The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
^^ ITA - they need a marketing engine and could SO give MAC a run for their money! I'll be interested to see what happens here! L'oreal maybe?


Specktra Bestie
^^ ITA - they need a marketing engine and could SO give MAC a run for their money! I'll be interested to see what happens here! L'oreal maybe?

It's funny, because despite the number of things that L'Oreal owns, this would still have its unique place, so, yes, I'd say it's a possibility. I was also thinking that Shiseido might be interested, since they lack a "gateway brand" to get people to move from drugstore products to their HE lines. (And heaven knows, they have the H-est of HE lines...)


Well-known member
I was thinking about that... They have enough products of high enough quality that I think they could be built into a competitor for Mac pretty quickly, particularly since their pricing (when you can work it out) is better. They're definitely in that niche of being a step above drug store but more affordable than high end. I can see them being valuable to a couple of the big cosmetic conglomerates...
Not only that but they have a reasonably strong presence in developing markets, which I am sure would be of interest to potential buyers. I do wonder what their strategy is though - I'm no expert but it will have taken them a huge amount of investment to expand into the US which can't look good on the bottom line in the short term to any potential buyers. But if they can crack the US I'm guessing they'll be in a very good position to be bought out :) I do know a few years ago they closed a lot of the Australian stores and I heard it was because they expanded so quickly they basically couldn't keep up with themselves - I really hope that doesn't happen again!


Well-known member
Anita, very well said.. that is exactly what happens when a company is not well funded or administered.. they get ahead of themselves and they start losing sales revenues. In today's market, getting $$ for growth and expansion is very very difficult so a takeover/merger is usually best.

that said, I think Inglot would be a good buy out candidate for a number of the biggest players.. and am watching it closely. Whoever buys them out will get a trashing initially in market value, but usually recover later on. I love the market and especially M&A.

oh ot yet again.. I used my BB Cosmic Raspberry for the first time today.. and yowsaaaa I do love it. It is a very strong colour but not at all in your face fuschia so it is easy to carry off during the day... and yes, I wore my cat eye and a bit of Narcisse.. that's all she wrote.



Specktra Bestie
oh ot yet again.. I used my BB Cosmic Raspberry for the first time today.. and yowsaaaa I do love it. It is a very strong colour but not at all in your face fuschia so it is easy to carry off during the day... and yes, I wore my cat eye and a bit of Narcisse.. that's all she wrote.


I don't even know what BB Cosmic Raspberry is, but I want it... Sounds like a beautiful look, by the way.

So it was 36C (I think that's about 97F) and I decided I was sick of my hair... This happens every time I try to grow it out. It starts to get warm and I can't deal. So...

Extremely thick, shoulder-length hair all gone.


Well-known member
Hmmmm....Cosmic Raspberry, eh? Where on earth did I miss THAT? Sounds like a beautiful combo HG!! I'm packin' some neutral eyes and bright lips for my trip.....and I picked up Orly's Oh Cabana Boy (I think that's the name) polish the other day - someone (I think on the FOTD forum) was wearing it and it's a hottie hot pink color - just had to get it for my pedi!

Gorgeous haircut Kate! I love it! I do the same thing - get to a point and off it has to come....but I've been wearing mine in its naturally curly state and haven't minded not using a blow dryer in maybe it will survive the summer......that look is awsome on you! Tres chic! And I love the lip color.......I'm still thinking about you in the blond hair!


Well-known member
Ohhh beautiful Katred! I am so jealous. Once I cut my hair about the same length as yours now and I looked like a mushroom! But well, we are around 34-35º C here too, so right now my hair is all tied up into a pony tail most of the time.

About Cosmic Raspberry, after HG's comments and taking into account that I am in love with the name of the product I believe I shall go to the counter soon ... just to check it out ... not to buy ... you know ...


Well-known member
^^LOL Almus!! I was thinking exactly the same thing! Although I won't be going to any dept stores for several days - maybe by the time I get around to it the urge will leave.

I have my pre-sell list for Nordies Anniversary ready to go - as someone (mac aiken? Winthrop? natyk?) mentioned before card holders can take stuff home on July the Chanel collection will be coming home, hopefully. I also confess there are several Semi Precious items I decided I have to have.......namely the MSFs.............

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I just want to look at the brushes and maybe get 234.

katred - you rock the haircut. Short and very stylish! The weather is really hot for you. I had 35 degrees C days and I felt like I was getting a heat stroke.

almus - I look like a mushroom too. I cut my hair last month (lousy haircut) and now I'm an overgrown mushroom. Waiting for it to grow out. I get about the same temperature as you too, although recently there is a lot of rain so it is slightly cooler on those rainy days.


Well-known member
got back last evening from spending the day with mom and sis.. sis still trying to get better but that cancer is just so powerful and the medications are such potent poisions.. sigh.

hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
HG I'm so sorry your sister is having to go through this. I'm sure your visit lifted her spirits. You always manage to lift ours. Sending her healthy thoughts.


Well-known member
I don't even know what BB Cosmic Raspberry is, but I want it... Sounds like a beautiful look, by the way.

So it was 36C (I think that's about 97F) and I decided I was sick of my hair... This happens every time I try to grow it out. It starts to get warm and I can't deal. So...

Extremely thick, shoulder-length hair all gone.
That picture is FIERCE!! Love the new look!


Well-known member
that said, I think Inglot would be a good buy out candidate for a number of the biggest players.. and am watching it closely. Whoever buys them out will get a trashing initially in market value, but usually recover later on. I love the market and especially M&A
I'm always interested in what's going on behind the scenes with these companies / brands - maybe because I work as a brand manager and can't help but have a bit of professional curiosity..! So I will also be watching what happens with Inglot.. I hope they do well, there's only 1 store in the UK - we need more


Well-known member
Anita.. I totally relate! I watch for speculative purposes.. lol

katred -- you look totally gorgeous!! I think that is the best hairlength for you since it makes your eyes the focus of your face.. fabulous! I love short hair, it is so liberating -- I am thinking of getting a buzz cut for the full summer to let my grey finally come thru and see what that's about.. I could live with a buzz for a few months and no colour regrowth.. ick.

C! I thought you had Cosmic Raspberry .. it is one of my first BB rich colour ls.. and the last one to be put on cause I wanted to wear my pink pantalones and white linen shirt with it.. lol. It is a marvellous colour and the texture of the rich colours is amazing. A must have, imo.

Almus.. your comments are so cute! A mushroom.. hell, in my day a mushroom head was err.. well, you know . lol

Michelle -- you are gonna need a house just for your hauls.. lol

mrslid.. thank you for your well wishes for my sister.. she is in God's hands and I just hope she doesn't have to suffer too much.


Well-known member
<<< the woman on my Avatar is not the bag lady but a pro model, who is 80!! AND still working as a model !!

long live us old bags with lots of new tricks


Well-known member
LOL!! HG!! Your pink pantalones! I skipped CR in favor of one of the other pinks, but I'm sure I'll circle back. I too love that formula - and the pigmentation is insane. That model in your avatar is beautiful! Good for her! Though I don't know if I still want to be working when I'm 80, unless it's something I'm loving doing (i.e., something to do with makeup)......and I hear you on the old bags of new tricks. We could be the OBNT ladies!! And our signature look is pink pantalones and pink lips! No 'red hat' societies for us!!

I had a blast packing my makeup today for my trip - it's always quite a picnic cuz I can never decide what I want to bring.....and I end up bringing too much. But I hate to 'miss''s always a pain to unpack, but I doubt I'll change anytime soon......I seriously need to find a job that utilizes my interest in all things makeup!!

I may be offline for a few days while we're at my son's college orientation - but I'll try to check in when I can. Have a good weekend/week everyone! Try to stay cool!

Now that 'the Weener' (I mean Weiner) has resigned, I guess I need to change my avatar......hmmmmm......wonder what I can find........


Specktra Bestie
Thanks so much for the compliments on the hair, ladies!! Makes me feel good, especially since this is actually something The Great Enabler and I did in our dining room... I literally got so sick of having all the hair on my neck that I figured there was nothing to lose. I figured that the worst thing that could happen was that I'd end up running to my hairdresser friend for help, or that I'd end up just saying "screw it" and going for a pixie cut...

Second day in and I'm still loving it, particularly because I don't have to do anything to it...

Has anyone else tried the Givenchy Gelee Interdit? I got my first one and, although I wasn't sure about the sheerness (I'm not a sheer gloss person as a rule), I have to say I'm pretty impressed. I love how it makes my lips feel.


Well-known member
Katred, love the new look! You're so pretty :).

HG, well wishes for your sister and the family

I got my haircut too last week... just before my birthday. Nothing drastic, just a little bit shorter and some layers in. I like the hairdresser too, it felt great to finally found a good one in the city I live in!

Apart from that, nothing much going on here. I've been taking time away from my computer last week trying to get a mini holiday. So now I must catch up on the MU news

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