MAC Salary


New member
What is the starting salary rate for a MAC counter makeup artist, and what is the highest salary rate?


Well-known member
It's a terminable breach of contract to reveal pay rates. I'd be very surprised if someone answered you.


New member
I'm sorry if I offended you and the people on the board. But I was interested in working at MAC, and wanted to know starting rate salary, and was referred by someone to this site for that specific question.

I'm sorry.


Well-known member
No one can really come out & say, but do a search & there have been several topics discussing an round-about figure.


Well-known member
Keep in mind that the pay will vary depending on where you live. The hiring manager will give u that info if you are offered the position.


Well-known member
My sister works at South Coast Plaza, she works at a cosmetics counter but not MAC, she knows girls that work there and she said
one of them told her she makes 17.00 per hr.


New member


New member
Some of you ladies are so strange , why would you want to help someone if you know how much they make? Maybe someone has a family to support and they need to know how much they can afford to get paid! Wow i have never seen such thing, we are supposed to help each other not act like were from another planet. Get real , this life ends soon lets do everything to help each other and put higher up whatever that may be even strangers. So if you know share your knowledge and help outtt! God bless,,,


Well-known member
Some of you ladies are so strange , why would you want to help someone if you know how much they make? Maybe someone has a family to support and they need to know how much they can afford to get paid! Wow i have never seen such thing, we are supposed to help each other not act like were from another planet. Get real , this life ends soon lets do everything to help each other and put higher up whatever that may be even strangers. So if you know share your knowledge and help outtt! God bless,,,
Not sure if you realize this, but it's not for a lack of wanting to help; it's grounds for termination for a MAC employee to reveal salary information. I don't work for MAC and even I know this.


Well-known member
It is common in most professions not to disclose salaries and pay rates. This has certainly nothing to do with not wanting to help, but salary discussions are a topic that most people do not want to (or should!) disclose in an open forum (besides that fact that most contracts do not allow this anyway).


Well-known member
I realize that , but noone knows your name here , real identity, no worries.

but you realize that which any company they can get the info about you if needed in this day and age computers dont lie so its hard which is why i keep my mouth shut about most of the things here that i know people really want to know im not gonna loose my job over a forum


Well-known member
i could just stay off here and stop giving all the mods the info for the collections and stop answering everyones questions that won't get me fired. your new here i have been here for years so before you say im not helping anyone your sadly mistaken


Well-known member
I've always wondered about this myself so I did a quick Google search and found this:,24.htm It has a general overview of salaries along with anonymous reviews of what it's like to work there. Hope that's somewhat helpful.