That's a good way to look at it! LOL, if I knew it wouldn't arrive until Monday, I would have had it sent to my work...then I could at least play with it all day.You weren't kidding when you said MAC is slow!
I used the VERY technical method of just picking the colors I liked by the site pictures and forcing myself to pick a few mattes because I always end up going for shimmer. Then I googled swatches. I'm happy with all my picks except Im unsure of one ( a matte brown color). matte- 337, 353, 344, 319 pearl -397, 399, 407, 420 shine- 46, 08 ds-487I think I selected my Inglot eye shadow colors. My original method for picking colors was flawed because I realized more shades are listed in the Freedom System section than they are in the regular eye shadow section. But limiting myself to only Matte and Pearl finishes helped a lot. I'm going to get 5 Matte shades and 5 Pearl shades.
Matte - 385, 372, 366, 382, 375
Pearl - 414, 415, 407, 450, 446
I haven't ordered yet because I have the Style Seeker event tonight. I don't plan to get a lot, but all of that could change when it's in my face. And I need to pick up P+P Lip. Plus I need to look at the new Cremesheen+Pearl lipsticks and glosses. I'm also hoping I don't hypnotized into getting Water and Aurora MES from Heavenly Creature. I think I'm in trouble.
LOL! How dare they! The nerve of people![COLOR=9966FF]I've heard THREE delivery trucks stop in front of my house today and each and every time, abigvery small part of me hoped that my Moxie decided to come home a day early! I can't believe that my neighbors had the nerve to have something delivered while I'm waiting anxiously for my lippies!!! [/COLOR]
WHERE IS THE PURPLE SHIFT!!!! Sorry I had to yell that. Mine comes tomorrow and I hope I don't regret it.
WHERE IS THE PURPLE SHIFT!!!! Sorry I had to yell that. Mine comes tomorrow and I hope I don't regret it.
New MB looks so disappointing compared to the old one.
WOW thanks for the swatches, the MB's look really different. the sheen of the old one looks beautiful
Sigh...Adds Jete back to list. Ok, so now that I am adding Jete, that means I bought 2 lippies and 2 ES's, but only 1 lg. Feeling bad for my lonely lg. which do you like better FoF or Bait?Here are some swatches of the e/s:
Umm, yeah... same here. WHERE IS THE PURPLE SHIFT!!!!WHERE IS THE PURPLE SHIFT!!!! Sorry I had to yell that. Mine comes tomorrow and I hope I don't regret it.
Ok, so now that I am adding Jete, that means I bought 2 lippies and 2 ES's, but only 1 lg. Feeling bad for my lonely lg. which do you like better FoF or Bait?
I just added MB to my cart.It's 10:18 EST Tuesday Aug 14 and according to the MAC web site Moth Brown is SOLD OUT. I got my shipping notice today and one of each of the shadows that I ordered on Monday will arrive thisThursday.
@duckrodeo...Congrats. What a testament of your hard work that you're being considered for a promotion. Good for you!!! I wish you much success and even more makeup!!!!
Umm - what is the purple shift? I'm missing something here. From the swatches MB looks purple/gray to me. THX.I just added MB to my cart.