The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


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[quote name="Bonitinha" url="/forum/thread/174086/the-chanel-ratonas-off-topic-thread/930#post_2112027"] Cheryl -- I am so jealous of all the fabulous find you have been spotting! I really need to get to TJ Maax! Hopefully this week. I have been adding different decor to my kitchen and girls rooms. I need to go to the Home Goods store to find more stuff!

Elegant -- you are still getting more Shines -- I love it!!
I have been applying the Shines over my regular lipstick so they feel more like balm! We are so spoiled now.

Bis -- pretty colors -- love Iron Maiden

[/quote] It's a really great colour, thanks to HG for the tip. To be honest I mostly got it for the name ;) And what a surprise, it's a great shade to wear as well. The longer I have those sheer lipsticks, the more I like them actually. They apply like a lipstick (meaning I do not have to put them in the liquids bag at the airport), but they are low maintenance like a gloss. Hope you all had a happy Easter and a good time. HG, enjoy your trip and Antigone is so worth it.


Specktra Bestie
katred.. gorgeous bags.. quality like my Tod's.. love it... does she sell online only?

anyway, you look gorgeous as always..

gotta run.. it's dinner time here !!
Thanks very much HG! My condolences on your aunt. I hope you're doing well under the circumstances.

As for the purses, she does sell in stores, but for the moment, I believe it's only stores in Canada. Other than that, it's on line only.


Well-known member
Oh no!!

All the tutorials I've seen of LMdB products the artists have been using the cheaper one so I was curious which one you tried. I was hoping you'd tried and loved the cheaper one! Do you set your undereye concealer with anything? I use the Laura Mercier Secret Brightening powder and I find it make a HUGE difference. I'm tempted to try LMdB version as well but I should USE WHAT I HAVE FIRST!!!!


Well-known member
I've tried the LMdB Eye Brightening & Setting Powder...found it too drying to use under my eyes, but it makes an awesome under brow highlighter.

ETA...I too am sorry to hear about your loss HG. Take care, and enjoy the fun part of your trip.


Well-known member
Oh no!!

All the tutorials I've seen of LMdB products the artists have been using the cheaper one so I was curious which one you tried. I was hoping you'd tried and loved the cheaper one! Do you set your undereye concealer with anything? I use the Laura Mercier Secret Brightening powder and I find it make a HUGE difference. I'm tempted to try LMdB version as well but I should USE WHAT I HAVE FIRST!!!!
I usually use Mac's P&P setting powder. But, I normally wear a waterproof concealer which doesn't need any setting.

So I should have tried the cheaper one
One of the reasons I got the one I did was because of the review on cafe makeup. This one has all the goodies for the skin around the eye area. I am happy to report tonight that while it did fade a bit, it didn't cake, crease at all. And, when I removed it a bit ago, the skin under my eyes was amazingly soft. I think this is a great one to just put on in the morning whether you are going anywhere or not. It isn't a full coverage so if that is what you want, this probably isn't it. It has a lovely feel/application to it.


Well-known member

ty to all who express their condolences -- I really appreciate it and see all of you as an extension of family now.. love you all!!
my aunt is finally pain free and at peace..

meanwhile I had my mu done for me by a young Chanel mua -- and for the first time, I realized how scary I may seem to so many.. it scared me

He didn't know what to do for a few minutes because he saw that I obviously know what I like and that I obviously know mu (in fact he said he thought he saw me somewhere.. to which I said, nah and smiled). I think my whole arsenal of personal brushes may have tipped him off... lol. He used the quad on me, and I really liked the dark green effect on my eyes but I did not buy it because I wouldn't use that shade of green all that much. I did not want a peachy face, so I went with a Rose Temptation blush again and the effect of the green with the Roses was lovely..Chance on the lips.. but I still prefer my Romance to Chance.. ha.

I actually bought the ES duo khaki clair.. and I love the shade of the lighter yellowed cream as well as the green which is more user friendly to me.
I got another Jersey Rose since I left mine at home and one more bu of Monte Carlo.. lol. This is a disease I tell you.

Right now I am packing as I leave @ 5 am to airport and then to first leg of trip south. For those of you who know the Rrrrrrrramon story, I won't meet him until Saturday when I am done working, and we will be having lunch before we go to his farm.. the wildman has one thing going for him, he is rock stable.. which to me is a big plus for now. Very solid and non flako.

I was not impressed with the technique of the Chanel mua -- he was good, but hell, I am better.. lol


Well-known member
LOL - Another MC! I love that color - heck I love all of them.

You know, I totally understand the MUA thing. Maybe its because we're older, know what we like & perhaps set in our ways. Nordies asked if I wanted one the MUA flying in for the event to do a makeover on me & I said no ;) Unless they are some crazy awesome MUA I don't want them mauling my face

Have fun on the rest of your fantastic voyage


Specktra Bestie
Hope that you have a wonderful time on your adventure with Rrrrrrrrramon! I hope he shows you a wonderful time. I don't blame you for getting a Jersey Rose backup, either. It's the most perfect go-everywhere colour!

I now have these visions of the MUA sort of trembling in front of you, trying to do something that would please you. I've only had my makeup done a few times. The best experience was at NARS, where the girl at least understood when I told her I was fine if she wanted to do something bold. Other times, it's just come out looking like something I'd do myself. I don't need to have my makeup done by a stranger to have it look like what I can do at home. I suppose that, the more experience with our own faces we get, the more expertise we have in how to make them look their best. Others can't really compete...

Miss QQ

Well-known member
lol Enjoy the new makeup and the backup items, HG. I want to pick up Jersey Rose too. Have fun at the farm!


Well-known member
HG ~ I'm so sorry for your loss
. Wish you and your family strength to cope with it.

I miss you lovely ladies
. Hope everyone is doing fine!

Thank you for the anniversary wishes
We went for a picnic at a palace garden. Found a secluded spot where it feels like the garden belongs to the two of us

Birgit ~ Thank you for the swatch! I think I'll be skipping Iron Maiden for now... maybe in autumn. So far I never reached out for a purple lippie in warmer months.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by mrslid Oh no!!
All the tutorials I've seen of LMdB products the artists have been using the cheaper one so I was curious which one you tried. I was hoping you'd tried and loved the cheaper one! Do you set your undereye concealer with anything? I use the Laura Mercier Secret Brightening powder and I find it make a HUGE difference. I'm tempted to try LMdB version as well but I should USE WHAT I HAVE FIRST!!!!

I used to use this as well. Now I use MAC P&P. I'm not sure I can tell a difference. Perhaps I could if I used MAC on one eye and LM on the other.

I don't like people messing around my face either, the exception is facials.

HG--that e/s duo sounds lovely. I hope you have a great trip.


Well-known member
Hi girls......

I'm thinking of getting another Monte Carlo too - that one is my fave I think -

I'm skipping the Dior Aurore bronzer - I don't want peachy.

Wore Joyeuse again the other day - gosh, I love that shade!!

I have also been using my new NARS colors - and have to say that I see what all the raves are about.......oh goodie, another line to obsess about! But seriously, I hadn't shown the NARS stuff I have much love, and have been trying to pay more attention to it along with some new goodies I ordered from the NARS site - a couple of these will become staples for me (Bohemian Gold eye shadow duo and Sin blush) and I think I now have to check out Deep Throat blush given the thumbs-up from some of the ladies here!

HG, have a great trip - look forward to hearing the details when you get back!

I think I might try the LM setting powder - I didn't get the results on the LMdB concealer that you did, Elegant, so I passed on it (I had a sample to use). I'm back with my MUFE Lift concealer which seems to do the trick for my needs.

Michelle, now's the time to hit Home Goods - they're getting a ton of stuff in for summer - I love that store! It's hard to control oneself - I walk around with stuff in my cart and usually end up putting things back. My mother laughs at me about that but I say, hey, at least I'm not buying stuff I ultimately don't want. Walking around with it gives me time to think about it. And I've learned the hard way to grab it when I see it, and decide while I shop. Too many times I've said 'maybe', only to go back and find it gone. That actually happened at Brighton the other snooze, you lose!

And on a totally random note, men at work are total pooter-heads. It's like dealing with children. And I'm getting too old to be their mother. My 'quick' rant is, they don't actually listen (they hear, but are not active listeners), they're more interested in what THEY have to say, and they don't fight fair. And I'm about fed up enough to vamoose. But I won't, cuz I have 2 kids in college (or will have this summer). So it will have to wait a few years. Heavens, can I put up with it for that long?


Well-known member
Michelle, now's the time to hit Home Goods - they're getting a ton of stuff in for summer - I love that store! It's hard to control oneself - I walk around with stuff in my cart and usually end up putting things back. My mother laughs at me about that but I say, hey, at least I'm not buying stuff I ultimately don't want. Walking around with it gives me time to think about it. And I've learned the hard way to grab it when I see it, and decide while I shop. Too many times I've said 'maybe', only to go back and find it gone. That actually happened at Brighton the other snooze, you lose!
I had to laugh -- I do the exact same thing. Even at Target or wherever -- sometimes I load up my cart and then I think "what am I doing??" and then put it back. Or sometimes I do buy it all LOL
I think I'll hit up Home Goods and the regular TJ's this Friday to see what treasures I can find!
That is hilarious what you wrote about the men you work with. Some people are just impossible -- good for you, though, that you can rise above and show 'em how it's done

Glad you are loving your Nars stuff. I only have lipglosses from Nars --- but I guess I should venture out!


Well-known member
I'm just so tired of bad manners. And it's endemic. I work in a male-dominated company and there are pockets of just plain bad behavior from a professionalism standpoint. And no matter how much I try to 'coach' and lead by example, there's just no teaching some people. I would really like to work with people who respect other people - maybe in my next position. Or maybe I should just work out my early retirement plan so I have an 'end' in sight.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi girls......

I'm thinking of getting another Monte Carlo too - that one is my fave I think -

I'm skipping the Dior Aurore bronzer - I don't want peachy.

Wore Joyeuse again the other day - gosh, I love that shade!!

I have also been using my new NARS colors - and have to say that I see what all the raves are about.......oh goodie, another line to obsess about! But seriously, I hadn't shown the NARS stuff I have much love, and have been trying to pay more attention to it along with some new goodies I ordered from the NARS site - a couple of these will become staples for me (Bohemian Gold eye shadow duo and Sin blush) and I think I now have to check out Deep Throat blush given the thumbs-up from some of the ladies here!

HG, have a great trip - look forward to hearing the details when you get back!

I think I might try the LM setting powder - I didn't get the results on the LMdB concealer that you did, Elegant, so I passed on it (I had a sample to use). I'm back with my MUFE Lift concealer which seems to do the trick for my needs.

Michelle, now's the time to hit Home Goods - they're getting a ton of stuff in for summer - I love that store! It's hard to control oneself - I walk around with stuff in my cart and usually end up putting things back. My mother laughs at me about that but I say, hey, at least I'm not buying stuff I ultimately don't want. Walking around with it gives me time to think about it. And I've learned the hard way to grab it when I see it, and decide while I shop. Too many times I've said 'maybe', only to go back and find it gone. That actually happened at Brighton the other snooze, you lose!

And on a totally random note, men at work are total pooter-heads. It's like dealing with children. And I'm getting too old to be their mother. My 'quick' rant is, they don't actually listen (they hear, but are not active listeners), they're more interested in what THEY have to say, and they don't fight fair. And I'm about fed up enough to vamoose. But I won't, cuz I have 2 kids in college (or will have this summer). So it will have to wait a few years. Heavens, can I put up with it for that long?
Hi! I put on Monte-carlo again today (from the blister sample) and its so pretty. Best of all it fades off to a nice even stain. I haven't pick it up yet though heehee... Joyeuse, I have forgotten about it. Time to pull it out again. :) Nars is lovely. I don't have a lot of Nars because I can't buy it here, but I love what I have. Deep Throat is one of them and you should check it out! I totally agree with you about the men at work. *hugs for you* If you find a way to put up with it, let us know. I cope by buying makeup...

I just noticed you are an advisor! Congrats! I must be late to realise it.


Well-known member
Michelle, now's the time to hit Home Goods - they're getting a ton of stuff in for summer - I love that store! It's hard to control oneself - I walk around with stuff in my cart and usually end up putting things back. My mother laughs at me about that but I say, hey, at least I'm not buying stuff I ultimately don't want. Walking around with it gives me time to think about it. And I've learned the hard way to grab it when I see it, and decide while I shop. Too many times I've said 'maybe', only to go back and find it gone. That actually happened at Brighton the other snooze, you lose!
:) I do the exact same thing!!!^^^^

& yes, men def. can be pooter-heads

I agree Monte Carlo & Joyeuse are 2 of the best colors. Oh, you got to get a sample of LMdB - lucky you. I still want a waterproof concealer, but this will work for an everyday something for my eyes & hopefully have some goodies benefit - hopefully


Well-known member
Wow, I had never even heard of Home Goods! Looked at the web site and now I'm really bummed we don't have one....unless I drive 1.5 hours again.

Hugs to you Cheryl - hang in there!!!

Christa I just got LMdB Mystique today. It is a gorgeous cool pink - love it!

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