The Shimmerettes are here!


Well-known member
Hi everyone! Nice to see you back, Jen! Congrats on the new place and I am glad to hear that your job is going well! We are finally enjoying some true fall weather with deep blue skies and cool crisp air. Hubby still busy (and was all weekend) with end of month/quarter/fiscal year stuff, so he is too busy with all of that to play! Murphy's Law! I am still waiting payment on 3 decks, 2 in which the money orders have either gone missing or the buyer never sent them out. There is no tracking on the numbers so we wonder if it is just sitting in the Post Offices. Another deck, quite popular, sat for sale for 3 weeks with no buyers so I finally pulled that off. I think I am done selling. I am ready to finish up these last few transactions and call it the end. I wanted to be over by now and want all this packing material, tape, bubble wrap, boxes, etc., out of this den! I am definitely in pre-holiday mode!! I am also having fun with catching up on sleep and reading. I am in a perpetual state of exhaustion! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying some fine autumn or spring weather, depending on your hemisphere! Time for lunch!!


Well-known member
Debi--You could always put them back up in about a month. Perhaps people might look at them for gifts, might be worth a try.


YAY!!! I finally located the elusive Michael kors handbag. And I was right. Hubby had to have put it where it was. It was on the very top shelf of the foyer closet. I thought it might be there as he shoves totes and other bags there and we keep our luggage in the bottom. I looked last week but couldn't reach up there and decided to try again this week. There's no way I could possible have put it there because I am way too short to even reach there. I kept telling him that he had to had put it somewhere as I would have taken great care to put it away properly as that was the nicest bag I owned. He kept saying he had no recollection of it at all and that's probably true as it was not something of his. I will rub this in his nose and "I told you so" him to death.

Of course it wasn't in it's dust bag. But the leather is in perfect condition. I just took a damp cloth to it and looks great. The metal "M" clasp and the metal loopie things that attach the handles to the bag have spots and only partially shiny. I called a shoe & handbag repair shop and they said it shouldn't be any trouble at all to take care of that to just bring it in and so they can take a look. I don't know what to use on it. It's probably made out of nickel.

That made my day and I have done little else. So now I will mark off a black Coach bag and decide on another color.


Well-known member
Debi--I meant to ask you. Did the sales people at Coach tell you that you should use a leather conditioner or something on them to protect them? I was looking at the Michael Kors site to get the customer service number to ask about the spots and I saw in their handbags they have a couple of leather treatments. One I think is for stains.

I didn't know if I should use something on this MK bag since it has been up in a closet for a few years. I didn't think to as the person I talked to and she wasn't very helpful anyway. She sounded like she was half asleep or didn't want to be there.


Well-known member
Debi--You could always put them back up in about a month. Perhaps people might look at them for gifts, might be worth a try.

YAY!!! I finally located the elusive Michael kors handbag. And I was right. Hubby had to have put it where it was. It was on the very top shelf of the foyer closet. I thought it might be there as he shoves totes and other bags there and we keep our luggage in the bottom. I looked last week but couldn't reach up there and decided to try again this week. There's no way I could possible have put it there because I am way too short to even reach there. I kept telling him that he had to had put it somewhere as I would have taken great care to put it away properly as that was the nicest bag I owned. He kept saying he had no recollection of it at all and that's probably true as it was not something of his. I will rub this in his nose and "I told you so" him to death.

Of course it wasn't in it's dust bag. But the leather is in perfect condition. I just took a damp cloth to it and looks great. The metal "M" clasp and the metal loopie things that attach the handles to the bag have spots and only partially shiny. I called a shoe & handbag repair shop and they said it shouldn't be any trouble at all to take care of that to just bring it in and so they can take a look. I don't know what to use on it. It's probably made out of nickel.

That made my day and I have done little else. So now I will mark off a black Coach bag and decide on another color.
Lol, that's hilarious about your bag! So glad you found it :) Doesn't it drive you mad when the guys in our lives move things to new places to get them out of the way, and then have no recollection of the item at all? Sheesh!

Well, I'm off to do some marking for the first wave of report cards... it creeps up on you so quickly! Enjoy your evenings, everyone! :)


Well-known member
Shadowaddict~So happy that you found your bag! You must be thrilled! Coach has both a leather treatment lotion and one for cleansing. Some bags use one, some the other, some neither. You have to keep the little piece of info in your bag or call them up/bring it in in case you get confused. So far, so good! You can pick them up at the store or I am sure you can order them.

I need to run and do some things before Terra Nova is on at 8pm. We liked the first episode fairly well, so now time to see how it goes. And yes, Jen, another box went out today and I can't wait until this nightmare is over. I swear my decks breed during the night! lol But I can't believe how much I have sold off and really proud I have stuck to it for this long and kept plowing through. Others have not been so lucky with their sale, pricing them too high and thus giving up entirely. It is even hard to sell on ebay these days, with the economy so poor.

Back when things have calmed down a bit!


Well-known member
Jenn-That's exactly what I wanted the Helmer for is to store my nail polish properly. I had them all tossed in a couple of smallish plastic tubs with lids. Then I read that you should store them upright. I'm hoping we will get one near us sometime. They are opening a Container Store soon not far from me so that will be nice.

Yes. my hubby is the king of putting things where my daughter and I can't find them. It drives her nuts when he moves her art stuff. There are some nice paints and an expensive watercolor set that is hiding somewhere. I would guess in the garage in a box with no label mixed with other things we can't find.

Debi--thanks for the info on the leather treatment and such. I will have to check that out.

As for your decks breeding--I would say that has caused your makeup and pretty bags to breed:) not a bad trade-off.

I have been trying to go through stuff and I do believe some stuff does breed overnight. It is never ending. I have managed to get all my small dressy and evening bags together and in one drawer. I really needed to do that because I was searching for a particular one to carry recently to a dinner.

And now with my husband's promotion I'm expected to attend more of these things with him. Some women love that stuff but it's just not my thing. I'm shy and don't like to put a smile on and pretend to have fun. My hubby told me this evening that we are to go to his boss's house for dinner on the 22nd. I don't know if it's just us or if there will be other people. I'm hoping there will be some others so I don't feel so on the spot with conversation and all. Also his wife is used to all this stuff with her husband being a politician. They are very social people and we aren't.


Well-known member
Jenn-That's exactly what I wanted the Helmer for is to store my nail polish properly. I had them all tossed in a couple of smallish plastic tubs with lids. Then I read that you should store them upright. I'm hoping we will get one near us sometime. They are opening a Container Store soon not far from me so that will be nice.

Yes. my hubby is the king of putting things where my daughter and I can't find them. It drives her nuts when he moves her art stuff. There are some nice paints and an expensive watercolor set that is hiding somewhere. I would guess in the garage in a box with no label mixed with other things we can't find.

Debi--thanks for the info on the leather treatment and such. I will have to check that out.

As for your decks breeding--I would say that has caused your makeup and pretty bags to breed:) not a bad trade-off.

I have been trying to go through stuff and I do believe some stuff does breed overnight. It is never ending. I have managed to get all my small dressy and evening bags together and in one drawer. I really needed to do that because I was searching for a particular one to carry recently to a dinner.

And now with my husband's promotion I'm expected to attend more of these things with him. Some women love that stuff but it's just not my thing. I'm shy and don't like to put a smile on and pretend to have fun. My hubby told me this evening that we are to go to his boss's house for dinner on the 22nd. I don't know if it's just us or if there will be other people. I'm hoping there will be some others so I don't feel so on the spot with conversation and all. Also his wife is used to all this stuff with her husband being a politician. They are very social people and we aren't.
oh dear. sorry you have to go to more functions like that. i'm the same and hate going to parties with hubbys work people and even just meeting them for drinks to be honest. generally i have nothing in common with them and feel very self concious. nick tells me to make more conversation but sometimes i really don't know what to talk about! so then it looks like i am boring or miserable because i'm not making conversation. the stupid thing is that for work i have to make conversation with strangers and can do it with ease... but these people i really struggle with. i am dreading the xmas party this year - i hated it last year so much than when we got home i actually cried! perhaps an over-reaction but when you have spent 4 hours trying to fit in and be happy when inside you're the opposite, it's a little emotionally draining!


Well-known member
You know what, Lou? I didn't even think about that! I mean, I know the mail gets crazy around the holidays, but I didn't even factor that part in. I just knew that I didn't want to be bothered with it during that time since I am busy entertaining, wrapping, shopping, decorating, etc., and just want to soak in the season. How weird is that! I am so glad you said that!

So, I did this look this morning, as it is rainy and gross out! You would be so proud, Lou. I used pigments!!! I'm happy with the way it turned out. Come visit my blog to see the full results and what I used!

And still no word from one of the buyers of my decks, so the moderator is now on her back. Good. If she doesn't figure it out, I might just keep it or put it back up for sale. This is ridiculous. It doesn't take two weeks for a money order to get from Illinois to my house. More like 3 days max. She has bought from me before and sells things on ebay. I have a feeling she never even had the money for it and is waiting to sell off some of her stuff to pay me. Grrrr.

Other than the that, I am busy with chores, errands and reading! Presently rereading Dracula! :)



Well-known member
Lou--I'm the same way. I can chat with someone I don't know if I'm out shopping or something like that where there is something that I have in common with the person. If I over hear a question that is not answered and I know it I will even speak up. But these type things are so different. I also never know what to say and feel awkward. I don't like having to act a certain way that is other than myself. A few months ago is when the new boss came. This is a political appointment position so with a new administration comes a new boss. Right before that last dinner my hubby had to give me a quick run down of things. He told me not to talk about my bargin shopping or coupons and stuff like that.

I love quality items and when I can find them on sale all the better. I feel good when I find a great pair of shoes marked down. I often times buy something that I would otherwise skip because of the price. I've bought my grandson lots of Ralph Lauren clothes on sale. They are expensive for a baby that is not going to get the wear out of it like adults. They'll grow out of it before it looks hardly worn at all. My son loves that I buy that stuff for his little one because that's his favorite brand. They look all preppy together. But I just don't get why buying something on sale is so beneath some people.

So now I'm trying to think of something to wear to their house for dinner. Hubby can throw on a RL oxford with open collar and sportcoat or a suit with white shirt and tie and good to go for pretty much anything. It's so freakin easy for men it's not fair and nobody cares if men have a some extra weight. It's much more difficult for women to know what to wear to some of these events or dinners. I hate when snotty women do that up & down look to other women like they're judges in a fashion contest and it's usually some young trophey wife of a man at least twice her age.

I got rid of most of my "fat" clothes when I lost weight a couple of years ago. I have avoided buying very much as I hate seeing in the sizes how I let the weight come back. I think in my head if I buy too many nice things at this size it is admitting to myself that I am going to stay at this weight. I know that is my weight issues screwing with my mind but that doesn't help much. Since I don't work it's easy to get along without as many clothes. Although you couldn't tell that by the looks of my closets that are jammed packed with nice clothes of all sizes, but very few that fit me now.

In the fall I usually wear jeans with a nice top & maybe a light weight cardigan (depending on the temp) and about 3 inch wedges or clogs. That's good enough for shopping and to go out to dinner I can just spiff the jeans up a bit with a nicer top and accessories and wear a higher heel. Being short and having extra weight makes it very difficult to find dressier clothes that are flattering and that I actually feel good in. To be honest I don't feel good in any kind of clothing because I hate that I've let myself get to this point. So when I go to the fitting room to try things on it's just depressing. I wore black slacks to that dinner a while back so maybe I'll just find something else to wear with them and throw some nice jewelry. The boss's wife wasn't at that dinner but really who could tell if you're wearing the same basic black slacks. I'm getting so stressed about this that my face will probably breakout and then I'll really look nice.


Debi--What an awesome fairy look. You should do theater makeup with your creative ideas. The wreath matches up great with the makeup and screems autumn. We are still in the low 80's but that feels pretty good compared to what it was. I really like the low 70's as it feels so nice out with the sun making the leaves look so pretty. Also at that temp if you move around a lot outside you don't feel like you're melting.


Well-known member
Lou--I'm the same way. I can chat with someone I don't know if I'm out shopping or something like that where there is something that I have in common with the person. If I over hear a question that is not answered and I know it I will even speak up. But these type things are so different. I also never know what to say and feel awkward. I don't like having to act a certain way that is other than myself. A few months ago is when the new boss came. This is a political appointment position so with a new administration comes a new boss. Right before that last dinner my hubby had to give me a quick run down of things. He told me not to talk about my bargin shopping or coupons and stuff like that.

I love quality items and when I can find them on sale all the better. I feel good when I find a great pair of shoes marked down. I often times buy something that I would otherwise skip because of the price. I've bought my grandson lots of Ralph Lauren clothes on sale. They are expensive for a baby that is not going to get the wear out of it like adults. They'll grow out of it before it looks hardly worn at all. My son loves that I buy that stuff for his little one because that's his favorite brand. They look all preppy together. But I just don't get why buying something on sale is so beneath some people.

So now I'm trying to think of something to wear to their house for dinner. Hubby can throw on a RL oxford with open collar and sportcoat or a suit with white shirt and tie and good to go for pretty much anything. It's so freakin easy for men it's not fair and nobody cares if men have a some extra weight. It's much more difficult for women to know what to wear to some of these events or dinners. I hate when snotty women do that up & down look to other women like they're judges in a fashion contest and it's usually some young trophey wife of a man at least twice her age.

I got rid of most of my "fat" clothes when I lost weight a couple of years ago. I have avoided buying very much as I hate seeing in the sizes how I let the weight come back. I think in my head if I buy too many nice things at this size it is admitting to myself that I am going to stay at this weight. I know that is my weight issues screwing with my mind but that doesn't help much. Since I don't work it's easy to get along without as many clothes. Although you couldn't tell that by the looks of my closets that are jammed packed with nice clothes of all sizes, but very few that fit me now.

In the fall I usually wear jeans with a nice top & maybe a light weight cardigan (depending on the temp) and about 3 inch wedges or clogs. That's good enough for shopping and to go out to dinner I can just spiff the jeans up a bit with a nicer top and accessories and wear a higher heel. Being short and having extra weight makes it very difficult to find dressier clothes that are flattering and that I actually feel good in. To be honest I don't feel good in any kind of clothing because I hate that I've let myself get to this point. So when I go to the fitting room to try things on it's just depressing. I wore black slacks to that dinner a while back so maybe I'll just find something else to wear with them and throw some nice jewelry. The boss's wife wasn't at that dinner but really who could tell if you're wearing the same basic black slacks. I'm getting so stressed about this that my face will probably breakout and then I'll really look nice.


Debi--What an awesome fairy look. You should do theater makeup with your creative ideas. The wreath matches up great with the makeup and screems autumn. We are still in the low 80's but that feels pretty good compared to what it was. I really like the low 70's as it feels so nice out with the sun making the leaves look so pretty. Also at that temp if you move around a lot outside you don't feel like you're melting.
what??!? that is so crazy that you can't talk about your bargain shopping with these people! no wonder you feel so nervous and hate it seeing as you can't even have a conversation that seems completely normal. why would they get upset and such a conversation? no matter how much money you have surely finding a nice bargain isn't beneeth you? Nick's family are quite well off and the reason why they have so much money is because they do bargain shopping! they even knit their own jumpers and such to save money. why can't these rich people find a nice happy medium?! lol!

today i am staying home and deep cleaning the house. so lots of sweat and scrubbing will be taking up most of my day! thrilling stuff right?! :)


Well-known member
Thank you! I didn't make the crown, though. I picked out most of the silks and the local nursery made it up for me. They have never done crowns before and didn't wrap it in silk ribbon, so it feels like a crown of thorns in my head! lol And heavy as can be. Imagine what it must have been like when women wore long veils and headpieces! Strong neck muscles! Oddly within 12 hours a self proclaimed "beauty guru" also decided to do a fall fairy look for Halloween, minus the costuming. Little girls that have to copy from someone who is almost 49 years old are shallow. Apparently she hasn't got an original idea in her head. Pity. Then again, Imitation is the greatest form of flattery! I had no idea I was so aweseome. lol Go figure....


Well-known member
wow french literature major
Bravo for pursuing your passion :) I'm Greek and fluent in the language in all areas (read, write, spreak it) I found that knowing another foreign language other than english helped me learn french very fast.


Well-known member
Lou-- I agree there is nothing wrong with bargin shopping or buying on sale no matter how much money you have. My daughter-in-law grew up quite wealthy and we always talk about the deals we find. She and my son go to Goodwill regularly to check out stuff people have donated. In this area you wouldn't believe the nice stuff they've found dirt cheap. Their entire house is decorated in furniture that her parents and grandparents gave them and great finds at Goodwill or Craig's List. They have a gorgeous solid wood dining room hutch that I fell in love with the moment I saw it. They told me they bought it at Goodwill for something like $40 or $50 and refinished themselves. You can tell it is very high quality. Their whole house looks like a talented decorater has come in and done magic and most of it was given to them or bought on the cheap. I will admit though that her parents gave them some amazing art for the walls.

I think even if I was loaded I would still enjoy finding a good bargin. Of course I would treat my family and myself to items completely out of my reach now though. I think these people were born with platinum spoon in their mouths and don't have a clue how most middle class America lives. With my daughter's expensive private school tuition and the $44,000 a yr for private college tuiton it has left us quite strapped. We do splurge here and there but are trying to build our savings back up. A Coach bag for me is a slurge but for some it would just be a regular purchase along with their $300 blouse. I did not grow up that way. And like I've said before the people I've been around who were floating in money did not act that way. Like the ones at the school my daughter attended they understood they were fortunate and donated heavily to the scholarship fund to help provide for families that could not afford the high tuition. I knew of two students that had been going there for years and suddenly their parent's job folded (in the music business) and two other families paid the tuition for one of those kids each. They never said anything. I found out by the students telling my daughter.


Well-known member
Lou-- I agree there is nothing wrong with bargin shopping or buying on sale no matter how much money you have. My daughter-in-law grew up quite wealthy and we always talk about the deals we find. She and my son go to Goodwill regularly to check out stuff people have donated. In this area you wouldn't believe the nice stuff they've found dirt cheap. Their entire house is decorated in furniture that her parents and grandparents gave them and great finds at Goodwill or Craig's List. They have a gorgeous solid wood dining room hutch that I fell in love with the moment I saw it. They told me they bought it at Goodwill for something like $40 or $50 and refinished themselves. You can tell it is very high quality. Their whole house looks like a talented decorater has come in and done magic and most of it was given to them or bought on the cheap. I will admit though that her parents gave them some amazing art for the walls.

I think even if I was loaded I would still enjoy finding a good bargin. Of course I would treat my family and myself to items completely out of my reach now though. I think these people were born with platinum spoon in their mouths and don't have a clue how most middle class America lives. With my daughter's expensive private school tuition and the $44,000 a yr for private college tuiton it has left us quite strapped. We do splurge here and there but are trying to build our savings back up. A Coach bag for me is a slurge but for some it would just be a regular purchase along with their $300 blouse. I did not grow up that way. And like I've said before the people I've been around who were floating in money did not act that way. Like the ones at the school my daughter attended they understood they were fortunate and donated heavily to the scholarship fund to help provide for families that could not afford the high tuition. I knew of two students that had been going there for years and suddenly their parent's job folded (in the music business) and two other families paid the tuition for one of those kids each. They never said anything. I found out by the students telling my daughter.
oh wow!! how much do i want to go to charity shops in your area?! so many lovely things being donated! wow! i like to go to stores like that - in fact my makeup cabinet was from a charity shop and is lovely! and yeah to me a coach bag is a huge splurge and not something i could go and buy every week.... how the other half live!


Well-known member
Cassandra~Cool that you can talk, speak and read Greek! I so wish that I could speak French fluently, as I have some French Canadian blood in me, but there isn't anyone to talk to regularly to practice it. I do, however, sign fluently, which is helpful with my now deaf father and many deaf people I have come into contact with in stores, etc. whom no one else understands. I also have some permanent hearing loss due to an ear infection, so a good thing to know.

I can also write in Dwarvish and Elven runes fluently (from the Lord of the Rings) and have been able to since I was 12 years old. Oddly helpful in keeping my diary very private from the prying eyes of my older sister when I was young. Hehehe!

Shadowaddict~I am with you. Coach is a splurge. Actually anything is a splurge to some extent when it isn't a thing I actually need for survival! I see some people, even teens, walking about the mall with armloads of bags, buying up anything they want, acting bratty, being rude to the salespeople. No wonder they remember my name when I go into Nordstroms. I appreciate them and I think they appreciate someone who says thank you and please and wishes then a good evening with a smile on my face instead of stomping out without a single kind word. I guess it pays to be a peasant! Or as my husband just said this afternoon; you attract more bees with honey than with vinegar!

I did just have fun at the mall for a wee haul! Some nice perfume (yep, you know me!), a few things from MAC (wouldn't you know I drew a blank at what colour gel liner I didn't have so didn't dare get it!) and pigments!! And a fall/winter Vera Bradley makeup bag for my purse. Yay! Now I need to wash off a few dirty pumpkins to set out on our steps! Smurf is waiting for me. And we had more ice cream. Mocha Chip. Oh, yummy!!! lol The place closes this weekend until mid to late April (depending on the weather) so that is it for this year!! But we had to eat inside the car because the place was swarming with lazy bees in the mood to sting people!


Well-known member
Cassandra~Cool that you can talk, speak and read Greek! I so wish that I could speak French fluently, as I have some French Canadian blood in me, but there isn't anyone to talk to regularly to practice it. I do, however, sign fluently, which is helpful with my now deaf father and many deaf people I have come into contact with in stores, etc. whom no one else understands. I also have some permanent hearing loss due to an ear infection, so a good thing to know.

I can also write in Dwarvish and Elven runes fluently (from the Lord of the Rings) and have been able to since I was 12 years old. Oddly helpful in keeping my diary very private from the prying eyes of my older sister when I was young. Hehehe!

Shadowaddict~I am with you. Coach is a splurge. Actually anything is a splurge to some extent when it isn't a thing I actually need for survival! I see some people, even teens, walking about the mall with armloads of bags, buying up anything they want, acting bratty, being rude to the salespeople. No wonder they remember my name when I go into Nordstroms. I appreciate them and I think they appreciate someone who says thank you and please and wishes then a good evening with a smile on my face instead of stomping out without a single kind word. I guess it pays to be a peasant! Or as my husband just said this afternoon; you attract more bees with honey than with vinegar!

I did just have fun at the mall for a wee haul! Some nice perfume (yep, you know me!), a few things from MAC (wouldn't you know I drew a blank at what colour gel liner I didn't have so didn't dare get it!) and pigments!! And a fall/winter Vera Bradley makeup bag for my purse. Yay! Now I need to wash off a few dirty pumpkins to set out on our steps! Smurf is waiting for me. And we had more ice cream. Mocha Chip. Oh, yummy!!! lol The place closes this weekend until mid to late April (depending on the weather) so that is it for this year!! But we had to eat inside the car because the place was swarming with lazy bees in the mood to sting people!
Debi, I didn't know you had some French-Canadian blood! If you ever want to practice writing in French, you could always write to me! :) And that's amazing that you're able to sign fluently - the French program I use is inspired by sign language, so I'd love to pick it up - it would be so useful to know, and I feel like it would be helpful in the classroom! And I love that you're fluent is Dwarvish and Elvish - too cute with the diary! :p

Yay for more hauls! I've missed seeing what you've been getting - I am currently living vicariously through you :p


Well-known member
lol Jen! I am living vicariously through me, too! I need to remember the holidays are coming up and it isn't all about me, so starting to mingle my shopping in with my MU hauls! Yes, I am part Mohawk and French Canadian, but mostly English,Welsh and a dash of Scottish in me! Hence the fair skin but the semi monolild/hooded eyes. Part of the genes!

When it comes to furniture I truly lucked out. Our bedroom piece is from Ethan Allen, when they still made super classical furniture. I am a furniture freak. I love high quality hardwood because it will last a lifetime if you care for it correctly. Both my husband and I had already paid off all student and car loans when we got married so that really helped us a long the way. We both worked full time until married when I stopped working due to health issues. With no kids and only day trips we were able to save for nice furniture and my home is my delight! Then when my grandfather passed away he left all his grandchildren a rather large sum of money. With it I bought some lovely Victorian styled barrister bookcases for my beloved books. Then he left more money to all his 4 children but when his estate was settled they found waaaay more money than anyone could have imagined. Now he was a typical yankee, do it yourself person to the day he died. He scraped, saved, invested in stocks and bonds and wow. My parents are set for life and sharing it with my sister and I now, while alive, since interest at banks is not worth hoarding money. Each Christmas I get a lovely sum to play with and that has gone to furniture, grandfather clock, more books and bookcase, jewelry, oriental rugs, etc. And they enjoy seeing it. My sister spent all hers on trips to the Vatican and Greece. Nice trips, but now gone. Even her pictures got lost. I'm glad I invested in the house. We have these items for a lifetime. So that is my financial story! Not rich at all, just very lucky in a unexpected way. I like too that every time I dust my furniture or snuggle up on a wing chair or hear the clock chime I am reminded of my family. A nice way to honour them, day by day!

Jen~Shows!! Terra Nova is on Fox, Monday nights at 8pm here. It is about Earth being badly polluted and ruined by humans and they have found a way to travel back to earth when dinosaurs still existed to give us all another chance to survive and make the right choices. It is a mix of Lost meets Avatar meets Jurassic Park. Lots of fun and adventure. Person of Interest is amazing. CBS on Thursday nights. Two vigil anti men, with a lot of wit, both who once worked for the government, one left on a bad note and another who created a system to trace terrorists now using it to trace people of interest, either victims or perpetrators, and stop crimes before they happen. Both have lost someone on 9/11. Excellent and original idea. Kinda freaky, too! And Once Upon a Time, which has not started yet. October 23rd. A twisted fun version of all the fairytales come to life as people travel back in forth in and out of books. A darker version of Inkheart, methinks!!!

P.S.~Just put up a new blog on my NOTD. Check it out! Who knew I would be into dark nail polish and it would actually look nice on me! I think I found one of my October favourites already!!


Well-known member
Hey Shadowaddict:

I'm going through something similar. So I kinda know how you are feeling.

I have always been chubby, which I am OK with, but I am currently 20 lbs heavier than my usual weight. None of my clothes fit, and I can't find any new clothes to fit me either. The actual number of the size (14) doesn't bother me, it's just that I can't get anything to fit my shape. I have even tried the more mature clothing lines (like my mom would wear) but it just doesn't fit properly.

You would think that would be enough to motivate me, but I just can't seem to get off my butt (literally and figuratively) and do something about it!

I got rid of most of my "fat" clothes when I lost weight a couple of years ago. I have avoided buying very much as I hate seeing in the sizes how I let the weight come back. I think in my head if I buy too many nice things at this size it is admitting to myself that I am going to stay at this weight. I know that is my weight issues screwing with my mind but that doesn't help much. Since I don't work it's easy to get along without as many clothes.

Being short and having extra weight makes it very difficult to find dressier clothes that are flattering and that I actually feel good in. To be honest I don't feel good in any kind of clothing because I hate that I've let myself get to this point. So when I go to the fitting room to try things on it's just depressing.


Well-known member
Yay! The moderator is getting on the backs of the two buyers who have not sent payment in. Both are supposed to send them in today. Good! Another 200.00 in my pocket, which I am sure won't last long in there! I am still waiting for an order from NYX (they are soooo sloooow) and my NYX one from Hautelook, plus I just did a fun FOTD with the UD Anniversary Palette. I love the colours in this one, though my fingerprints are all over the metallic cover!! I am working more with eyeliner and my hand is a lot steadier now, so using pencils, gels and liquid liners. Please come check it out and let me know what you think. I could use more followers, too! And I am still loving my chocolate nails!!

Today I plan to stay home and rest, relax, watch movies, clean a bit and read! Another lovely cool and windy day, but all the leaves are falling off the trees. And we saw Christmas decorations and decorated Christmas trees yesterday! Eeek! I am soooo not ready! I need to get shopping. I need lists!!! I need to make my own! lol


Well-known member
Yay! The moderator is getting on the backs of the two buyers who have not sent payment in. Both are supposed to send them in today. Good! Another 200.00 in my pocket, which I am sure won't last long in there! I am still waiting for an order from NYX (they are soooo sloooow) and my NYX one from Hautelook, plus I just did a fun FOTD with the UD Anniversary Palette. I love the colours in this one, though my fingerprints are all over the metallic cover!! I am working more with eyeliner and my hand is a lot steadier now, so using pencils, gels and liquid liners. Please come check it out and let me know what you think. I could use more followers, too! And I am still loving my chocolate nails!!

Today I plan to stay home and rest, relax, watch movies, clean a bit and read! Another lovely cool and windy day, but all the leaves are falling off the trees. And we saw Christmas decorations and decorated Christmas trees yesterday! Eeek! I am soooo not ready! I need to get shopping. I need lists!!! I need to make my own! lol
yay! i am pleased that the mod is finally getting on their backs! you shouldn't say you'd buy something and then just ignore it! And I have heard that NYX are very slow to ship - was it bought via that cherry culture site because they are very slow. and i shall have a look at your blog in a mo. i woke up in a panic this morning because i forgot to upload todays tutorial to youtube last night! so now doing it so i can get the post out! oops!

i am off to get my hair highlighted today! so excited because it looked gross. i also have to go into the city to get a refund on a bra. luckily i kept the tags on! i picked up the wrong size like a dope - right back size but wrong cups so when i was trying it on at home i wondered why i had so much empty cup space! lol!

have a great day everybody!