ahh Flashtronic... I only got Global Glow and Gold Spill from that one. Still think I should have picked up Northern Lights, but I digress, lol!
I'm a sucker for creamsheens though, so those might join the brushes and MSFs for my list for this collection. we shall see, muhahahahaa!
Don't worry- it gets better. You're a fairly new MAC addict (so am I), but as time goes on, you get bored with the same shades over and over again and you find dupes in your collection and it gets easier to skip things. TBH, with most collections I don't buy anything. But, I did go through a crazy period where I felt like I would never have enough. I spent more than $200 three different times last year on collections (SCF, A+O, VV). Now I spend significantly less.sometimes i feel like such a hippocrate cos im a co-therapist at a clinic for addicts I know this make up thing is somewhat controllable and i dont go over my budget but i always have the desire for more more more and more! not too good :O thats why when i started with this i said 3 items/colex MAX... and well... looking at permanent stuff and older collections.... feel like ill never be satisfied. NOT GOOD
I picked up Global Glow after the fact ( my favorite MSF!) and wish I could get my hands on Gold Spill. I think I skipped at the time because I didn't know how to use them. Now I'm overrun with MSFs.
I still want quite a few of the MEs but I think I can take a few off the list. I'm thinking one MSF will do but I'm trying to figure out which one would work best. Unfortunately, I now like the lip colors. I usually can't find colors that I like but all of these look very wearable to me.
I just bought my first Dazzleglass Creme so I'm eager to try the Creme Sheens.
Edit - Oh I still want all the brushes. I'm hoping they are good for the mineralize products. Hoping for more info on these soon.
The pink blush looks so pretty!Yay, thanks for the links, it's great to see swatches finally!
I want all the mes as I have all the other ones as well, so now I want to collect them all, lol, I know, crazy. I also want all MSFs and maybe all 3 blushes (definitely the pink one for now). Lipsticks and a couple of Creemsheen glasses are maybes for now. So excited, love mineralize products!
Im really liking SemiPrecious Goldstone as I have been looking for a pretty gold color to layer over some blushes I have,
hmm i just looked up utterly game and it does look similar.. bt since i dont have uttely game, i guess its fine for me to have warmth of coral.. hehe..Warmth of Coral reminds me of Utterly Game, actually nevermind it has a hint of pink to it.