You have to really pack it on to see the glow, like when you swatch it with your fingers. It's more like a subtle glow when you apply it with a brush. However, the colour might be a problem for anyone darker than NC30. You would need to apply a lot, unless you want subtle contouring. I think it would be really great for fair skin, since it's not too grey or orangey and the glow add a more natural look to it. I still think I would have prefered a matte version of it, though. Right now I'm C25/NC25 and I had to apply a couple of layers with my MAC 109 to really see it. On darker skin (I will need to try it when I apply my selftanner this weekend), I wouldn't be surprised if the glow is more apparent, so maybe it could be used more like a nude blush? I'm sure it's gonna be too light to contour.