^^ ITA - they need a marketing engine and could SO give MAC a run for their money! I'll be interested to see what happens here! L'oreal maybe?
Not only that but they have a reasonably strong presence in developing markets, which I am sure would be of interest to potential buyers. I do wonder what their strategy is though - I'm no expert but it will have taken them a huge amount of investment to expand into the US which can't look good on the bottom line in the short term to any potential buyers. But if they can crack the US I'm guessing they'll be in a very good position to be bought outI was thinking about that... They have enough products of high enough quality that I think they could be built into a competitor for Mac pretty quickly, particularly since their pricing (when you can work it out) is better. They're definitely in that niche of being a step above drug store but more affordable than high end. I can see them being valuable to a couple of the big cosmetic conglomerates...
oh ot yet again.. I used my BB Cosmic Raspberry for the first time today.. and yowsaaaa I do love it. It is a very strong colour but not at all in your face fuschia so it is easy to carry off during the day... and yes, I wore my cat eye and a bit of Narcisse.. that's all she wrote.
HG I'm so sorry your sister is having to go through this. I'm sure your visit lifted her spirits. You always manage to lift ours. Sending her healthy thoughts.got back last evening from spending the day with mom and sis.. sis still trying to get better but that cancer is just so powerful and the medications are such potent poisions.. sigh.
hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
That picture is FIERCE!! Love the new look!I don't even know what BB Cosmic Raspberry is, but I want it... Sounds like a beautiful look, by the way.
So it was 36C (I think that's about 97F) and I decided I was sick of my hair... This happens every time I try to grow it out. It starts to get warm and I can't deal. So...
Extremely thick, shoulder-length hair all gone.
I'm always interested in what's going on behind the scenes with these companies / brands - maybe because I work as a brand manager and can't help but have a bit of professional curiosity..! So I will also be watching what happens with Inglot.. I hope they do well, there's only 1 store in the UK - we need morethat said, I think Inglot would be a good buy out candidate for a number of the biggest players.. and am watching it closely. Whoever buys them out will get a trashing initially in market value, but usually recover later on. I love the market and especially M&A