especially as she's so young.


Well-known member
I didn't realise you were having trouble too, Jane. She has actually been seen by the Ed Pshyc, but we haven't seen the report, although I think that was on a pretty good day anyway. I didn't go to the GP after all, will wait out the paed appt now, wouldn't be seen sooner anyway.

We had a fairly good day today, morning wasn't too good, had to force-dress her, and she ended up taking her tights and shoes off at school (this is her new thing), and it was a massive struggle to get them back on her again when I picked her up, but once we were home she changed into her pyjamas and was happy all afternoon/evening. We're gonna get a cat (hopefully at the weekend) and she's really excited about it, it's going to be her cat, hope it helps with her emotions too.

Thanks again for everyone's comments, I'm really overwhelmed and grateful. Hugs back at all of you!

Oh and back to the actual topic, can't remember who said they wanted Play It Proper, but I've just noticed it's back in stock on the website!!!

Sorry I haven't seen this sooner. We're seeing PCAHMS currently and I'm sure the lady said if anything changed you could arrange further visits. I'm also shocked that it's a long wait to see Educational Psychologist, that was really the break through for us in getting in to the system. The Paed appointment was excellent too, I hope that your appointment will be as constructive. It must be very stressful for all of you having to wait when it is obviously effecting her so much.
I hope the GP can offer some assistance. Lots of hugs for you too, it must be so upsetting, especially as she's so young.


Well-known member
^ getting a cat may be good for her. hen i was younger i used to love cuddling my guinea pigs and chatting to them about my day - it will be good for her to have a furry friend like that :)


Well-known member
The eyeliner looks like a crayola pen and the packaging is so vile. I thought VV was childish but kitch but this is like preschool artstuff with stickers on. I don't understand how they could go from querky cute hello kitty to this.


Well-known member
I have to say, this oversized packaging is putting me off, I think this will also mean MAC feel it will be acceptable to jack up the prices further.

I love the blue quad - I do have one Deep Truth, but I like the other 3 colours so I would probably buy it. I'd also get the lipstick but I do hope there are several colours. I love the MSF compact.

I don't know how I feel about the new Gagas. I don't own much neutral browns. I hope further swatches will show them to be more nude.


Well-known member
I definitely won't be buying the WW eyeliner, or the Gaga lip products. Unless the 3rd WW quad is amazing, I won't be buying that, either. I like the WW lipgloss, but if it's too expensive I won't be buying that either.

Surely there has to be more than one WW lipstick? I quite like the one that was shown on the video, but will wait to see if there is another.

The WW compact I like, but not struck on the MSF, especially since I don't use bronzers. If they do one like that but just a mirror, then I might just be tempted.


Well-known member
I don't like the Gaga lip products either, I don't do nude brown lips. (I also never got the light pink ones, I don't do light pink either.)


Well-known member
who is excited for peacocky? i'm super excited! i shall haul quite a bit because with wonder woman i'm not impressed with what i have seen so far so i wont be spending the extra that i thought i might have been - so now i can get a couple more shadows from peacocky! yay! :)


Well-known member
who is excited for peacocky? i'm super excited! i shall haul quite a bit because with wonder woman i'm not impressed with what i have seen so far so i wont be spending the extra that i thought i might have been - so now i can get a couple more shadows from peacocky! yay! :)

I wonder if your position has changed now there are pictures for the rest of the Wonder Woman collection?


Well-known member
I wonder if your position has changed now there are pictures for the rest of the Wonder Woman collection?
hmm still nothing grabs me, i might get a lippie and the mirror, i doubt it though


Well-known member
who is excited for peacocky? i'm super excited! i shall haul quite a bit because with wonder woman i'm not impressed with what i have seen so far so i wont be spending the extra that i thought i might have been - so now i can get a couple more shadows from peacocky! yay! :)

I can't wait for Peacocky. I loved the Starflash collections, so I'm guessing this one will be a winner for me... though am a little disappointed I won't be able to fit these shadows into my 15 pan palettes.

Not really feeling WW - I think it's refreshing to have some very different packaging and I love how everything is larger than life, just can't see myself actually using it!
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