MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
I have Smoke & Diamonds that came out with the travel collection last year and it's a frost finish and I really don't like it as it's one the frostiest shades I own. Would like to have tried it with the Starflash finish though, it is a pretty colour!


Well-known member
I'm still unsure which items I'm going to vote for. I had originally wanted Moxie since HG spoke so highly about it, but the more I see pics of Rocker, I think a blood-red matte lippie would be amazing. Though I don't like lipglasses much, I think I will vote for Cult of Cherry. Love the name and the color. As for the e/s. I'm leaning towards Jete.

I was hoping that we might have had the option for Lavender Whip or Go For It l/s to be repromoted. I am still hoping that in the not-to-distant future they will repromote Judy Blue e/s. I'm obsessed with that since it's my name and goes for almost $400 on ebay. I need that in my life!


Well-known member
I'm jumping back and forth between Shitaki and N3, but Shitaki will most likely get my vote. It will look amazing in combination with all the golden/bronze skinfinishes and e/s that will be released over the next few months.


Well-known member
I'm jumping back and forth between Shitaki and N3, but Shitaki will most likely get my vote. It will look amazing in combination with all the golden/bronze skinfinishes and e/s that will be released over the next few months.
I know I'm going to vote Shitake, just because the flashier colors will get plenty of votes without my help. Meanwhile, that is a gorgeous, unusual nude stain - the sort of color you can wear any time and make a subtle statement.


Well-known member
I know I'm going to vote Shitake, just because the flashier colors will get plenty of votes without my help. Meanwhile, that is a gorgeous, unusual nude stain - the sort of color you can wear any time and make a subtle statement.

Team Shitaki! :)


Well-known member
SO excited for the new MAC By Request Collection. Of course there are other colors I would have loved to see, but I am excited about 3N, Moth Brown, Solar White, and Jete'.


Well-known member
Team Shitaki here!

I know I'm going to vote Shitake, just because the flashier colors will get plenty of votes without my help. Meanwhile, that is a gorgeous, unusual nude stain - the sort of color you can wear any time and make a subtle statement.


Well-known member
I'm so glad that the pearlglides are perm since I just found my back up of undercurrent with no lid and completely dried out! I am pissed though it was brand new!


Well-known member
Have you tried sharpening it down? Maybe the lower part is fine? It is very annoying though. Sadly they're not perm in the UK. :(

I'm so glad that the pearlglides are perm since I just found my back up of undercurrent with no lid and completely dried out! I am pissed though it was brand new!


Well-known member
I wouldn't trust what MA say about this sort of thing, I've been told countless number of times incorrect information by them, I'm sure it's not their fault but I always email MAC instead and have always got correct and helpful responses so far :)

That reminds me, does anyone know how Ruffian Red compares to Cockney? I can't wait for Ruffian Red to be released and MAC CS suggested Cockney and I'm thinking I've getting it as I can't wait till June!


Well-known member
I know I'm going to vote Shitake, just because the flashier colors will get plenty of votes without my help. Meanwhile, that is a gorgeous, unusual nude stain - the sort of color you can wear any time and make a subtle statement.
Shitaki is one of those colors always under the radar. I still have one and I think it's a good non nude neutral for brown girls. I was surprised it was on the MAC by request list because no ever talked about it much. It's nice this collection will bring some focus to it.


Well-known member
Shitaki is one of those colors always under the radar. I still have one and I think it's a good non nude neutral for brown girls. I was surprised it was on the MAC by request list because no ever talked about it much. It's nice this collection will bring some focus to it.

Maybe we get lucky.


Well-known member

Feline said LE on the us site for a while then it said coming soon, now it's perm. Maybe that is what will happen with the pearl glides.