Inglot Cosmetics - European/Polish brand


Well-known member
This is sooo disappointing to hear they up the price on the freedom system! i have been wanting to try Ingot eyeshadows forever..but $80 for a palatte..idk :(


Well-known member
I just got back from my trip to NY, with 2 more 10-pan palettes. The Freedom palette price goes up in May, to $70 US. They changed the date because of the uproar. I don't know why it has to be such a significant increase. What a shame. I think I managed to get all of the shadows I wanted (that were in stock), and sort of wish I had checked out more of the gel liners (I have 3). I've not used them as bases - my lids are uncooperative with anything but LORAC's Behind the Scenes....but perhaps I'll check them out again in Las Vegas.

Maybe if enough people continue to complain, they'll reconsider. They're also going to have a 20-pan palette, as well as a palette that's just the magnetic base with no insert. I don't use their palettes because they're so blasted heavy, and too difficult to get the shadows out (I travel, so need something lighter and more flexible in terms of putting different shades in). They fit in the MAC palettes, but need magnets if you don't want them bouncing around.


Well-known member
I know it seemed like one hell of a mark up but if you break it down per shadow its still a bargain. I'm glad to hear that the increase will not happen until May. Gives me some more time to get a few more things. The mark up was mainly on the Freedom System. I have to say even with the mark up I will still purchase from Inglot. The quality is great for what you are or will be paying.


Well-known member
say whaaaaat ?!?!?! i wonder if they're going to increase them over here too , i'm going there tomorrow night for sure


Well-known member
I think it is quite sad that they think this is a good move. We in the UK all knew there would be a price increase on most things because of the rise in VAT but their price hike is no way just to cover the VAT. They only have one store that I know of which is in Westfields so I doubt it is to do with having to pay rent on other properties..I did think maybe it was because they might also be opening in the other new Westfields ventures that are happening around London. If everyone around the world is facing the same then that cannot be it.

The biggest reason that people went there was because it was a cheaper version of MAC. You could get five very well pigmented eyeshadows for the price of one MAC one..(ish). This price increase is doing them no favours and the fact that they've put it off because people are up in arms about it doesn't hold much water with me. That's just like saying instead of kicking your arse now, I'll give you a last minute respite..but be careful because your arse will be kicked one day in the future.


Well-known member
apparently they held off on the price increase in USA because of the all the negative hype it created. so the 10 shadow palettes are $50. I just wish they had an online ordering system.


Well-known member
I was just in Vegas and the Ceasers store was out of stock on so much but luckly town square had a lot. I got two 10 square and one five round plus 3 individual and the gel liner. Ok so this is my perspective yeah the price increase sucks but really I mean still compare it to MAC prices it still close to half as much for the 10 square plus there is more product in them so really not that bad IMO. This was my first massive haul from them I and I love the eyeshadows there just as good as MAC IMO. I hope they start opening more stores love a local one I am sure I would own way more if they were local.


Active member
Hey folks~

Just wanted to share this with you guys if you have not heard of Inglot before, or have heard of it but don't know much. I went to Montreal a couple months ago and filmed some footage of the store. I also have some pictures on my blog, but I don't think I'm allowed to put the link here. You can find it through the info box of my this video though if you watch it on the youtube site. I'm not affiliated with inglot by the way (although I wish I was!), but I really do love what the company offers. I hope you find it useful =)
Inglot now has a online website for purchasing products in the USA!!!! The website is!! Only US customers for now!!


Well-known member
I have a feeling Inglot miscalculated a couple of things when they started expanding a few years.

- They probably undervalued their product to begin with, but that was probably based on their costs when they were a smaller, Euro-only company. Plus I'm sure they didn't want to price themselves too high in a new market.

- They expanded too quickly. They opened here in Montreal, and then several locations in Ontario - which they had to close shortly thereafter. They probably lost a lot of capital doing that.

- They had crap marketing - no one knew who they were in North America! They should have been more aggressive about getting placed at makeup shows, and working with traditional print media and bloggers early on.

- They kept changing the freedom palette set-up, developing new base palettes and how the system worked. It was really annoying, and it's obvious now that they didn't have a proper cost-benefit analysis done.

I'm sure that the price increase isn't them just being greedy, but a natural consequence of those initial losses and the costs they didn't factor in properly. I don't doubt they really do need to increase prices in order to be sustainable. It's just shocking that it's so much so quickly.

That said, they are such good products, even at the higher prices. I think they are worth the increased price.


Well-known member
Wow. I just placed an order on their website - utterly painful! You have to basically know which '10' (or whatever size Freedom Palette you're getting) shadows you want before you place them in your cart. If you don't pay attention to the little box that tells you how much you have in your cart (dollar-wise, not quantity-wise) you end up having to start over as it doesn't calculate how many (in this case) shadows you already have chosen. What a pain! Not only that, the shadows are not in numerical sequence. I had written down the ones I wanted to get, and it took me about 20 minutes to find them all. Good thing I don't intend to order anything else from them. I wanted to get one last palette before the prices go up. Yikes. Don't know if it was worth it......I ended up paying $8 for shipping, but since I won't get to a store before the end of May (and price increases) I figured I'd go for it. I also got the #59 pigment.

Not customer/user friendly by any stretch of the imagination. Those of you close enough to a store are lucky.

I do like these shadows quite a bit, though - even more than most of my MAC (of which I have MANY) - these are very smooth, pigmented, and stay put. Very high quality for $4.50 per. I have to say that I hate the palettes though - no way to get the eye shadows out without potentially harming them, and they're HEAVY. If you don't travel, they're fine. But not something you want to have to lug in your suitcase. The round ones do fit in the MAC empty palettes, so that's good, BUT, they're doing away with the round shadows for the Freedom system.

I also heard they're coming out with a 20-pan palette soon.


Well-known member
^^ Actually, they probably will - I don't have any square ones yet, but I would imagine most of the 10, if not all, would fit - I'm hoping mine come in the little plastic sleeves and not in the palette - I don't like the idea of trying to pry them out to put them in a MAC palette.......


Well-known member
Just a quick FYI because I learned the hard way. Use the magnet in the lid to lift the eyeshadow free of the palette. I tried using tweezers and a spatula and no matter how careful I was I nicked a few shadows. Thankfully they were soft enough to be smoothed out with a pass of my finger. Place the magnet on the corner of the pan and it should lift right out. HTH.


Well-known member
Wow, what a great idea!! I hadn't thought of that - thank you! I nicked a couple of mine too - I hate when that happens! Now if I could only figure out how to de-pot the ones in the round plastic containers (the big ones) - I bought several of them in NY and honestly, there seems to be NO way to get them out. I think if I break the outer pot I can get them out, but haven't yet tried.


Well-known member
Wow, what a great idea!! I hadn't thought of that - thank you! I nicked a couple of mine too - I hate when that happens! Now if I could only figure out how to de-pot the ones in the round plastic containers (the big ones) - I bought several of them in NY and honestly, there seems to be NO way to get them out. I think if I break the outer pot I can get them out, but haven't yet tried.
Let me know if it works. I have a few of them as well and I would love to add them to a palette.


Well-known member
Wow. I just placed an order on their website - utterly painful! You have to basically know which '10' (or whatever size Freedom Palette you're getting) shadows you want before you place them in your cart. If you don't pay attention to the little box that tells you how much you have in your cart (dollar-wise, not quantity-wise) you end up having to start over as it doesn't calculate how many (in this case) shadows you already have chosen. What a pain! Not only that, the shadows are not in numerical sequence. I had written down the ones I wanted to get, and it took me about 20 minutes to find them all. Good thing I don't intend to order anything else from them. I wanted to get one last palette before the prices go up. Yikes. Don't know if it was worth it......I ended up paying $8 for shipping, but since I won't get to a store before the end of May (and price increases) I figured I'd go for it. I also got the #59 pigment.

Not customer/user friendly by any stretch of the imagination. Those of you close enough to a store are lucky.

I do like these shadows quite a bit, though - even more than most of my MAC (of which I have MANY) - these are very smooth, pigmented, and stay put. Very high quality for $4.50 per. I have to say that I hate the palettes though - no way to get the eye shadows out without potentially harming them, and they're HEAVY. If you don't travel, they're fine. But not something you want to have to lug in your suitcase. The round ones do fit in the MAC empty palettes, so that's good, BUT, they're doing away with the round shadows for the Freedom system.

I also heard they're coming out with a 20-pan palette soon.

They are really hard to get out! A while ago I wanted to change the order of the colours in the pans, I had to use a needle down the side of each pan to carefully lift it out. A bit of a pain!

I believe I have seen the 20 pan palette here in Europe - it was a huuuuuge square palette, it fit (I think) about 20 of the larger shadow pans, or you could fill it with eyeshadows, blushes, powders, etc. I remember the salesgirl showing it to me and saying it was very popular with makeup artists, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head at the size of the thing.


Well-known member
^^ That thing has to weigh a ton!

I've been noodling on how I might be able to remove the larger shadows.....I think if I use pliers to break the plastic component I may be able to get to the pan. I'll have to experiment with one I don't care as much about, which could be hard......I think these will fit into the Graftobian palettes, which are quite nice. I'll let you know if I'm successful -

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