Specktra Bestie
Ugh, tell me about it. One of the nice things about my last two contracts is that they've been in decidedly "feminine" environments. Not that anyone's perfect, but I found it a lot easier to deal with. It shocks me how many young women have it in their heads that it's easier to work for or with men than women. I put that down to having not much experience and mostly working in entry-level positions. See how fun it is when you're of an age and at a level in a company where you're supposed to be accorded some respect. I've had some very good male co-workers, but I'd have to class a lot of them as "difficult".And on a totally random note, men at work are total pooter-heads. It's like dealing with children. And I'm getting too old to be their mother. My 'quick' rant is, they don't actually listen (they hear, but are not active listeners), they're more interested in what THEY have to say, and they don't fight fair. And I'm about fed up enough to vamoose. But I won't, cuz I have 2 kids in college (or will have this summer). So it will have to wait a few years. Heavens, can I put up with it for that long?
At the last non-contract job I had, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing marched around the Marketing Department one day ranting about how awful it was that one woman from the department had gone on maternity leave and how selfish and disruptive to the company it was that women took these leaves to have children... This in a department where most of the employees were women in their late twenties and early thirties. I had to corner him and tell him that it might not be the best idea to broadcast his views and his reaction was... to ask me if I was pregnant. Seriously, he once said to me separately that he didn't dare promote any of us because we were all likely to get pregnant and leave the company hanging. I kept looking for signs that he was joking.
I personally think that men are still socialised to associate listening and reflecting on things with weakness and speaking their mind with strength. More's the pity...

I did manage to pick up the Guerlain Terra Inca powder today... That's enough to put a summery, golden-tinged smile on my face...