The Shimmerettes are here!


Well-known member
The bimbo thread has been going for such a long time that we needed a new place to chat. The lovely Debi (ElvenEyes) came up with the name Shimmerettes - much classier than bimbo right? - so here we are!

This thread is for all kinds of off topic chatter about life. Be it pets, kids, work and of course cosmetics! In particular we have a love for shimmer and glimmer so if you love to sparkle and glow then this is the place to chat in! :)

all Shimmerettes!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hello! Proud to be a new Shimmerettes! I'm sad to see the Bimbos thread go though, because I have wonderful memories attached to it, and I miss some of our old friends there. But I look forward to starting a new adventure here!


Well-known member
Here I am, Shimmering in! I've been insanely busy today with selling 350.00 in tarot decks (yeehaw!) and selling off my rubber stamp collection, quite possibly to a neighbour who is into scrapbooking. I collected literally hundreds of gorgeous stamps for a literary newsletter I once ran, but it died out when the chat group was abruptly disrupted by AOL closing all the chatrooms, way back in the day. So, I have all these stamps, most that have never been used, and have been flirting with the idea for ages. I finally said I want these out of the house, so time to sell!! So right now this means I only have 1 deck up that has not sold (not sure why as it is highly desired) and I may be done, or awfully close to it. I am sooooo excited. While the money in has been great the selling has been going on since early spring and I will be happy to have that part of my life behind me! More time for MU and blogging and chatting, more time to read and get my den back in order for the holidays. I am so glad I stuck this out and am almost at the end of it all. Yay!!

Okay, happy dance, everyone!



Well-known member
WOOT this thread is awesome
proud to be a new shimmerette too! I finally had the time to take a decent picture with the help of my mom haha and yes I am THAT pale
LOL that is not due to the flash or lighting

What have I been up to? Hmm...My first month as a senior in college is ending and I am already overwhelmed. I have a statistics test tomorrow and that is making me sick to my stomach
Overall, just feeling very stressed, lonely and frustrated...


Well-known member
*Shimmers and shimmies into the thread*

Shimmerettes was a good choice for a name. It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to post in the Bimbo thread lol.

Well done with the tarot sales, Debi. I hope you manage to sell the other one soon, and your rubber stamps, too. I really ought to get around to selling some of my Barbie collection some time, but I can't get to the Post Office easily due to being stuck at home in my role of carer for my son who can rarely be persuaded to leave the house.


Well-known member
Cassandra~I love your pale complexion! It is very dramatic and sets off your dark hair gorgeously! Good luck on your Statistics test! Just breathe! I detested Statistics! When I took it in college our teacher was very smart but a horrible teacher. Luckily the book actually had all the answers in the back. I spent my time teaching myself how to do it until I did it right and with all the steps. Needless to say I got an A- in the class but I can't remember a thing and never, ever used it again! So don't let it stress you out. Just keep remembering it is only 1 class in 1 semester and you will survive it! I always chewed gum while taking exams. It made me concentrate and I swear I did better. I think I took all my anxiety out on the poor piece of gum!

rockin~Thank you! It has been a long process that I knew I wanted to do and am just so happy that I stuck it out. I am about to go through my drawers and see what I can consolidate because I could use these drawers for other things, like, well, MU! Hehehehe.... Perhaps you will be able to set aside a specific day each week that you plan to ship out all the orders of the day if you sell your dolls and that would make it easier. I have found that in the buying and selling we have all had to learn to be very flexible as life is very hectic and busy and unexpected for all involved so everyone has shown a lot of compassion with each other. Sometimes I need to wait a week or 2 or more to hold a deck for someone until they have the funds, but as they really want it I do hold it. Maybe it means a few less products I can get from a new MAC release or something, but I will live. Such is the way life goes!


Well-known member
Debi-Thank you! You are so sweet!
You remind me of the Madonna in those amazing paintings Botticelli did!
I adore your pale skin and light brown hair ultra ultra gorgeous and I totally mean that too! My brother always tells me I need to tan...which irritates the hell out of me. He says I look fluorescent in the sun >__> I enjoy being this pale because I feel like I actually stand out in the sea of fake tans running around on my campus o_o no offense to anyone who fake tans btw... I am just referring to those who fake tan to the point they look like a pumpkin and think its a sexy look o_o Thank you for your good luck wishes, I despise statistics!
YES that is my problem right now my teacher is TERRIBLE.
That is the same problem when I had to take PSYC 304 which is a high level stats class and I failed that. I'm taking STAT 103 now since its a lower level one (I should of taken that before 304) I cannot for the life of me understand that shading in the normal curve crap...I'm definitely going to take your advice about staying calm and chewing gum! Time for me to go chain myself to my desk and continue studying have a good night :)

Cassandra~I love your pale complexion! It is very dramatic and sets off your dark hair gorgeously! Good luck on your Statistics test! Just breathe! I detested Statistics! When I took it in college our teacher was very smart but a horrible teacher. Luckily the book actually had all the answers in the back. I spent my time teaching myself how to do it until I did it right and with all the steps. Needless to say I got an A- in the class but I can't remember a thing and never, ever used it again! So don't let it stress you out. Just keep remembering it is only 1 class in 1 semester and you will survive it! I always chewed gum while taking exams. It made me concentrate and I swear I did better. I think I took all my anxiety out on the poor piece of gum!

rockin~Thank you! It has been a long process that I knew I wanted to do and am just so happy that I stuck it out. I am about to go through my drawers and see what I can consolidate because I could use these drawers for other things, like, well, MU! Hehehehe.... Perhaps you will be able to set aside a specific day each week that you plan to ship out all the orders of the day if you sell your dolls and that would make it easier. I have found that in the buying and selling we have all had to learn to be very flexible as life is very hectic and busy and unexpected for all involved so everyone has shown a lot of compassion with each other. Sometimes I need to wait a week or 2 or more to hold a deck for someone until they have the funds, but as they really want it I do hold it. Maybe it means a few less products I can get from a new MAC release or something, but I will live. Such is the way life goes!


Well-known member
*Shimmers and shimmies into the thread*

Shimmerettes was a good choice for a name. It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to post in the Bimbo thread lol.

Well done with the tarot sales, Debi. I hope you manage to sell the other one soon, and your rubber stamps, too. I really ought to get around to selling some of my Barbie collection some time, but I can't get to the Post Office easily due to being stuck at home in my role of carer for my son who can rarely be persuaded to leave the house.
hey! lovely to see you here! :) i actually hate going to the post office! the one in my village isn't so bad but generally i have to use the city centre one (because i am always at work i have to post things on my lunch break) they have such long ques, rarely more than 3 people at the counters (when there are tills for 10!) and it feels like half the people in the que aren't even posting things! they are getting money out of accounts or buying insurance or something! they should have a que for good old fashion packages to be posted!!

it's my day off work today and i have got various things to do. firstly the house needs cleaning because Nick didn't do a great job at the weekend (i didn't have the heart to tell him) so now i need to give it a good scrub! lol! then i am off out running some errands and such. i have a couple of blog posts to write, film a video and edit. then i have a couple of tv shows i want to watch. and my neighbour shall most likely come over for a drink and a chat this afternoon too :)

have a great day guys!


Well-known member
Lou--Yay for the new thread.

MissQQ--Yeh I miss the Bimbo thread but like Rockin said it also took me quite a while to post there also.

Debi--that's great that you've sold more. Have you decided what goodies you're going to get with it?

Cassandra--we have lots of pale faces here so you'll fit right in. Back in the 70's I was a sun worshiper but now I stay far far away with tons of sunscreen. I love my paleness but not everyone gets that especially here in the south.

What (if any) foundation do you use? It's so hard to find a good match that is pale enough. It makes it tough for me as I have oily skin as well.

It's a bit past 2am and here I am sitting at the computer drinking tea. Just what I need to do right before going to bed:) but it's so yummy. I'm into fruity teas right now and just received my order of several different kinds from my fav online loose tea place, way better quality than Teavana and cheaper.


Well-known member
Lou--Yay for the new thread.

MissQQ--Yeh I miss the Bimbo thread but like Rockin said it also took me quite a while to post there also.

Debi--that's great that you've sold more. Have you decided what goodies you're going to get with it?

Cassandra--we have lots of pale faces here so you'll fit right in. Back in the 70's I was a sun worshiper but now I stay far far away with tons of sunscreen. I love my paleness but not everyone gets that especially here in the south.

What (if any) foundation do you use? It's so hard to find a good match that is pale enough. It makes it tough for me as I have oily skin as well.

It's a bit past 2am and here I am sitting at the computer drinking tea. Just what I need to do right before going to bed:) but it's so yummy. I'm into fruity teas right now and just received my order of several different kinds from my fav online loose tea place, way better quality than Teavana and cheaper.

shadow- it's actually a big relief knowing I'm not the only super pale person which is why I love this site so much!
I only was tan once
and that was when I was 7 and I had gone to Disney land in Florida o_o
awww my skin is not that perfect yes I do use foundation haha well I have gone through my share but so far Bobbi brown alabaster is the BEST
I have yellowish undertone to my skin and alabaster is the only shade that is pale enough and has no pink in it. Anything even with the slightest tint of pink to it will always turn orange on me
I share your pain,I have oily skin too! but its mainly in my t-zone now and I'm horribly sensitive and dry in the rest of my face due to destroying my skin with proactive. I have the stick foundation and oil free moisturizer in alabaster and so far it hasn't given me any adverse reactions! and setting it with any powder over the areas your oily and it should be fantastic for you too if your just as pale as me with some yellow. The corrector in porcelain bisque works great too! O_O the skin under my right eye is much thinner so there is this blue vein that is ever present making me look like I have a black eye (people always ask me who hit me if I dont cover it up
) I had the new mineral powder , but I didn't like it it was too cakey on my oily spots even when I went over it with my beauty blender

If you are the same paleness as me I can pretty much tell you everything I'm using if you ever need color recommendations on anything :)

Lou- Thank you!
I totally agree I adore being pale its strange that only on here i feel acceptance and everyone around me always says eww you look so sickly get a tan, I can use you as my flash light you glow in the dark >_> and thanks for the good luck wishes! I took Debi's advice and chewed gum it worked great o_o I think I did pretty good for once I do not know how it happened ,but my test started at 8:30am and I swear it was like I just let out a stream of conciseness O_O the next thing I saw when I looked up was that it was 9:45am and that I had to turn my test in O_O that's never happened to me before I am always spazzing and practically having a panic attack during the test O_O
Hope your day went well too :)!!


Well-known member
Hi Shimmerettes! Are we all feeling glittery inside today? I hope so!

Cassandra~Thank you for the incredibly sweet compliment! I love Botticelli! I am so glad your test went smoothly and the gum chewing worked out for you! When I noticed how it calmed my nerves and helped me concentrate in one exam I made it a habit and it really paid off. Weird, but if it works, we have nothing to lose!

Lou~I am like you. The newsletter went for a while and though it was not my choice to end it like it did, I never bothered to pick up on scrapbooking like so many others have. I just have other interests. In fact my neighbour came over for two hours and picked through them, and I made a few hundred dollars, plus she is bringing someone else to look over the rest later this week, so it is going well!

Shadowaddict~I figure the money will either go to books, makeup or another bag! Depends on how much I make, or what I want to save for. Birthday and Christmas is coming up rapidly, as well. I can't believe we are on our last days of September already. Leaves are already turning and falling and in less than a month our landscape will look ready for snow. What is even more scary is that I put up our Christmas decorations starting the first week of November, so like 5 weeks away? Eeek! Hehehe...

So, a package just arrived from Coach and I need to check out my new purse! Did I tell you I finally found my perfect pumpkin coloured handbag for October? I am so excited. I even bought a matching wallet! lol We are all so cute!



Well-known member
Hi Shimmerettes! Are we all feeling glittery inside today? I hope so!

Cassandra~Thank you for the incredibly sweet compliment! I love Botticelli! I am so glad your test went smoothly and the gum chewing worked out for you! When I noticed how it calmed my nerves and helped me concentrate in one exam I made it a habit and it really paid off. Weird, but if it works, we have nothing to lose!

Lou~I am like you. The newsletter went for a while and though it was not my choice to end it like it did, I never bothered to pick up on scrapbooking like so many others have. I just have other interests. In fact my neighbour came over for two hours and picked through them, and I made a few hundred dollars, plus she is bringing someone else to look over the rest later this week, so it is going well!

Shadowaddict~I figure the money will either go to books, makeup or another bag! Depends on how much I make, or what I want to save for. Birthday and Christmas is coming up rapidly, as well. I can't believe we are on our last days of September already. Leaves are already turning and falling and in less than a month our landscape will look ready for snow. What is even more scary is that I put up our Christmas decorations starting the first week of November, so like 5 weeks away? Eeek! Hehehe...

So, a package just arrived from Coach and I need to check out my new purse! Did I tell you I finally found my perfect pumpkin coloured handbag for October? I am so excited. I even bought a matching wallet! lol We are all so cute!



Well-known member
Debi-Your very welcome!
it was amazing how well it worked! Thank you so much! I'm going to 7/11 and snatch up 10 packs to hoard in my purse LOL
that purse...omg
SOUNDS GORGEOUS I adore pumpkin shades! What style is it? Tote? Hobo ?
Lou- Yes, it is a huge weight off my mind!
Thank you all so much
I pretty much have had pale jokes and fat jokes thrown at me most of my life :( I was bullied for a very long time from 5yrs old till I was 15. I went to a college prep school where you went through all grades of schooling without switching so I was at the same school for over 13 yrs it was awful
. That's so sad! :( I had to put my cat down too about 5 yrs ago she was getting real sick and couldn't stand up or walk right anymore she was really old too about 18 yrs old I totally understand :(


Well-known member
Yay for gum! lol I haven't been able to chew it since I had a root canal, so I really miss it. Have a piece for me, please!! Your bag will smell delicious with all that yummy gum scent in there!! My bag is a Coach Madison Sophia Satchel, but also comes with a strap to turn it into a shoulder bag, so depending on your mood! I just put photos up on my blog. I love it! Very festive looking!! And it does go well with my butter London Blagger nail polish (deep royal blue) so I am feeling rather stylish right now. Except it is super hot and humid out and the fall weather won't return for a few more days! lol


Well-known member
Yay for gum! lol I haven't been able to chew it since I had a root canal, so I really miss it. Have a piece for me, please!! Your bag will smell delicious with all that yummy gum scent in there!! My bag is a Coach Madison Sophia Satchel, but also comes with a strap to turn it into a shoulder bag, so depending on your mood! I just put photos up on my blog. I love it! Very festive looking!! And it does go well with my butter London Blagger nail polish (deep royal blue) so I am feeling rather stylish right now. Except it is super hot and humid out and the fall weather won't return for a few more days! lol
I'll definetly have a peice for you :) you read my mind!!
I love it when my bag smells like tropical trident

OMG I just saw your bag on your blog!
You have amazing taste Debi that pumpkin color is to die for

Here in chicago the weather is rather gross today it was so rainy, cold and SUPER windy


Well-known member
Cassandra-- I haven't tried Bobbie Brown foundation in quite a while. Menopause has made my skin even more wacky than it was as a teen. A lot of the foundations that used to work well don't anymore. Right now I'm using MUFE HD in 110. I got a sample of the 115 and that's not bad either, I think Debi and I are about the same on color. I bought the MUFE super matte powder while in Vegas so I could get a really light color. I had wanted to try that powder but Sephora only carries I think 3 shades. They've opened up a MUFE boutique in one of the Sephora stores there. It was nice to see a lot of things that Sephora doesn't sell online or in the regular stores.

What concealer do you use under your eyes? I've been using MUFE lift concealer but I'm super thrilled by it. It's not bad by any means. It's just I need a bit more coverage. I don't want one that sinks into those little lines right under my bottom lashes. My daughter has the blue things under her eyes. In high school when she was super thin she looked ill:) She's put on about 10-15 lbs with college stress.

Others here have heard me blab on but my name is Saundra. I always get called Sandra and usually don't take the time to correct. My ex mother-in-law still thinks my name is Sonia. She has never called me anything other than that, well at least not to my face:) I just turned 49 and I've been married to my now hubby for 24 yrs. I have a 28 yr old son and he and his lovely wife gave me a beautiful grandson in April. He has bright blue eyes like my son and big round eyes with lashes to die for, long and curled up like my daughter-in-law.

My daughter is 22 yrs and I think she will forever be in college:) She can't decide on a major and keeps changing it. I think she has decided on special education and she wants to teach kids with Autism and Asperger's. She wants to teach the at risk kids, mainly teens that no one else wants to deal with. She had the oppisite exerience in school as you. She had trouble in public school as they didn't know how to teach a child that was gifted but had learning differences. They treated like she was stupid and of course then she thought she was. She is really dyslexic and it causes her a lot of problems in math and spelling and such in writing. We pulled her out after 4th grade and put her in a college prep that was perfect for learning differences.


Well-known member
Lou--I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's cat. I do remember you mentioning Prozac on the Bimbo thread. I thought that was a cute name. I know that must be so very hard for her. Not a day goes by that I don't think about and miss my baby Ishmael. Every time I get home from somewhere and open the door I expect to see his nose poking through the crack before I even got the door all the way open to welcome me back. People keep asking me about getting another dog. I will someday but I'm nowhere near ready yet.

Debi--you are killing me with your Coach bags or shall I say my husband. I am looking at a couple I really like. I told him since I haven't found the necklace I'm wanting we can wait on that, not exactly sure what I want but if I see it I'll know it's the one. I love your new one, well I love all of yours. But I like pockets on the outside. I like the Chelsea leather Jayden carryall. Lord & Taylor has it in walnut and I don't have a bag that color. I also like the Poppy leather pushlock satchel. I'm not sure what color in that one. I wish they had it in the color of your new Madison which is freakin gorgeous. The Coach site has a pale grey well they call it silver and also in a pretty mahogany but don't want 2 browns to start off with. Nordies has it in Sand. I like the sand color with the gold zipper and pushlocks, hopefully it won't look too summer but the grey is very pale also. Before I buy a black one I'm still holding out hope to find my black Michael Kors. I am convinced my hubby shoved it in a box as he does things when he decides to "clean" and then they are never to be seen again. He also tends to put things way up high like in the tops of closets in the back. And since he's 6'4" and I'm barely 5'2" I have to have something to stand on everywhere in the house to attempt to find anything. If I get to the point that I think I've looked everywhere and no luck then I will get a black one. Poppy leasther pushlock satchel But

But as you guys know me I lose everything, still can't find those damn boxes of my daughter's contacts. And well we know all about me finding that giant donkey from Shrek that I don't even remember buying. I am starting to go through the guest bedroom as I've used it to store gifts that I buy ahead of time and such and of course there's a lot of unused MAC and other makeup in there as well. It has become full of clutter so I started today weeding through things. I got a good start on the closet and have a pile of stuff to donate, most still with tags. So gotta get rid of those before hubby is back from his business trip even though he has said more than once--I bet you have thousands of dollars worth of stuff all over the house still brand new. I just ignore him and go lalalala in my head because sadly it's true:) He hates seeing all the stuff with tags still on them and not being used. I have shoes still new in boxes, dresses, slacks, jeans, sweaters, handbags all still with tags. My brother works a lot of ministry work and will be glad to get the donations for the families he helps. He lives in a small town and there's a lot of people out of work.


Well-known member
Cassandra-- I haven't tried Bobbie Brown foundation in quite a while. Menopause has made my skin even more wacky than it was as a teen. A lot of the foundations that used to work well don't anymore. Right now I'm using MUFE HD in 110. I got a sample of the 115 and that's not bad either, I think Debi and I are about the same on color. I bought the MUFE super matte powder while in Vegas so I could get a really light color. I had wanted to try that powder but Sephora only carries I think 3 shades. They've opened up a MUFE boutique in one of the Sephora stores there. It was nice to see a lot of things that Sephora doesn't sell online or in the regular stores.

What concealer do you use under your eyes? I've been using MUFE lift concealer but I'm super thrilled by it. It's not bad by any means. It's just I need a bit more coverage. I don't want one that sinks into those little lines right under my bottom lashes. My daughter has the blue things under her eyes. In high school when she was super thin she looked ill:) She's put on about 10-15 lbs with college stress.

Others here have heard me blab on but my name is Saundra. I always get called Sandra and usually don't take the time to correct. My ex mother-in-law still thinks my name is Sonia. She has never called me anything other than that, well at least not to my face:) I just turned 49 and I've been married to my now hubby for 24 yrs. I have a 28 yr old son and he and his lovely wife gave me a beautiful grandson in April. He has bright blue eyes like my son and big round eyes with lashes to die for, long and curled up like my daughter-in-law.

My daughter is 22 yrs and I think she will forever be in college:) She can't decide on a major and keeps changing it. I think she has decided on special education and she wants to teach kids with Autism and Asperger's. She wants to teach the at risk kids, mainly teens that no one else wants to deal with. She had the oppisite exerience in school as you. She had trouble in public school as they didn't know how to teach a child that was gifted but had learning differences. They treated like she was stupid and of course then she thought she was. She is really dyslexic and it causes her a lot of problems in math and spelling and such in writing. We pulled her out after 4th grade and put her in a college prep that was perfect for learning differences.
Hmm...I had 110 in the MUFE foundation too and it broke me out like crazy and it was turning orange on me. One trick I can tell you for sure that will work is get Manic Panic Dreamtone Gothic White foundation I always mix it in to foundations I had that were too dark its wonderful. The packaging sucks , but it does the job.
I use just the porcelain bisque corrector as my concealer because its the only one that knocks out all the blue under my eyes. I went through the same thing too I gained SO MUCH weight during college I was about 190 pounds when I first started and I'm 249 now (used to be 277)
Saundra is such a lovely name! Congrats on your grandson blue eyes are my favorite! I'm the same age as your daughter :D Aww don't worry too much about your daughter I was the same way I changed my major from Biology/Psychology to Sociology/Psychology and finally Political Science/ Psychology. It's all about finding your passion and if you think she has settled on special education she most likely going to stick with that if she feels passionate for it. It really depends on the college prep school though some of them are really fantastic the one I went to really sucked. The teachers were underpaid , most of them had part-time jobs which was shocking because this was supposedly a private prep school that had a good reputation
. Kids who actually deserved to be kicked out would never be kicked out and would continue creating problems. There were lots of drugs , drinking and sex going on too...


Well-known member
Good morning, Shimmerettes!

Shadowaddict~lol I have gone handbag crazy! It is a fun way to lose my mind! My husband shakes his head wondering why I need so many bags, but little do men know and since it is my mula I will do as I please! Take that, Mister! You have a Michael Kors in hiding? Oooh, you must find him! That is another brand I have my eye on and hope to get a bag or two from them around the holiday season. It would be fantastic, though no idea what I am looking for. Something nice, classy, different!

Cassandra~Thank you for the compliments on my new bag! I love the colour too. In real life it is a shade or two darker, but the flash on my camera always brightens things up! It is very easy to gain weight in college. They serve a lot of starchy foods and it is so fun to have someone make your meals for you! For me it hit mostly when I got married. The proverbial gaining of 10 pounds in the first year of marriage because you are happy, content, relaxed and cooking foods you like. Then there are fast food places that are a bit too handy for us. Bad, bad, bad! Now it has become pure laziness on my part and my slow metabolism. I just have to walk by a piece of bread and gain 10 pounds! I am in the process of losing weight, but slow and steady, which is always the healthiest way to do it. No crazy diets. Just common sense, which occasionally I cheat on. Hehehe....

For foundation I use MUFE HD in 110 or 115 and Estee Lauder Lucidity foundation in Pale Ivory. My skin tends to run a bit dry and rarely breaks out, even when I was a teen. I would only get one little bitty pimple on occasion due to hormones. Always in the same place, too! Weird! I am cool toned, an NW15. I use all kinds of concealers, which you can see on my blog. MUFE, MAC, Bobbi Brown, Clinique. They all work, but it usually depends on how I apply it, my skin that day, the weather, etc., as to how well they perform. I like them all, but always have to get the palest of shades!

Off to get some chores done that were ignored yesterday due to my neighbour's visit!! Keep smiling, everyone!



Well-known member
Debi- Yep I am the same way I look at a slice of pizza and just smelling it makes me gain like 5 pounds
It's crazy how fast weight can be put on. I can eat two cookies and think it wont bother me and within one day I can't button my jeans again >_> I'm a big emotional eater

Slow and steady is definitely the best way to do it! I started weight watchers in July and its worked wonders o_o
You should definitely try Michael kors! I have one of his nude cream snake skin print bags

I'll definitely check out your blog! I base most of my choices now off blogs o_o I don't trust any MUA in sephora or any counter anymore >_> I went to the nordstrom trend show and I thought I was lucking in getting one of the national MUA for NARS to do my make up but he did such a crappy job He color matched me wrong and my face was orange AGAIN and I ended up looking like a hooker from moulin rouge

I wish I could keep smiling :( but...

I am officially having a super crappy day now
I had applied for graduation in September and I received an email from my advisor who has never liked me solely for the reason I ask too many questions. She would always give me attitude and be so damn rude. So, she decides to ask me how am I going to finish all of my classes? I told her I plan on finishing whatever is left in the summer just like I discussed with her. This morning right before my first class I read her oh so caring response back to me. She said to me that it is my fault I selected a May graduation which means I must finishing everything before May or make one of my majors a minor which means a December 2012 graduation. She told me herself what to select
I literally ran down 8 flights of stairs and all the way over to her office where I raised pure HELL
(I missed my first class because of this BS >_>) I am not going to be held back for one damn class and pay another 20,000$ for a semester that is BS
So, eventually my advisors boss came and talked to me and sorted everything out to where now I'm going to have to take one class in a winter semester for 2 weeks 6 hrs a day...
I told her I'm gonna go through it because I am not going to be held back when I am so close to graduating. My application is now approved according to her...I am very leery at believing anybody in this college now. I'm dreading going to see my advisor now for approval of my winter course
Both of them better not screw me over last minute because I will not hesitate to go to the dean...

*sigh* I hope everyone elses day was much better than mine :(