MAC - Semi Precious Discussion


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After seeing the swatches I'm not really lusting after anything really...Though I may get the brushes because a girl can never have too many brushes. I am not sure what else I want though...maybe a shadow or two maybe the dark red lippie...I just don't know other than the brushes.

I would like to see Temptalia's comparison swatches when they come though. They always help me with making my final decisions. I must sadly admit that I am not as excited anymore, hopefully the Pugh collection will be awesome.


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ahh Flashtronic... I only got Global Glow and Gold Spill from that one. Still think I should have picked up Northern Lights, but I digress, lol!

I'm a sucker for creamsheens though, so those might join the brushes and MSFs for my list for this collection. we shall see, muhahahahaa!


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Quote: Originally Posted by m0rg3nst3rn

I must sadly admit that I am not as excited anymore, hopefully the Pugh collection will be awesome.

I am sure MAC will release another collection between SP and GP, otherwise it will be a long stretch, though my wallet would certainly appreciate it.

Here is a question for those with a lot of MSFs from previous collections: Do you mainly use it as a highlighter or as an all-over-glow? Given the size of MSFs, these will last forever.


Well-known member
ahh Flashtronic... I only got Global Glow and Gold Spill from that one. Still think I should have picked up Northern Lights, but I digress, lol!

I'm a sucker for creamsheens though, so those might join the brushes and MSFs for my list for this collection. we shall see, muhahahahaa!

I picked up Global Glow after the fact ( my favorite MSF!) and wish I could get my hands on Gold Spill. I think I skipped at the time because I didn't know how to use them. Now I'm overrun with MSFs.

I still want quite a few of the MEs but I think I can take a few off the list. I'm thinking one MSF will do but I'm trying to figure out which one would work best. Unfortunately, I now like the lip colors. I usually can't find colors that I like but all of these look very wearable to me.

I just bought my first Dazzleglass Creme so I'm eager to try the Creme Sheens.

Edit - Oh I still want all the brushes. I'm hoping they are good for the mineralize products. Hoping for more info on these soon.


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sometimes i feel like such a hippocrate cos im a co-therapist at a clinic for addicts :( I know this make up thing is somewhat controllable and i dont go over my budget but i always have the desire for more more more and more! not too good :O thats why when i started with this i said 3 items/colex MAX... and well... looking at permanent stuff and older collections.... feel like ill never be satisfied. NOT GOOD
Don't worry- it gets better. You're a fairly new MAC addict (so am I), but as time goes on, you get bored with the same shades over and over again and you find dupes in your collection and it gets easier to skip things. TBH, with most collections I don't buy anything. But, I did go through a crazy period where I felt like I would never have enough. I spent more than $200 three different times last year on collections (SCF, A+O, VV). Now I spend significantly less.


Well-known member
I picked up Global Glow after the fact ( my favorite MSF!) and wish I could get my hands on Gold Spill. I think I skipped at the time because I didn't know how to use them. Now I'm overrun with MSFs.

I still want quite a few of the MEs but I think I can take a few off the list. I'm thinking one MSF will do but I'm trying to figure out which one would work best. Unfortunately, I now like the lip colors. I usually can't find colors that I like but all of these look very wearable to me.

I just bought my first Dazzleglass Creme so I'm eager to try the Creme Sheens.

Edit - Oh I still want all the brushes. I'm hoping they are good for the mineralize products. Hoping for more info on these soon.

Yeah, those first MES' were awful. The only ones that I liked (and weren't a total mess) were the trios from In the Groove.


Well-known member
Yay, thanks for the links, it's great to see swatches finally!

I want all the mes as I have all the other ones as well, so now I want to collect them all, lol, I know, crazy. I also want all MSFs and maybe all 3 blushes (definitely the pink one for now). Lipsticks and a couple of Creemsheen glasses are maybes for now. So excited, love mineralize products! :)
The pink blush looks so pretty!


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Im really liking SemiPrecious Goldstone as I have been looking for a pretty gold color to layer over some blushes I have, and for now maybe 2 to 3 Gem of Roses if it is close to one of my fav. discontinued lipsticks


Well-known member
Im really liking SemiPrecious Goldstone as I have been looking for a pretty gold color to layer over some blushes I have,

Yessssss. This will be so pretty for the summer. I haven't been a big gold fan until the overspray on My Paradise, but now I am hooked and I Goldstone is right down my alley. I just hope the glitter in it is not too chunky.


After seeing the swatches, I'm sad to say nothing tickles my fancy. I have shadows and blushes that are similar and I don't need doubles of anything I already have. On to the next collection!


Well-known member
thanks for the swatches!!

but oh no, after the swatches my list now include:

1) Gem of Roses l/s
2) Lush Amber l/s
3) One of a Kind l/s
4) Geo Pink c/g
5) Natural Flare c/g
6) Pure Magnificence c/g
7) Semi-Precious Pearl MSF
8) Semi-Precious Rose Quartz MSF
9) Feeling Flush MB
10) Warmth of Coral MB
11) Quartz Fusion mes
12) Blue Sheen mes
13) Dark Indulgence mes
14) Rare Find mes

Thats about US$279!! And I wont even be buying it from the US! Im going to try and resist the eyeshadows. That will bring it down to US$200 which is the most I have spent thus far.. I'm definitely not getting anything from Cinematics!


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My list has dropped massively after seeing the swatches, thankfully. I think I just want gem of roses l/s and the dark indulgence MES. I've never tried MSFs, but I buy enough crap already so I will put off trying them and inevitably getting hooked until I have more money to spend.


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The swatches didn't thrill me either. My wallet is happy.

I am really dissapointed in how unsurpassable and hint of sapphire swatched. Maybe I will try rare find and golden gaze. I am planning on tracking down the gold blush from the new Chanel collection, so I don't need goldstone (if I find the Chanel). I have to get a cremesheen though.


Well-known member
Thanks for the swatches! None of the colors look overly unique to me. Feeling Flush looks a lot like Overdyed (from the recent Jenius collection)... Warmth of Coral looks strangely familiar too, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

My tentative list for now (waiting for more swatches so I can cut off more items):
Pearl MSF
Quartz MSF
Warmth Of Coral MB
Hint Of Sapphire MES
Faux Gold MES
Dark Indulgence MES
Lush Amber l/s
Gem Of Roses l/s
One of a Kind l/s
Pure Magnificence l/g


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Oh, man... I am LOVING how Rare Find and Blue Sheen look.

Ditto Smokey Ruby, though I think it sort of looks like Vainglorious from VV.
GAH. I think these colors can be duped, but they look so enticing and jewel-like. XD