Now if only I could decide on what to get!Liba you are so awesome! You are helping out TONS on deciding what mes to get! I also love how they are sheerer when dry. Its great for blending colors. And then get them wet and they take on a whole new life! I am very excited about these shadows. I was on and off about hint of sapphire, but the more I see it the more I love it. I think it will look awesome with purples and Perisian Skies es from BO. I'm also falling in love with Rare Find. It looks like a purple-tinged grey to me...SCORE! Im starting to like Clarity but it seems like its really glittery in the shades of you swatches. Golden Gaze is a no brainer
Music to my ears, I can't want to get Unsurpassable. I can't think of a real dupe in collection maybe a mix of gilded green p/g and silver pigment but who wants to mix, when they can fortunately buyTo put it another way, Unsurpassable has the most variety potential, Clarity is definitely the most sparkly and Jade's Fortune is a very interesting color but also perhaps the weirdest and most specialized color of the three - but it did make my eyes glow and I usually can't wear yellows well, so if you always wanted a yellow but hated how they looked on you, grab it.
Also... in T's rare find swatch it looks almost like a pink color. And in others it looks like a purple tinged grey. Whats more accurate?
Golden Gaze, Dark Indulgence - for dramaticYou are the best!
dark indulgence=humid????
blue sheen=deep truth????
smoked ruby=antiqued????
Well today is the first time I've tried the Big Bounce shadows. Mine is in Trophy, I put UDPP on and I applied the Big Bounce with my ring finger, a small amount and added to it to put enough on but I lightly tapped it. I blended the edges upwards with my fingers. It was like a light wash of colour but it did cover. Being a light colour, it worked. They dried in a few seconds and I tapped around my crease to make sure it was. I wore it all day, I went out to the garden centre, came back, did some gardening (I thought today would be good to test it as it wouldn't matter if it looked wrecked later), rubbed my eyes and it was still there. It was so hot and sticky today and I am surprised it stayed on. I had minimal creasing towards my tear duct but considering I was gardening in the heat I think I tested it quite hard. Later I applied more with a brush to see if I could add more to get it to crease so I could see the maximum amount to put on. It looked more opaque but still didn't crease. It did take a little longer to dry but it held up. I think the way I would use it is as a sheer wash of colour if I didn't want a lot of makeup. It looked pretty, I felt I had enough on so I am happy with it.Something funny about my Big Bounces - when I first got them the week they came out, they were all tricky to apply and awfully liquidy - once you got them on, though they'd stay put - Trophy's definitely one of the very best of them for that.
The funny thing is: either I've gotten better at using them or they are starting to change texture slightly from being opened for use, but i'm finding all of mine are easier to apply now and go on more smoothly without that danger of crumbling or streaking if you try to put more on that they originally had. I guess I better start keeping mine in the refrigerator if their texture is going to start changing around a lot on me.
I hope MAC figures out a way of keeping a product like Big Bounce available - either a new type of paint pot or a new improved Big Bounce etc, because I love them as a strong but sheer base that adds sheen and a touch of sparkle.
I've been trying to avoid this thread and any swatches associated with it. I know I said a while back I would most likely just get the blue MES. I just finished looking at Temptalia's site and now I have an actual list.
However when I go to Pro on the 30th I will have my Gilt by Association, Blue Flame and Sea & Sky MES with me. So I may end up with only 2 products or 4. We will find out on the 30th.
- Blue Sheen
- Smoked Ruby
- Golden Gaze
- Musky Amethyst
those are the same four I want!List Change!!!! I watched Adina's video and now my list is:
I will be doing comparisons to the shadows I've already mentioned but these are great smokey colors and I do love a smokey eye!
- Blue Sheen
- Smoked Ruby
- Golden Gaze
- Dark Indulgence wouldn't hurt at all > *totally enabling* lol!UrbanSweetheart, I wanted those too but I had to cut my list down. Maybe I can add one more, it wouldn't hurt right... wouldn't hurt at all > *totally enabling* lol!
Golden Gaze, Dark Indulgence - for dramatic Unsurpassable, Jade's Fortune, Hint of Sapphire - for subtle and/or super colorful
Faux Gold - for neutral
I know you like Rare Find a lot too - might work for you, but try it out first - it's one of the more persnicketty ones.