MAC Hey, Sailor! (Summer 2012) Discussion


Well-known member
Thankyou for the advice, muchly appreciated!!! I agree whole heartedly on your return philosophy ( and we all know I would say of I didn't!!) If you don't like it keep trying lol, most of the time I think ppl buy knowing well if I don't like it I can always return it meaning some miss out and over time we pay more.,.. I bet part of our buy price has a percentage allowed for returns...


Well-known member
what colour blushes do you girls wear on your cheeks when you're wearing a red lipstick ? (I'm wearing sail le vie today)
I decided to wear a neutral one today and wore douceur from nars. I couldn't imagine a pink blush (either warm or cool) looking good..


Well-known member
If you don't like it keep trying lol, most of the time I think ppl buy knowing well if I don't like it I can always return it meaning some miss out and over time we pay more.,.. I bet part of our buy price has a percentage allowed for returns...


Well-known member
what colour blushes do you girls wear on your cheeks when you're wearing a red lipstick ? (I'm wearing sail le vie today)
I decided to wear a neutral one today and wore douceur from nars. I couldn't imagine a pink blush (either warm or cool) looking good..
I like neutral blushes with red lipsticks, but i don't consider SLV a red but an orange. I'm wearing Launch Away with it and that's a peachy pink on me. For reds i like Blushbaby, Pink Tea and Her Own Devices beauty powder a lot.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Mac-Guy
I recently saw a women returning the whole ED collection (including her BU's).
Grrrr... Oh well, I better step of my
and stop with the

As someone who missed on a few ED products because I spent too much time "researching", this saddens me so much! I try not to buy anything unless I know I'll love it and often times, I'll miss out on one or two items I really wanted b/c people rush out and buy everything (only to end up RETURNING it all!!!)

I can't believe that woman had the nerve to return EVERYTHING. So not fair.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Everything stays spot-on. I hardly ever change lists. It's too expensive and too much hassle to switch things around. Changing list inevitably leads to higher spending (usually!). LOL

I know what I like and what suits me and I have enough tools to make any product work. Just trust yourself and use common sense when buying make up and you won't be disappointed.

It makes me sad to think how much make up is returned every day because of bad and/or hasty decisions. In this age and day, where we have all the information just a mouse-click away, it's really easy to do get enough information to make an informed decision before pressing "submit." The high number of returns is largely responsible for MAC's steady price increase. This is really frustrating, as it also means that those who hardly ever return a product have to suffer. I recently saw a women returning the whole ED collection (including her BU's).
Grrrr... Oh well, I better step of my
and stop with the
I agree! It would be made easier if MUAs did a more consistent job of colour matching. I went through a tube of Studio Moisture Tint in Medium-Dark. I felt like it was too dark but was assured that it was right. So I ended up using such a trace amount it barely showed. When I went back, different MUA said, 'No way, girl; Medium at MOST'. So I switched to that and like it a lot better. He recommended Blot Powder in Medium because he said the lighter ones are all but white. Both seem fine to me.

I'm on the hunt for a bronzer and stopped by a MAC counter today. I mentioned that I don't like my Studio Fix powder (even when I just dust it on faintly with a brush) because it just doesn't look natural on me. The MUA said, "Well, no wonder. You're no NC30. You're barely a NC25. Did someone help you choose that colour?" Yes. One of her colleagues. In December, BTW, so it wasn't a summer colour issue. She told me that shouldn't have happened and to bring it back, bill/packaging not necessary, and she'd make that right. She called attention to the inside of my arm with its faint greenish veins and said that I have a light olive complexion and that the wrong colour will either look pink or ashy. Well, no kidding; I have SO much trouble finding the right foundation. The olive bit surprised me; I'm of WASPY Scottish stock, not the Mediterranean background typically associated with olive tones.

I don't know who to believe anymore or what @$# colour I am.

Anyway, I'm on my way back. The point of all this is that it's challenging to pick the right colours based on online comparisons if the colour I THINK I am isn't what I actually am. Did I come away with a bronzer? I did not, and I don't have the slightest idea what to order.


Well-known member
I'm really confused by the bronzers in this collection - they all seem to sort of look alike, but I'm sure that's not the case.

Which is lighter, Soft Sand or Sun Dipped?


Well-known member
That's a lovely, soft look, MrsB :)

Love that you have the striped top on to match the Hey Sailor theme


Well-known member
Does anyone know how Crew Highlighter would look on someone nc44-nc45. I'm more neutral toned but Mua's usually tell me that nc suites me better.

I only have one highlighter and its Nars Albatross and ive been wearing it almost everytime i leave my house even if i dont wear any foundation or blush. So I want another highlighter to switch things up.

I'm actually stuck between Crew Highighter and Soft Sand Bronzer. (i already have refined golden bronzer and I usually use it as a blush) I dont even know if soft sand will even show up on me. I need to see swatches on darker skin tones!!!

But My list is pretty small. just 2 things:

-To Catch a Sailor Lipstick
- Crew Highlighter or Soft Sand bronzer


Well-known member
I loved that you noticed Rockin ;) it's only a cheapie from Next but why not eh? I did a look yesterday with jaunty but the pics were terrible as I was in a hurry. Out to launch tomorrow so gonna try sonething with jaunty and to catch a sailor :)


Well-known member
I did a look yesterday with jaunty but the pics were terrible as I was in a hurry. Out to launch tomorrow so gonna try sonething with jaunty and to catch a sailor
If you have Nubile paintpot, you should try it under Jaunty!


Well-known member
Everything stays spot-on. I hardly ever change lists. It's too expensive and too much hassle to switch things around. Changing list inevitably leads to higher spending (usually!). LOL

I know what I like and what suits me and I have enough tools to make any product work. Just trust yourself and use common sense when buying make up and you won't be disappointed.

It makes me sad to think how much make up is returned every day because of bad and/or hasty decisions. In this age and day, where we have all the information just a mouse-click away, it's really easy to do get enough information to make an informed decision before pressing "submit." The high number of returns is largely responsible for MAC's steady price increase. This is really frustrating, as it also means that those who hardly ever return a product have to suffer. I recently saw a women returning the whole ED collection (including her BU's).
Grrrr... Oh well, I better step of my
and stop with the
I had to return a lipstick once because my mother and hubby gave me the same shade --- I told the SA I hadn't even opened it. I read before (I think it was MAC-Guy) that they destroy returned product. Is that the case for unused/untested product?


Well-known member
Just a few comparison swatches with the 2 blushes I have with me at the moment:

Mighty Aphrodite, Fleet Fast, Pink Tea, Launch Away


Well-known member
Oh gawd, I didn't want any blushes from this collection -- got five last month -- but all these swatches are so pretty.

Just a few comparison swatches with the 2 blushes I have with me at the moment:

Mighty Aphrodite, Fleet Fast, Pink Tea, Launch Away


Well-known member
Comparison swatches for Jaunty and Barefoot with what e/s I have with me:

Woodwinked, All That Glitters, Barefoot, Sweet Heat, Jaunty, Jest