I have had a weird day...
First of all, our Country voted yesterday, and it came off rather less well than i had hoped. Our Prime Minister was found in contempt of parliment (not to mention all the things he did taht was totally not allowed during the election) and was re-elected with a MAJORITY governement. We only had a 66.4% voter turnout which absolutely boils my blood. I believe that is you don't want to use your vote, you should go live in a country where you cannot vote, since it means nothing to you. Anyway, Harper was re-elected. I am angry and scared. He represents everything i dislike in a government (minus the seperatism).
Got to work for a 10-7 shift, and from the first customer on they were all awful horrible rude people. yesterday was the exact same. It got a bit better after my lunch, but for a good 3 hours i got no smiles. No pleases or thank yous. I got ignored and unfairly given attitude, even yelled at in some cases.
Anyway. I came home, made some dinner with the boy and sat down to watch a movie. "Up", the pixar film. I cried the entire way through it, and for a while after. I found this to be one of the saddest films i have ever seen. My biggest fear is loosing those i love, especially my boyfriend of 7 years, Ray (who I supposed is the Ellie to my Carl). The entire time i kept thinking of how truly horrible it must feel to loose the one person you that truly makes you the best possible you, and how can you go on after that.
anyway, im rambling. Ray tried to cheer me up for a while after that, and get whats wrong out of me... I didn't tell him. But i think he knows.
I then bleached my eyebrows (i dyed my hair a light copper/strawberry blond colour, so i need brows to match), and now...
I'm bumming around trying to get myself into a better mood.
Other than that, I'm waiting to see if/when/where i'm going to be sent for my Training for work. Right now NY is an option (for 5 days), but usually they don't send anyone to NY because it's too Expensive.
I'm hoping they decide to make an exception. San Fran was another option, but i feel like i would prefer NY because things are easier to access, and i can go see some shows at night. So please, keep your fingers crossed for me.
I think thats it for today.