MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
The more I'm seeing of this collection the more I want to see the 2 Pearlmattes in action! I really like the pearlmatte finish but not the previous shades as they where to dark or to pink/blush like. I want this more as a glow powder then a blush. ;)


Well-known member
The more I see the more i want!!! It's going to be so hard not to buy everything!! Plus there are a few other valentines day things I want ( like that too faced heart blush and valentines day juicy charm) Why do I Have to a such a sucker for cute little hearts!?!? Lol after this I'm seriously going on a no buy!!


Well-known member
My definitely so far are the quads and pearl mattes. This will make a lovely bday present for me since mine is the 12 th of Feb.


Well-known member
I'm glad I've made myself skip the last couple of collections. Hopefully I will be back to work and feeling normal again by the time this collection comes out.


Well-known member
I'm excited to try a pearlmatte for the first time! I almost got the Vera ones, but always held off. I will at least get the Betty one.