MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member

I don't get what's so great about CYY. I have it and I could happily live without it. There have been much nicer bright pinks out lately.


Well-known member
Well it`s mac by request not mac oldies but goldies, so it has nothing to do with fact that it was released last year.
And i will give it a go because of all the hype and i`m sure it will sell out if repromoted!


Well-known member
i had that one and swapped it, but now that i really know how to wear a red, i wouldn't mind having it again ;-)
Would have loved to see Metal Rocks MSF in a more up to date formula!

I also agree that CYY is too new of an item to bring back in a collection like this. Definitely needed to be reserved for some of the older items esp from the 90s. CYY could easily be brought back as a repromote just like they did with Feline eye kohl.

i would like to see cult of cherry, rocker, shitaki and moth brown!!!


New member
Well it`s mac by request not mac oldies but goldies, so it has nothing to do with fact that it was released last year.
And i will give it a go because of all the hype and i`m sure it will sell out if repromoted!
I agree with you 110 % it's not about bringing back really old colors,it's all about bringing back what's most demanded by their customers. A lot of people can't pull off a brown shade at all,and no one even wears darker colors like that in the Spring/Summer,it's more Of a Fall /Winter shade. I had it before and took me forever to get rid of that sucker. I'm sure if Shitaki would be voted it would be on the shelves for quite a while,as in CYY would sell within minutes. CYY will definitely get my vote too.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
ya, Shiitake looks too brown for me too...maybe more of an editorial look.

I asked this question in the other thread but got no answer...for those of you who want Metal Rock back, how do you wear it? I gave mine away years ago as it was waaaay too dark to wear on the face (only as eyeshadow)

Oh, and for those of you who wanted Springtime Skipper, Juxt from the perm line is VERY close to it


Well-known member
Do you think that's what Mac was thinking too, when they came up with the name ;)
No offence to all the Shitaki lovers out there, but my dirty mind has made the necessary associations to make me giggle :)


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Do you think that's what Mac was thinking too, when they came up with the name ;)
No offence to all the Shitaki lovers out there, but my dirty mind has made the necessary associations to make me giggle :)

I'm pretty sure I could never pull off such a colour. I'll vote for 3N, Moxie looks great too, but it's not something I would wear. I hope people from outside the US will be able to vote too.


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure I could never pull off such a colour. I'll vote for 3N, Moxie looks great too, but it's not something I would wear. I hope people from outside the US will be able to vote too.

We can! I just voted for Moxie (but I'd like to see 3N back too), Emancipation (if it's like the Wonder Woman one and not like the Glitter & Ice one which I have and has no shimmer at all) and Jete!

Can someone tell me if this collection will be online only?


Well-known member
Do you think that's what Mac was thinking too, when they came up with the name ;)
No offence to all the Shitaki lovers out there, but my dirty mind has made the necessary associations to make me giggle :)

Don't worry, I was thinking it too. I just didn't like to say it lol


Well-known member
Looks like CYY and Moth Brown are in the clear lead already, as expected.
What I didn't expect is for "Emancipation" l/g to be most voted so far. We only just had it, and it was not extremely remarkable?

Good to see that they will bring out 9 most voted for shades out of the 18, not 5, like we first thought.


Well-known member
I just received an email. I voted. My votes were for Moxie, Cult of Cherry and Jete. Happy voting for the next two weeks Specktra family.


Well-known member
I just received an email. I voted. My votes were for Moxie, Cult of Cherry and Jete. Happy voting for the next two weeks Specktra family.

Snap - I voted for the same as you :)

Not at all surprised that CYY has surged into the lead, though. What I am surprised about is that they described Shitaki as a colour anyone could wear - seriously??? Ewww

Emancipation is supposedly the Wonder Woman version, although most likely in a regular sized tube this time


Well-known member
Looks like CYY and Moth Brown are in the clear lead already, as expected.
What I didn't expect is for "Emancipation" l/g to be most voted so far. We only just had it, and it was not extremely remarkable?

Good to see that they will bring out 9 most voted for shades out of the 18, not 5, like we first thought.



Well-known member
Thanks for letting us know! Just voted for Moxie, Cult Of Cherry and Guacamole!

As Shitaki is a glaze finish, it is very wearable. It is not the typical brown lippie that looks dirty or muddy. It has a great sheen while bringing out earthy hues that complement both NW and NC complexions.


Well-known member
Looks like CYY and Moth Brown are in the clear lead already, as expected.
What I didn't expect is for "Emancipation" l/g to be most voted so far. We only just had it, and it was not extremely remarkable?

Good to see that they will bring out 9 most voted for shades out of the 18, not 5, like we first thought.

I'm still surprised that it's actually running!

I need to remember to vote everyday! I need Cult of Cherry!