Cassandra~Sorry about all of this but you are being very smart in going to others. Advisors can be changed and you can always go above them without letting them know. I was an English major and had to do Direct Study during my senior year which basically comprised of coming up with a unique topic and writing a lengthy paper on it, much like a Master's Thesis. He hardly "directed" me at all, so I followed all the rules laid out, and went ahead with it after him approving the subject. I worked my butt off and then, 2 weeks before finals he failed me!! He said I had not interacted enough with him (he was NEVER around) and that my paper was redundant. lol He kept writing, in the margins, redundant, redundant. Sorry, but how "redundant" is that and how does that help me learn what is wrong with my paper? In the meantime all my other classes were A's or B's. I was supposed to graduated with honours and now this? I was in tears and so stressed out. I went to my dorm room, cried, screamed, brought it to another English professor to read who said it was an excellent paper and she brought the entire situation to the head of the English Department. He graded it a 94, and the next year that nasty professor was fired! And I graduated with honours, though my stomach was in knots until I had that diploma in my hand and NO one was going to pry it away from my hardworking fingers!! lol Gah, teachers think they know it all and get in ruts after teaching a specific class over and over again, always with the same books or with the same narrow view. It gets, well, redundant.
Hang tough!!