MAC Heavenly creature discussion


Well-known member
I made a deal with myself, to lose 22 lbs/10kg before new clothes. I still have 4.5 /10lbs to lose. I want to get rid of all the clothes i bough during pregnancy yrs, and fit the before sizes. Feels so good when u lose :) Sure I would love to get back to the weight of the university yrs, but who am I kidding I`m not 20 anymore.

How were the ls form last year collection different? In what way?
i hope that you can lose the weight sweetie! i'm trying to get back to the weight i was when i was 18... nearly 10 years ago now!! but i've lost 65lbs and just another 56lbs to go. sigh!

and i am looking forward to this collection so much! i know we don't have swatches or anything but i am always a sucker for the mineral stuff!


Well-known member
i hope that you can lose the weight sweetie! i'm trying to get back to the weight i was when i was 18... nearly 10 years ago now!! but i've lost 65lbs and just another 56lbs to go. sigh!

and i am looking forward to this collection so much! i know we don't have swatches or anything but i am always a sucker for the mineral stuff!


Well-known member
i hope that you can lose the weight sweetie! i'm trying to get back to the weight i was when i was 18... nearly 10 years ago now!! but i've lost 65lbs and just another 56lbs to go. sigh! and i am looking forward to this collection so much! i know we don't have swatches or anything but i am always a sucker for the mineral stuff!
Good job ladies...I am also past my half point...I lost 17.7 lbs so far in 4 months... from 152.2 to 134.5 goal weight is 121 lbs


Well-known member
Lou, When your done can you lose some for me :) Jokes aside I know how hard it is!! Well done I'm proud of you!!


Well-known member
i hope that you can lose the weight sweetie! i'm trying to get back to the weight i was when i was 18... nearly 10 years ago now!! but i've lost 65lbs and just another 56lbs to go. sigh!

and i am looking forward to this collection so much! i know we don't have swatches or anything but i am always a sucker for the mineral stuff!
You`re doing great! Come tells us more here
I`m not trying for my pre20 yrs weight because my body changed and looks different. Can you believe that my feet never went back to their pre-pregnancy size?
"Happy girls are the prettiest girls" Your happiness won`t be in an exact number but in being comfortable with your body and embrace its good and less than perfect parts!


Well-known member
I totally agree with you.
You`re doing great! Come tells us more here
I`m not trying for my pre20 yrs weight because my body changed and looks different. Can you believe that my feet never went back to their pre-pregnancy size?
"Happy girls are the prettiest girls" Your happiness won`t be in an exact number but in being comfortable with your body and embrace its good and less than perfect parts!


Well-known member
Respect ladies.

I too am overweight. I was on my first diet at 9 nine years old. Tried everything from eating bread and water only to counting calories to starving myself. You name it, I did it. 7 years ago I was fed up and decided to have surgery. I got gastric banding. I am not skinny, not by far. I lost at least 25 kg simply because at times I have to stop eating. I still eat bad stuff though. People will consider me fat (I could easily drop 35 kilos or so before I would be considered slender) but I have never felt so good about myself. After you become 30 slowly you start to accept your body. I know I did. I am happier in my body now than I was when I was much skinnier after starving myself for half a year. I am not as fat as I used to be and I feel good about myself. In the end, YOU live your life, not other people. What is most important is that you feel good in your own body. I really respect your efforts because I know how hard it is.
on your weightloss ladies. Thumbs up!!!


Well-known member
Me neither! I was a 38 (UK size 5) and now I'm a 39 (UK size 6). That's what having 3 children does to you, lol. My last two were big as well (over 4 kg / 9 lbs) and I put on loads of weight with both, so my feet got squashed. :)

Lou, I think losing over 60 lbs is absolutely fantastic and you should be very proud of yourself. I could really do with losing that much, but would settle for even half of it. I just have no motivation, I'm 36 now and just can't be bothered, lol.

You`re doing great! Come tells us more here
I`m not trying for my pre20 yrs weight because my body changed and looks different. Can you believe that my feet never went back to their pre-pregnancy size?
"Happy girls are the prettiest girls" Your happiness won`t be in an exact number but in being comfortable with your body and embrace its good and less than perfect parts!


Well-known member
I totally agree with the `30 :) I know is hard but ladies giving up is so easy!!!! Making yourself happy by losing a few pounds is worth fighting.
Respect ladies.

I too am overweight. I was on my first diet at 9 nine years old. Tried everything from eating bread and water only to counting calories to starving myself. You name it, I did it. 7 years ago I was fed up and decided to have surgery. I got gastric banding. I am not skinny, not by far. I lost at least 25 kg simply because at times I have to stop eating. I still eat bad stuff though. People will consider me fat (I could easily drop 35 kilos or so before I would be considered slender) but I have never felt so good about myself. After you become 30 slowly you start to accept your body. I know I did. I am happier in my body now than I was when I was much skinnier after starving myself for half a year. I am not as fat as I used to be and I feel good about myself. In the end, YOU live your life, not other people. What is most important is that you feel good in your own body. I really respect your efforts because I know how hard it is.
on your weightloss ladies. Thumbs up!!!


Well-known member
You guys are so right about weight loss in our 30's. I have 3 children and with the first two I was able to go right back to my pre baby weight of 120-125 lbs. after my 3rd (had him at 29) three years ago I was not able to lose any of the weight until recently. I was 155 lbs in February and I am now 138 lbs. I don't think I want to get back to 120lbs so mt goal is to get to 130.


Well-known member
Sorry to tell you guys, but it's even worse in your 40s, particularly when the hormone wonkiness starts.

The answer for me has been low-carbing. The weight comes off easier than any other method, it keeps my reactive hypoglycemia under control, and I'm rarely hungry. My hot flashes are better on it too.
It's also done great things for my cholesterol - stays around 160, unmedicated, as long as I stay away from starch and sugar.

For me and my metabolism (and probably a large proportion of others out there) the whole low-fat dogma is both BS and a personal catastrophe. I'm sure some do well on it, but I do not. I'm just thankful I found another way that works and makes me healthier at the same time.

Good luck to all trying to chuck the extra poundage out there! I've recently pitched 12 lbs, have about 30 more to go.


Well-known member
You ladies are an inspiration to me. I too, need to lose some weight. I've been trying. I do pretty well. Lose a few pounds and then wham! I gain it back. Part of my problem is I love to snack. Sweet stuff is my weakness. I gave up salt, but the sugary stuff is very hard for me. I need to lose about 30/35 pounds. To be honest, I'd be happy if I can lose 10 at this point. Stress, health issues and laziness are a big issue with me. When I was younger I was very active and pretty thin. Then once I started working at my current job I started to gain. I sit A LOT and that is part of the problem. Plus, I am not as active as I used to be. I still do a lot of walking, but only on the weekends. By the time I get home, it's late and I am exhausted. All I want to do is eat and watch tv (as well as cuddle with my kitties). I have some health issues that I really need to get my weight right for. High cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes (which I do not have, but it runs in my family). I went off my cholesterol meds last year with hopes I would be able to get it down on my own. FAIL! This is all thanks to both sides of my family and I am bummed that I will have to go back on my medication. I guess it's better than risking having a heart attack. I'm going to start getting myself back on track. I need to lose the weight and get my exercise on. We can do this together ladies!!!! Thank you all for the inspiration again.


Well-known member
^Sweet stuff are my weakness too, I could do low-fat, low calory, ditch protein, whatever, but sweets I NEED! Lol.


Well-known member
I crave salty foods. Chips, nuts, Munchos...LOL. I WILL get a sweet craving from time to time, though. But I pick popcorn over the candy bar anyday...

My ex used to tell me he was going to get me a salt lick to curb my cravings.


Well-known member
agreed....i think we need our own post for this lol
You`re doing great! Come tells us more here
I`m not trying for my pre20 yrs weight because my body changed and looks different. Can you believe that my feet never went back to their pre-pregnancy size?
"Happy girls are the prettiest girls" Your happiness won`t be in an exact number but in being comfortable with your body and embrace its good and less than perfect parts!