MAC - Semi Precious Discussion


Well-known member

For an all-over-face look, go for Pearl.* IMO, CP is more a highlighter, though if you go sparingly and are really pale, I can see it working for an all-over-face winter fairytale look.

* Mind a big nipple with Pearl if you are very pale. The nipple color is much more intense than GS blended together, so you might end up darker with Pearl than GS.


Well-known member
I live in Europe. I visited my local counter today and they haven't gotten SP yet! It's pushed back a month! The MA didn't know why, they'd just gotten a message about the delay but no explanation. What?!
I already ordered a MSF via a friend in the US but I was gonna get GoR and Golden Gaze and now I have to wait a month, and by then all the fall collections are out?!

I talked to the MA about calling me when SP comes in and reserved the l/s and e/s but still..


Well-known member
Well, I guess I have to make my order through Nordies online to get another Pearl MSF.

Oh & I am so over the customer service I am getting at the location where I made my pre-order. I still haven't received my refund of the double charge. I have called 3x & keep getting the run-around. I am absolutely LIVID!


Well-known member

Aww! Thank you, its very kind of you to say

It's all this mineral make up, honestly! I think SP has turned out to be one of my most favourite MAC collections


Well-known member
Here is the look I mentioned earlier with Mineral Mode and Rare Find, I have CP middle puddle as a blush and the outer ring as an all over highlight. I think mineral mode and rare find create a lovely polished day time look, with a slightly more modern twist on a taupe smokey eye as although the pictures don't show it, there is a hint of purple when it hits the light. I have GoR on my lips.

Natural (cloudy) light:

Indoor, artificial light:

not only is your make up lovely but your hair is so cute like this!


Well-known member
Yeah, I agree, I also love this collection, but then I am a sucker for everything mineralize.

Aww! Thank you, its very kind of you to say

It's all this mineral make up, honestly! I think SP has turned out to be one of my most favourite MAC collections


Well-known member

I love this collection and I have never bothered with mineralize products from MAC before so I'm doubly impressed. I really think they have put out so many quality items this time round!


Well-known member
I wore Clarity today. Bamboom paint all over the lid. Clarity (pink gold green only) all over the lid dry and wet. Black color in the crease. Feline liner on upper lid. Boy I had a hard time with Feline! Goldstone all over. Chanel tweed Fuchsia on cheeks. Pearl to highlight. Chanel Pleasing Glossimer on lips.


Well-known member
I love this collection and I have never bothered with mineralize products from MAC before so I'm doubly impressed. I really think they have put out so many quality items this time round!
They stepped up their game big time. I hope to see some more mineralize products for the Fall collections.


Well-known member
Thanks for that comparison Elegant. I can take FG out of my cart. I rarely use my spiced choc. quad as it is.


Well-known member
After looking at the swatch comparison of FG & SC that Elegant did over a 100x, I can see the slight difference between the two, I keep going back & forth on buying FG...I do use my SC quad a lot ( I swear those colors were made for my blue eyes) I just don't know if it's necessary!?
I do LOVE the color, especially when fall comes around & it will take the heavy usage off my SC quad too...UGH, what to do, what to do!? lol, I am going nucking futs over this!

I have my Pearl BU, Goldstone BU, PA BU & Faux Gold sitting in my Nordies shopping bag, just waiting for me to hit submit order.