lol Jen! I am living vicariously through me, too! I need to remember the holidays are coming up and it isn't all about me, so starting to mingle my shopping in with my MU hauls! Yes, I am part Mohawk and French Canadian, but mostly English,Welsh and a dash of Scottish in me! Hence the fair skin but the semi monolild/hooded eyes. Part of the genes!
When it comes to furniture I truly lucked out. Our bedroom piece is from Ethan Allen, when they still made super classical furniture. I am a furniture freak. I love high quality hardwood because it will last a lifetime if you care for it correctly. Both my husband and I had already paid off all student and car loans when we got married so that really helped us a long the way. We both worked full time until married when I stopped working due to health issues. With no kids and only day trips we were able to save for nice furniture and my home is my delight! Then when my grandfather passed away he left all his grandchildren a rather large sum of money. With it I bought some lovely Victorian styled barrister bookcases for my beloved books. Then he left more money to all his 4 children but when his estate was settled they found waaaay more money than anyone could have imagined. Now he was a typical yankee, do it yourself person to the day he died. He scraped, saved, invested in stocks and bonds and wow. My parents are set for life and sharing it with my sister and I now, while alive, since interest at banks is not worth hoarding money. Each Christmas I get a lovely sum to play with and that has gone to furniture, grandfather clock, more books and bookcase, jewelry, oriental rugs, etc. And they enjoy seeing it. My sister spent all hers on trips to the Vatican and Greece. Nice trips, but now gone. Even her pictures got lost. I'm glad I invested in the house. We have these items for a lifetime. So that is my financial story! Not rich at all, just very lucky in a unexpected way. I like too that every time I dust my furniture or snuggle up on a wing chair or hear the clock chime I am reminded of my family. A nice way to honour them, day by day!
Jen~Shows!! Terra Nova is on Fox, Monday nights at 8pm here. It is about Earth being badly polluted and ruined by humans and they have found a way to travel back to earth when dinosaurs still existed to give us all another chance to survive and make the right choices. It is a mix of Lost meets Avatar meets Jurassic Park. Lots of fun and adventure. Person of Interest is amazing. CBS on Thursday nights. Two vigil anti men, with a lot of wit, both who once worked for the government, one left on a bad note and another who created a system to trace terrorists now using it to trace people of interest, either victims or perpetrators, and stop crimes before they happen. Both have lost someone on 9/11. Excellent and original idea. Kinda freaky, too! And Once Upon a Time, which has not started yet. October 23rd. A twisted fun version of all the fairytales come to life as people travel back in forth in and out of books. A darker version of Inkheart, methinks!!!
P.S.~Just put up a new blog on my NOTD. Check it out! Who knew I would be into dark nail polish and it would actually look nice on me! I think I found one of my October favourites already!!