MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
The Archie's pearlmattes are $30! Regardless of the price, I think I am getting both with hopes that the added blush makes the Archie one different :)
Me too.

I have narrowed down my WL:

Betty Bright (it better be peach, not pink)
BF Stealer (who can resist purple)
Flatter Me, Veronica's blush pearlmattes
Caramel Sundae quad
Black Poodle pigment

the rest I think I can live without, hope I don't regret skipping the blushes but I think I have similar colors...


Well-known member
         I doubt that they will still have the same effect as they did during the good ole innocent days. The double digest ones were actually the best IMO!!! I have shelves laden with books that I always planned on re-reading however I never do. I didn't kno about the Wonder Woman specific comics. Missed out on those!
Love double digest!


Well-known member
Why can't MAC release this collection in Europe in February too? I want my Archie goodies dammit! AND I WANT THEM NOW!!!


Well-known member
I guess the question would be how easy it would be to use them separately vs. together. The pictures we've seen make it look like you could swipe a brush all around or on either colour. I appreciate Mac being open with this information, rather than just letting people assume the products were different and finding out after swatching. It's the right thing to do, but a lot of companies don't do it...
I totally agree with this. So often in the past collections, nearly identical products have been released under different names so I'm happy MAC is being up front about the pearlmatte/beauty powders


Well-known member
Did everyone see that Temptalia listed Jan 30th as the online launch date? I'll be in my car making a 3 hour drive that evening so fingers crossed it launches that morning or earlier.

I still want more swatches before I finalize my list. There's more than I can afford on my list at the moment.


Well-known member
My List:
- Spoiled Rich quad (veronica)
- Daddy's Little Girl Lipstick (veronica)
- Mall Madness Lipglass (veronica)

I love Betty in the comics, but most of her colours in this collection are kind of plain...


Well-known member
I have 7 items too in my wish list and that's the lowest I will go. BTW, you are SOOO beautiful!!!
You could easily be a Dior model or so based on your new avatar.
Oh my goodness you're too nice
Thank you! I think I've managed to convince myself only to get Betty Bright and Lucky in Love. But I'm interested in Girl Next Door. It looks like it has a special sheen to it


Well-known member
Can I use pearlmatte powder as a blush?? I haven't decided whether I'll get Veronica's cuz I already have Play it proper beauty powder. :( If I can use it as a blush, I will def. get. But if I can't, I will pass.


Well-known member
Can someone please do a lip swatch of Betty Bright? It looks so gorgeous but I'm not sure if it will make me look like a clown. I have Force of Love lipglass and it looks ok. Is BB comparable to FOL?


Well-known member
Can someone please do a lip swatch of Betty Bright? It looks so gorgeous but I'm not sure if it will make me look like a clown. I have Force of Love lipglass and it looks ok. Is BB comparable to FOL?
I haven't seen BB in person but from pictures/descriptions it seems like it's alot more coral than FOL.