MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
Isn't Nars owned by shiseido? I don't think nars tests on animals, but shiseido does. So it depends on how you feel about that.
Maybe we can start a brand together 

My boyfriend sometimes makes jokes that i should start a make up company and that he will do the marketing and such 
If a company doesnt test however the mother company does than I am anti purchasing as I figure my sale will feed this cruelty, profits move up the food chain. Maybe we should!!! My bf thinks I can start a business by selling what I have lol!


Well-known member
I asked if now Mac tests on animals both on Peta2 and Mac 's facebook pages.. and I don't really received a compete answer... Mac didn't answer me at all. What I've understood is: Estee lauder now sells in China and since China requires animal testing, they do test. They have chosen money... there are no other reasons. We can do three things: stop buying Mac, keep on buying Mac, stress Mac with email, facebook massages and so on to tell them we are against animal testing! We are in 2012... they must stop now.


Well-known member
Does anybody know if mufe tests on animals or if they are owned by a company that does? As far as i know they don't but i want to be sure. They are the only company other than mac that is sold here and that has foundations light enough for me. So that could be my new foundation option.


Well-known member
I asked if now Mac tests on animals both on Peta2 and Mac 's facebook pages.. and I don't really received a compete answer... Mac didn't answer me at all. What I've understood is: Estee lauder now sells in China and since China requires animal testing, they do test. They have chosen money... there are no other reasons. We can do three things: stop buying Mac, keep on buying Mac, stress Mac with email, facebook massages and so on to tell them we are against animal testing! We are in 2012... they must stop now.
Can we agree to send an email a day each to them, also Facebook, fax etc??? They won't respond is my guess, but when they start flooding they may just have too!


This animal testing makes me really sad, part of the reason I wore, loved and recommended MAC to all my friends was because of the cruelty free aspect. I've been using (and wanting to work there) for nearly 11 years, but morally, until they stop testing on animals again I can't. No animal should have to suffer so I can wear a pretty teal eyeshadow or coral lipstick. Although, now that I'm boycotting, the manager at my local counter that I applied to will probably call me, I just have that kind of luck lol.


Well-known member
It will be interesting to see how the "big" bloggers will act in terms of reviewing MAC products (both samples and/or buying products for reviews).


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Some pictures of the suntints and a powder from Hey Sailor. You do need to scroll down. The powder isn't as nice as Marine Life or My Paradise, but i like the Navy packaging.

Thank you for posting! I
the powder! I like what they did with the design, normally I dislike stripes, but the color combination is really cute.

What does the description under the pic with Saint Germain say? Something about sets coming out, with l/s, l/g and nail polish?


Well-known member
Thank you for posting! I
the powder! I like what they did with the design, normally I dislike stripes, but the color combination is really cute.

What does the description under the pic with Saint Germain say? Something about sets coming out, with l/s, l/g and nail polish?
It says there will be fashion sets with nail polishes and lipglasses in the most popular lipstick colours. So i guess we will see a lipglass and nail polish called Saint Germain.


Well-known member
Some pictures of the suntints and a powder from Hey Sailor. You do need to scroll down. The powder isn't as nice as Marine Life or My Paradise, but i like the Navy packaging.

Is that supposed to be the blush from the collection? If so I'm super disappointed with the powder! I quite like the packaging and the pattern though but the shade of this product most definitely does not appeal to me..


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
It says there will be fashion sets with nail polishes and lipglasses in the most popular lipstick colours. So i guess we will see a lipglass and nail polish called Saint Germain.

Ooh, I like that. I don't wear Saint Germain often, but the idea of releasing matching l/g and nail polish of popular colors is definitaly exciting.


Well-known member
Thank you very much for sharing Pinkdollface!

The powder looks super pretty

I am happy to see sets (bags?) again!!!!

And I agree with is a great idea to bring out sets with matching lipstick,lipglass and nail polish.

Maybe we will get nice bags with the sets....

Some pictures of the suntints and a powder from Hey Sailor. You do need to scroll down. The powder isn't as nice as Marine Life or My Paradise, but i like the Navy packaging.

Anna x

Well-known member
those tinted lip conditioners with disney characters on look super cute! love the packaging on the hey sailor products too :eyelove: