The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Specktra Bestie
And on a totally random note, men at work are total pooter-heads. It's like dealing with children. And I'm getting too old to be their mother. My 'quick' rant is, they don't actually listen (they hear, but are not active listeners), they're more interested in what THEY have to say, and they don't fight fair. And I'm about fed up enough to vamoose. But I won't, cuz I have 2 kids in college (or will have this summer). So it will have to wait a few years. Heavens, can I put up with it for that long?
Ugh, tell me about it. One of the nice things about my last two contracts is that they've been in decidedly "feminine" environments. Not that anyone's perfect, but I found it a lot easier to deal with. It shocks me how many young women have it in their heads that it's easier to work for or with men than women. I put that down to having not much experience and mostly working in entry-level positions. See how fun it is when you're of an age and at a level in a company where you're supposed to be accorded some respect. I've had some very good male co-workers, but I'd have to class a lot of them as "difficult".

At the last non-contract job I had, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing marched around the Marketing Department one day ranting about how awful it was that one woman from the department had gone on maternity leave and how selfish and disruptive to the company it was that women took these leaves to have children... This in a department where most of the employees were women in their late twenties and early thirties. I had to corner him and tell him that it might not be the best idea to broadcast his views and his reaction was... to ask me if I was pregnant. Seriously, he once said to me separately that he didn't dare promote any of us because we were all likely to get pregnant and leave the company hanging. I kept looking for signs that he was joking.

I personally think that men are still socialised to associate listening and reflecting on things with weakness and speaking their mind with strength. More's the pity...



I did manage to pick up the Guerlain Terra Inca powder today... That's enough to put a summery, golden-tinged smile on my face...


Well-known member
Ugh, tell me about it. One of the nice things about my last two contracts is that they've been in decidedly "feminine" environments. Not that anyone's perfect, but I found it a lot easier to deal with. It shocks me how many young women have it in their heads that it's easier to work for or with men than women. I put that down to having not much experience and mostly working in entry-level positions. See how fun it is when you're of an age and at a level in a company where you're supposed to be accorded some respect. I've had some very good male co-workers, but I'd have to class a lot of them as "difficult".
At the last non-contract job I had, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing marched around the Marketing Department one day ranting about how awful it was that one woman from the department had gone on maternity leave and how selfish and disruptive to the company it was that women took these leaves to have children... This in a department where most of the employees were women in their late twenties and early thirties. I had to corner him and tell him that it might not be the best idea to broadcast his views and his reaction was... to ask me if I was pregnant. Seriously, he once said to me separately that he didn't dare promote any of us because we were all likely to get pregnant and leave the company hanging. I kept looking for signs that he was joking.

I personally think that men are still socialised to associate listening and reflecting on things with weakness and speaking their mind with strength. More's the pity...



I did manage to pick up the Guerlain Terra Inca powder today... That's enough to put a summery, golden-tinged smile on my face...
Ahhh - he admitted that to you? Man, that would qualify for a serious descrimination lawsuit, not to mention falling under sexual harassment also! Some people are such pigs!

Glad you got some Guerlain to make your day today! Woo hoo :)


Specktra Bestie
I think I might have actually toned down what he said a little- and he said it loudly. I swear, this guy was a transplant from the fifties. I kept expecting him to call me "honey" or something...

This Guerlain powder is amazing. I keep wanting to open it and just smell it... I suppose as sniffing powder goes, there are worse things I could be doing...


Well-known member
Christa I just got LMdB Mystique today. It is a gorgeous cool pink - love it!
Oohhh really!! I'm dying for these to come to NM so I can order them all! So it's not too sparkly? I know on "black panties" blog she mentioned some fine shimmer. If it is the same shimmer that's in Poppy I will love it! Poppy is a HG blush for me. Have you been following LMdB Facebook page at all. There are two other bloggers besides myself posting fabulous pics and swatches. It is making this so much easier for me. UGH not that that is necessarily a good thing!


Well-known member
Ugh, tell me about it. One of the nice things about my last two contracts is that they've been in decidedly "feminine" environments. Not that anyone's perfect, but I found it a lot easier to deal with. It shocks me how many young women have it in their heads that it's easier to work for or with men than women. I put that down to having not much experience and mostly working in entry-level positions. See how fun it is when you're of an age and at a level in a company where you're supposed to be accorded some respect. I've had some very good male co-workers, but I'd have to class a lot of them as "difficult".
At the last non-contract job I had, the Vice President of Sales and Marketing marched around the Marketing Department one day ranting about how awful it was that one woman from the department had gone on maternity leave and how selfish and disruptive to the company it was that women took these leaves to have children... This in a department where most of the employees were women in their late twenties and early thirties. I had to corner him and tell him that it might not be the best idea to broadcast his views and his reaction was... to ask me if I was pregnant. Seriously, he once said to me separately that he didn't dare promote any of us because we were all likely to get pregnant and leave the company hanging. I kept looking for signs that he was joking.

I personally think that men are still socialised to associate listening and reflecting on things with weakness and speaking their mind with strength. More's the pity...



I did manage to pick up the Guerlain Terra Inca powder today... That's enough to put a summery, golden-tinged smile on my face...
UGH! That is maddening! That actually happened to me here at my job. I wanted this position long before I got it and they actually told me they didn't want to give it too me because I hadn't had kids yet. They ended up hiring someone else who didn't work out. It was really bad actually to the point they had to convince the prior employee to come back and try and repair things. They finally gave me the position...and yes... I had babies and took two 1 year mat leaves with only like 6 months in between them. But I'm back full time. My mat leave replacement stuck around for both leaves and still works here part time. It all worked out fabulously. So there


Well-known member
Katred, that is just astonishing. Things haven't come as far as most people like to we plod on, as HG would say. I find that if I stick to my guns, folks usually come around. It's too bad that I have to endure a lot of unnecessary ranting in their process to come around, but there it is. At least I can look forward to some vindication!

Back on a makeup note, and thanks to my beloved Ratonas, I broke down and got the Starfish powder (had to get it from NM as Nordie's was out, as was, Gardenia l/s, Misia RCS and Dior Aurore. I wasn't going to get Aurore, like I wasn't going to get Starfish, but when it was getting scarce I figured I'd better jump.

Now I want to see what LMdB Mystique is all about - Christa, I love Fire Lily - isn't it fabulous??? I also have Chameleon. I'm ashamed to say that I have a lot of the shadows, but they're just heaven.

Now on my list is Deep Throat (thank you MissQQ, for the rec and the congrats!) - and there is still a shadow duo I want but I think it's perm so I won't sweat it for now.

Picking up my MAC goodies this weekend, but it's a very small haul - one of the beauty powders only I think (I have 2 Alpha Girls that I ended up with by mistake from their previous launch).

Getting ready to head to CA next week again, with one of the pooter-heads, who is renting the car, so I doubt I'll get to shop. I hate having my 'wings clipped' while I'm traveling......I'm used to having free will!


Well-known member
^Did you get the Smashbox TSV - I just did

And, it has a really really nice Waterproof concealer in the kit! Its probably one of the better concealers that Ive tried - I swear by the waterproof being the best!

Well, that would be torment - going to CA & not being able to shop! I'm like you - a free bird, free spirit - don't get in my space or make me feel trapped or controlled
pooter-heads make me LOL!

Oh, I posted a couple of pics in Chanel Fall thread with the Fall cream eyeshadow & Graphite nail polish

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Good for you, Christa, that it worked out!

katred, that man is really a pig. Enjoy your terra inca! I like to sniff the JC blushes and I like jasmine scent, so who know if I have the powder I may be sniffing it too. ;)


Well-known member
Cheryl -- how do you like the Dior Aurore? I hope you like all your goodies! And bummer about the no shopping on your next trip to Cali. That just isn't right!! lol

I really need to work on getting a new concealer. And a better foundation brush. I watched the Royal Wedding -- and wow, did Kate look flawless!! Such is youth


Well-known member
Elegant, yes, I ordered the Smashbox TSV!!
It will get here while I'm gone, unfortunately, but I'm excited to get it!

Regarding my trip to CA, I'm just going to tell the dude he has to take me to the mall. I want to go back to the LMdB counter there to check out the Mystique tint.....his wife doesn't work, so he's a bit 'frugal', if I can say it that way, and is probably not into females shopping....but maybe I'm selling him short. I'll just tell him later that he's going to have to chauffer me around to make up for yelling at me the other day when he was wrong.

Michelle, I ordered the Aurore and will pick it up tomorrow (or maybe tonight) - I chose to pick it up in the store rather than wait for it (plus, it will arrive while I'm in CA). I will let you know what I think, but I'm not sure if I will keep it - want to see it first-hand. Christa, though the pic looked pretty, I can see how you might be disappointed in the color that it comes out on your skin - it doesn't seem to have any rosiness to it to make it 'pop', but if it's a bronzer, maybe that's not the intent. Who knows. I think it's pretty on you, but I would want something with a tad more pink in it.

It's a gorgeous Friday here!!! I'm really wanting to go shopping, but really should not based on my makeup spree this morning.......I'm so happy to finally get my spring clothes out!!


Well-known member
Well I think your shopping "plan" works. Give that man an experience LOL!

I need to know more about LMdB!!!

What is the Mystique pink that Winthrop & you are talking about - a blush? I hadn't seen that color listed at NM. I need to know about this lol

I figured you got the TSV
that blush & gloss is


Well-known member
Well I think your shopping "plan" works. Give that man an experience LOL!

I need to know more about LMdB!!!

What is the Mystique pink that Winthrop & you are talking about - a blush? I hadn't seen that color listed at NM. I need to know about this lol

I figured you got the TSV
that blush & gloss is
It's one of the 3 new colors of the Creme Fresh Tint that as of now is only available at Nordstroms. It will be available at NM and BG next month...which mean I can't get my hand on them yet!!

I've been posting lots of info on LMdB on my blog elegant. I'm going to continue to try to get everything on there as I've got quite a collection going which I plan to keep building on...of course! LMdB is what prompted me to start the blog because you all know I rely on online pics and blogs for my shopping since I do it all online and there was EXTREMELY little information out there. It's great actually because there are now a few of us blogging more and more about LMdB. I met some great gals on LMdB Facebook page.


Well-known member
Elegant -- do you use the waterproof concealer just under the eyes -- or can you use it to cover redness in other areas? I just have to be careful as my skin can break out with certain products --- grrrr -- you would think in my late 30's this would not be an issue!


Well-known member
Elegant -- do you use the waterproof concealer just under the eyes -- or can you use it to cover redness in other areas? I just have to be careful as my skin can break out with certain products --- grrrr -- you would think in my late 30's this would not be an issue!
Under the eyes & down slightly onto the top of the cheeks (keeps it from looking like raccoon eyes), sides of nose. If you can, you should watch the TSV video on QVC, I think Holly kind of shows it done similar to what I do.

and, yes I hear you about the skin issues. So far, I don't seem to have these issues with Chanel or Smashbox


Well-known member
I have them both in my cart too!!

I'm also now having to check out the Guerlain Terra Inca powder.......I'm in serious need of help.


Well-known member
I was just checking out LMdB -- I would love to find out more info about their glosses, lippies and shadows! The online swatches are always so unreliable. That Crochet Kaleidoscope looked so pretty on the Neimans site! I guess they are doing a free tote right now with $85 purchase, plus the free shipping . . . Tempting!!

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