B2M - Read before posting questions about Back to MAC.


Well-known member
Not at all, you can B2M anything that's eligible, regardless of how you got it, or even what country it's from.

I've looked through a dozen or so of the pages in this thread, as well as the FAQ and can't seem to find the answer to my question.

I have a lot of empties that family and friends have sent over from England and America and others that I've purchased off ACW, so would I be able to B2M these at my counter in New Zealand? I've purchased a few things from the Wellington counter and I've noticed that they actually have your name and everything you have purchased in a folder, so I'm worried that I'll only be able to B2M what they KNOW I have bought from their counter.. Could any other Kiwi's or MUAs help? I have multiple items and would love to exchange them for a few lippies.

Thanks in advance! :)


Well-known member
Can I Back to MAC depotted shadows?

I am sure this has been asked before, but I could not find the thread by searching. What is the current policy on accepting depotted shadows for back to mac? I have just recently started depotting b/c my eyeshadow stash was getting to be unmanagable, and I was wondering if I should try to use them for B2M.


Well-known member
I am sure this has been asked before, but I could not find the thread by searching. What is the current policy on accepting depotted shadows for back to mac? I have just recently started depotting b/c my eyeshadow stash was getting to be unmanagable, and I was wondering if I should try to use them for B2M.
I think it really just depends on the store / counter / person working at the time, but I called my local store recently asking if I could B2M an e/s container with a broken lid, as well as some other B2M questions, and the sales assistant suggested that I depot my eyeshadows so that I wouldn't have to keep using my broken e/s container and so that I could use them for B2M. She even brought up that I could find depotting videos on Youtube, and that I could come in and buy a palette, etc. So some places certainly do accept depotted shadows, it's definitely worth asking your local counter / favorite sales assistant about ! Good luck :D


Well-known member
Yes, MAC is supposed to accept de-potted eyeshadows for B2M. If you de-pot, the MA cannot accept the plastic and the tin as two items because you cannot B2M the tin pan.

If your regular counter gives you a hard time, go somewhere else or ask the manager if you can read their B2M policy on what's accepted. There should be one standard policy, but unfortunately, different people will accept different items at different counters.


Well-known member
I'm sorry for bringing this up again. At my MAC store, they will not let you B2M anything from the LE collection in the regular packaging! Has anyone been told the same or is it just me?


Well-known member
I'm sorry for bringing this up again. At my MAC store, they will not let you B2M anything from the LE collection in the regular packaging! Has anyone been told the same or is it just me?

That's not true. I go to the MAC Pros and free standing MAC stores in New York. I was told that as long as the outer backing has BACK2MAC on it that you are able to do it. Many LE products have BAC2MAC on the carton packaging.


Well-known member
When you buy a product, you can easily check on the outer packing if you can B2M for it. Very simple. If in doubt, keep the box and return it when you B2M (though that is not necessary).


Well-known member
I already know that you cannot B2M for anything in special packaging. What I'm saying is that when I tried to B2M for three eyeshadows from Fall Colour collection, I was refused to B2M for them.


Well-known member
Hi Ladies,

Just got some stuff from the MAC Shop/Cook collection. I wanted to B2M for the lipstick but I was told I couldn't. I assumed because there was special packaging. The MAC sales lady mentioned that any limited edition item couldn't be B2Med (along with Viva Glam but that's understandable). Only permanent eyeshadows, lipsticks and lipglosses. This was in the Toronto Bloor location.

This was news to me and she told me they just implemented this recently. Sounds to me limited edition items (regardless of nice packaging or not), would not count for B2M. Sad but ahh wells...


Well-known member
Actually, it's not true. LE items are eligible, as long as it's NOT special packaging. Shop/Cook is eligible. I B2M'd for Dish It Up at The Bay Queen/Bay today. They didn't give me a hard time at all. I also B2M'd for Flamingo recently (Eaton Centre MAC store).

I would recommend asking on the MAC Live Chat - they will tell you that it's ok, and print out the chat transcript and take it with you. This is how I managed to B2M for cremesheen glasses (at the Bloor/Bay location) immediately after they changed the rules and it wasn't really allowed (but the Live Chat person wasn't up to date on the changes, and because I had the printout they allowed it at the store).

I do have a Live Chat transcript saying that it's ok to B2M for Shop lipsticks - PM me with your email address and I'll forward it to you.


Well-known member
I was able to B2M for a lippie from the MAC Shop/Cook collection without a problem.
This was news to me and she told me they just implemented this recently. Sounds to me limited edition items (regardless of nice packaging or not), would not count for B2M. Sad but ahh wells...


Well-known member
Oh my god, since we don't have B2M in my country I wasn't quite aware of all the B2M rules. So you can return 6 empty packages for a LE lipstick? That's awesome!