MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
mac are going to be doing a poll soon where people can vote for their fave le items and whichever get the most votes are going to be brought back for a collection next year! woo hoo!

OMG seriously????? There are sooo many I want to come back: D'Bohemia, Modelette,Cosmic and Saturnal eyeshadows, Ciao Manhattan, Poetic License,Moonbathe and Young Spark lipglasses, Orpheus eye pencil, Naked Honey Skin Salve and Tendertones, OMG Tendertones pleeeeeeeeease Mac bring them back!!!


Well-known member
OMG seriously????? There are sooo many I want to come back: D'Bohemia, Modelette,Cosmic and Saturnal eyeshadows, Ciao Manhattan, Poetic License,Moonbathe and Young Spark lipglasses, Orpheus eye pencil, Naked Honey Skin Salve and Tendertones, OMG Tendertones pleeeeeeeeease Mac bring them back!!!
I think tendertones are coming back.. My wishlist would be candy yum yum lipstick, cult of cherry quad, rebelrose lipstick, perfect topping msf, Pearlglide liners, nice vice paint pot.......that would be for starters!


Well-known member
I don't know where to put this or how long it will last, but I found a ship code (speed)... Free overnight shipping with $60 purchase. I just tried it and it worked.


Well-known member
OMG seriously????? There are sooo many I want to come back: D'Bohemia, Modelette,Cosmic and Saturnal eyeshadows, Ciao Manhattan, Poetic License,Moonbathe and Young Spark lipglasses, Orpheus eye pencil, Naked Honey Skin Salve and Tendertones, OMG Tendertones pleeeeeeeeease Mac bring them back!!!
tendertones are coming back next year anyway!


Well-known member
Thank you, Lou!!!!

i am hoping pleasureflush!!

they were actually working names and have now changed them - T Falls is now Naturally and Ardent was actually the name of a product rather than a collection so I closed it :)

tendertones are coming back next year anyway!


Well-known member
Eeee! A poll? How I would love that. How would ANY of us love that! Please keep us posted.


Well-known member
My wishlist would be candy yum yum lipstick, cult of cherry quad, rebelrose lipstick, perfect topping msf, Pearlglide liners, nice vice paint pot.......that would be for starters!

See?? I'm that behind with mac info these days!


Well-known member
Let's play a game! Name your top 5 LE products you want to see return. No products that have already come back or been announced (like Stereo Rose or Azalea Blossom):

Bling Black Dazzleglass (Style Black)
Midnight Media Mattene (Style Black)
Darkly My Dear Blush (Venomous Villains)
Cinderfella MES (Style Black)
Undercurrent Pearlglide (Art Supplies)


Well-known member
Let's play a game! Name your top 5 LE products you want to see return. No products that have already come back or been announced (like Stereo Rose or Azalea Blossom):

Bling Black Dazzleglass (Style Black)
Midnight Media Mattene (Style Black)
Darkly My Dear Blush (Venomous Villains)
Cinderfella MES (Style Black)
Undercurrent Pearlglide (Art Supplies)
Sugarshot E/S (Sugarsweet)
Black Knight L/S (Style Black)
Comet Blue D/G (Dazzleglass)
165 Brush (BBR)
Queen's Sin L/S (Antiquitease)


Well-known member
Pleasureflush MSF
Perfect Topping MSF
Comet Blue dazzleglass
Queen's Sin because I've heard so much about it
Volcanis Ash Thermal Mask
it so much


Well-known member
it was repromoted July 2010
Ooh, right right :) gotcha.

Edit: I agree with Anitacska, I think they should repromote Perfect Topping msf. I missed out on the whole Surf Baby collection, so I'd be stoked if they brought back Surf USA at some point.


I'd like to see

Perfect Topping MSF
Ripe Peach blush ombre
Moth Brown eyeshadow
Queens Sin lipstick
and Lavender Whip lipstick


Specktra Bestie
Let's play a game! Name your top 5 LE products you want to see return. No products that have already come back or been announced (like Stereo Rose or Azalea Blossom):

If we're talking strictly about LE products...

Queen's Sin l/s
Tux De-Lux l/g
Surfbunny l/g
Overdone l/s
Sensibility e/s

But really, what I'd love to see them reissue are some of the lipsticks that they've discontinued from their permanent line, but with better formulas:

Jet l/s
Jungle Juice l/s
Force l/s
Ionic l/s
Rocker l/s

Awesome game, by the way!!


Well-known member
Let's play a game! Name your top 5 LE products you want to see return. No products that have already come back or been announced (like Stereo Rose or Azalea Blossom):

Bling Black Dazzleglass (Style Black)
Midnight Media Mattene (Style Black)
Darkly My Dear Blush (Venomous Villains)
Cinderfella MES (Style Black)
Undercurrent Pearlglide (Art Supplies)


Ripe Peach blush ombre
Queen's Sin lipstick
Parrot eyeshadow
Waternymph eyeshadow
Pharaoh Paint Pot


Well-known member
MAC doing a poll of which LE items will be in next years collections?! That is a great idea!! I'm hoping there will be more HTF items in next years collections!

Hopefully this will be promoted in the Spring. Rather sooner than later as I will certainly drop a lot of $$$ on the new summer collection and the mineralize collection.