The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Hi Almus! The Primer should work perfectly on your skin (I already tried it, but for me it was too matte - I like my skin with a bit of glow). The Illuminator does exactly that - it gives you a bit of glow and is good for all kinds of imperfections, because they become less visible. It has a bit of silicone, so it should work on your skin, but honestly - I would ask for a sample at your local counter to try it.

It's very cold again around here - about -10C, which is 14F. But it's very sunny at the same time, and I love that. I haven't got a car and have become used to walk into the city center lately - which is about half an hour. Yesterday I saw lots of sheets of ice in the river which is really rare around here. Next week I'm going to the Black Forest with my parents for a few days - there'll be lots of snow.

I really like the weather, but it's really time for spring! I'm wearing all my spring MU already!


Well-known member
Hi Michelle, Almus, Anneri

Hmmm now I want to try the EL stuff too :eek:). I once got a sample of their serum and it was wonderful... just a bit on the expensive side for my budget. I shall put this on my "want" list. I think I will also have a look at MAC's careblend oil.

I think the river in Berlin is covered in ice already (at least the one I saw yesterday). We never had anything above -5C (23F) in the past 10 days or so... brrrr. Made me just want to get on the plane and visit my parents again :D. On the plus side, my skin has completely healed from the dryness... and now decides that it wants to be oily and acne prone again... *sarcastic laugh*

I got the blush and lippie from Laura Mercier spring collection... and I've been wearing that everyday too. Also eye-ing on the new Spring collection of clothes and stuff.

Wish you all a nice weekend :)


Well-known member
Thanks Anneri, I'll give it a look at my counter and ask for some samples.

Here we are just around 7-8 C but the humidity is so high, that we do feel a much colder weather. I have a cold since 8 days ago, which is annoying me so much ...

I have seen lots of spring collections already, both clothes and makeup but maybe it is because of this weather o because of my cold, but I am not feeling "springy" yet.


Well-known member
Waves to all the Ratonas ! It has been too long since I had enough time to even stop in and chat.. but today is a Saturday and I am usually up at dawn working so I wanted to take the opportunity of wishing everyone a very belated New Year... and a great 2012.

I started the NY with a bad viral cold which put me in hospital for dehydration.. and that was sorted out but kind of blew my predictions out of the water. I traveled on my vacation which turned into a longer stay due to my sister's health. She passed on Feb. 2, 2012 -- after suffering for 3 1/2 years with this horrific cancer. I want to express my gratitude to all who have often inquired about her heatlth and sent me well wishes... in the end, she died surrounded by all her family and much love. I am staying with my family until the end of the month just to make sure my mom is accompanied and loved.

so, this has started to be a very tough year for me.. and I hope it's not a preview of worse to come.

as far as mu is concerned.. I have been barely keeping up with my own and trying to work on all the lines I do work with for next year projected. I will hope to get enough time to post any news and info I get soon.

Katred.. thank you for your well wishes.. I have missed you! I have missed all the Ratonas and all the news and info which floats around here daily. I actually purchased some of your ls reccs from Lancome (C! gave me the info).

Debi, there is one Clinique cream gel which I find is quite good especially to give skina moisture boost.. and it's called that Moisture Surge.. it's pink and gel like but it does pack a lot of moisture and will be great for your skin.

to all.. have a very wonderful day and week.. I will try to post things as I sort them out myself.




Well-known member
Waves to all the Ratonas !  It has been too long since I had enough time to even stop in and chat.. but today is a Saturday and I am usually up at dawn working so I wanted to take the opportunity of wishing everyone a very belated New Year... and a great 2012. I started the NY with a bad viral cold which put me in hospital for dehydration.. and that was sorted out but kind of blew my predictions out of the water.  I traveled on my vacation which turned into a longer stay due to my sister's health.  She passed on Feb. 2, 2012 -- after suffering for 3 1/2 years with this horrific cancer.  I want to express my gratitude to all who have often inquired about her heatlth and sent me well wishes... in the end, she died surrounded by all her family and much love.  I am staying with my family until the end of the month just to make sure my mom is accompanied and loved.  so, this has started to be a very tough year for me.. and I hope it's not a preview of worse to come. as far as mu is concerned.. I have been barely keeping up with my own and trying to work on all the lines I do work with for next year projected.  I will hope to get enough time to post any news and info I get soon. Katred.. thank you for your well wishes.. I have missed you!   I have missed all the Ratonas and all the news and info which floats around here daily. I actually purchased some of your ls reccs from Lancome (C! gave me the info). Debi, there is one Clinique cream gel which I find is quite good especially to give skina moisture boost.. and it's called that Moisture Surge.. it's pink and gel like but it does pack a lot of moisture and will be great for your skin. to all.. have a very wonderful day and week.. I will try to post things as I sort them out myself. :frenz: HG
I am so, so sorry for your loss :support: 2012 does not shape out to be such a great year after all :( All the best to you and your mum.


Well-known member
Dear HG, I am so sorry so hear that. My thoughts are with you and your mother.

I truly hope this is just but the start of better times to come.


Well-known member
HG, my thoughts are with you and your family! I'm so sorry reading your post - the last time you posted something about your sister's health it seemed that she was a bit better. I really hope that 2012 is still in the early stages and turns out to be a better year for you after all.
Come back to us if you want to be distracted by chatter and MU!


Well-known member
HG -- so sorry for your loss of your sister. You were such a great support to her and I'm sure your mom appreciates your continued support. Prayers and blessings going out to you . . .
Hope things look up for you soon


Well-known member
HG, so sorry to hear about your loss
. At least she is in a better place now, free from her pain. Wish you and your family lots of strength and love to get through this.

I'd like to think, actually, if we were to find discomfort at the beginning of the year, the luck would change towards the end. As if I've taken out the bad parts and now only the good parts are there.


Well-known member
HG, so sorry to hear about your loss
. At least she is in a better place now, free from her pain. Wish you and your family lots of strength and love to get through this.

I'd like to think, actually, if we were to find discomfort at the beginning of the year, the luck would change towards the end. As if I've taken out the bad parts and now only the good parts are there.

I really like that thought, Astrid.


Well-known member
HG--I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your mother. I know your sister enjoyed all the wonderful times you guys shared together. As the others have said she is no longer in pain.


Well-known member
(((HG))) I am so very sorry for your loss and send prayers to you and all involved. I hope the rest of the year quiets down for you and allows you some well-deserved time for healing, both physically and emotionally.

Many thanks for the suggestions. I bought Clinique Moisture Surge Intense Gel-Creme (the new one) to try out and am also using EL Time Zone which is quite nice, as well. I picked that up first, so presently using it. For nostalgic purposes I bought a bottle of EL Swiss Performing Extract. I love this stuff, though the scent is strong. I had a small bottle of it waaaaay back in the mid 80's when I took a 2 week trip to Florida & was craving it!

Other than that I am enjoying my blog, getting a lot of reading done and having a nasty time with allergies. It attacks my eyes, so they are itchy, runny, watery, terrible. I go through this every year at this time (something about the first spring trees) and the past 2 days have been awful. Unfortunately I can't take allergy medicine (deathly allergic to them) so I can only use eye drops, cold compresses and forget makeup for a while until it calms down and passes. Boo, hiss....


Well-known member
Debi--Good to see you back on here.

Yes allergies can be such a pain. I've been dealing with all that also. In addition I have had blocked tear ducts in both eyes. That seems weird because my eyes have been running running nonstop. I had an appointment with my opthamologist anyway. I thought I would ask him about it as I assumed it was because of allergies. But he did a couple of tests and was able to see that both my tear ducts are blocked. My left one more so than my right. Even though it seems counterintuitive when this happens it cause your eyes to make extra tears and hence super water eyes. If I don't keep a tissue handy they will run down my cheeks. In fact he had to stop my eye exam muliple times as I could not see the letters with my eyes full of water and rolling down both cheeks and was fogging up the thingie. He gave me 2 samples of eye lubricant eye drops to use 4-5 times a day and that has helped a bunch.


Well-known member
Debi--Good to see you back on here.

Yes allergies can be such a pain. I've been dealing with all that also. In addition I have had blocked tear ducts in both eyes. That seems weird because my eyes have been running running nonstop. I had an appointment with my opthamologist anyway. I thought I would ask him about it as I assumed it was because of allergies. But he did a couple of tests and was able to see that both my tear ducts are blocked. My left one more so than my right. Even though it seems counterintuitive when this happens it cause your eyes to make extra tears and hence super water eyes. If I don't keep a tissue handy they will run down my cheeks. In fact he had to stop my eye exam muliple times as I could not see the letters with my eyes full of water and rolling down both cheeks and was fogging up the thingie. He gave me 2 samples of eye lubricant eye drops to use 4-5 times a day and that has helped a bunch.
This is exactly what is happening to me and when I was one and two years old I had to have operations on both eyes for blocked tear ducts, though my right eye (the one bothering me the most now) was the worst one. I am going to the dr. tomorrow to see what is going on. I should not have to go through this. I am also carrying around tissues, rinsing eyes out, putting in drops. They are soooo itchy. Horrible. I hope they can help, a lot!


Well-known member
Hiya everyone, it's been a while since I posted in this thread, and I've missed the chatter as well!
I am so sorry to hear about your sister, HG! It is good that the whole family came together to support each other, and I wish you lots of strength for the coming time.
Like everyone said, your Specktra family is here for you, if you need some distraction!

After a fairly mild winter we had some really cold days recently. All the little canals were covered by ice, and lots of people were ice-skating on them... That was the only nice thing about the cold and snow, that and the super-rosy cheeks the frost gave me, from being outside :) I'm glad it's warmer now.

I bought myself some bits and pieces from Chanel (of course, I HAD to have Horizons blush), Guerlain and Dior spring collections, as well as a few EL Cyber Eyes eyeshadows, but I won't get to play with them until May at least :( My sister decided that she no longer will accept parcels with my orders at UK online stores, because she thinks that this will "cure" my "makeup addictïon". Pah!
This is so annoying when people refuse to see that this is something I greatly enjoy :/ So now I have to send everything to my friend in Liverpool instead. I wish ordering makeup online would have been a bit easier in the Netherlands, sigh!


Well-known member
Elena, I'm really curious about that skating on the canal. I've heard it on the news... way to celebrate the weather ;).

Well, I've been avoiding Specktra hoping to kill my makeup addiction... It doesn't really work since I actually still buy stuff every month
, I just have nobody to tell it too.
I bought Chanel Safari e/s and Espresso liner, which has been my go to eye m/u whenever I'm in a hurry (and that seemed to happen a lot lately). I didn't get any of the Chanel spring collection... they all look lovely but I don't feel like I want to wear them NOW (which has been my latest rule in buying stuff - if I don't want to wear them immediately, then I don't really want them).


Well-known member
Same here, really.
I had a couple of months' break from buying stuff, and this month I had hauled lots, which has completely negated the whole "trying to save for my trip to Australia" idea.
I do try to get only the pieces I really want from the new collections, but whenever I see some bargain, all my defenses crumble.. :)

I was wondering if they ever ended up offering that job in the US to your husband?


Well-known member
We decided to turn it down. Partially because it's even further away from our families, and they only give shorter vacations. I realized I miss my family a lot, meeting them once a year for a month is barely enough... I can't even think of spending even less time with them :).

Btw, does anyone here got Chanel June n/p? I think it's a lovely color, but I'm not sure it'll work on me... any thoughts?


Well-known member
I didn't get any polishes this time, I just got the blusher, which I love, so I can't help, sorry!

Yesterday was the Shop/Cook event at my local FS - it was the third or fourth time I attended an event there, at this time it was simply horrible. It was unimaginably crowded, one of the MUAS told me that they had two different time slots, but people didn't know that, because it said the same time on every invitation. Way to go, MAC!

After around twenty minutes WMS was sold out, but my wonderful MUA found one for me - I don't know where she took it from and I don't want to know.

All attendees got a GWP - a pigment. I got Madly Personal which is bright pink, and I'm quite befuddled what I'll use it for. I tried using it as a blush today - don't know if I succeeded or if I look a bit feverish. Well. It was a nice gesture nevertheless.

I decided that I've to buy less MU, more clothes. A lot of my clothes seem so oldfashioned to me nowadays. We'll see how that turns out! *g*

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