MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I'm heading to my counter tonight to swatch (yay!). Does anybody have any requests for swatches in case I can take some pictures? I'm not sure how necessary it would be since I'm at NC40 right now, which isn't much different from what Karen's skin tone is. Either way, let me know if you'd like me to pay attention to particular things!
Could you swatch Flatter Me pfp, Cream Soda blush, Betty Bright l/s and Boyfriend Stealer l/s for me? :) And have fun tonight!!


Well-known member
T approves too many mac basher comments. I like that she is honest with Mac reviews but letting too many hate comments without anything analytical or constructive in there just drives people away in my opinion. I've stopped reading comments on her blog I just look and appreciate her swatches.


Well-known member
I haven't got any Pearlmattes and I was looking forward to trying them. If the texture of the Archie ones are indeed different from regular BPs I'll still pick one up. Or two . But I'm a bit confused about the product descriptions. Are they really the same as PiP and SP or are they simply the same colour?

Have fun!

And swatch the lot!
Sounds as if they are the same. I dunno...


Well-known member
Count me as confused about the pearlmattes as well! Even T listed them the same way that Karen did (omg Karen is so cute! Love her blog and all of the graphics she makes).

So an Archie pearlmatte w/ shell pearl is $29 but shell pearl BP with the snake collection is $24? I have play it proper and don't use it that much so it would be stupid for me to get that one, but I do not have shell pearl... I don't know what to do :)


Specktra Bestie
Count me as confused about the pearlmattes as well! Even T listed them the same way that Karen did (omg Karen is so cute! Love her blog and all of the graphics she makes).

So an Archie pearlmatte w/ shell pearl is $29 but shell pearl BP with the snake collection is $24? I have play it proper and don't use it that much so it would be stupid for me to get that one, but I do not have shell pearl... I don't know what to do :)
I guess the question would be how easy it would be to use them separately vs. together. The pictures we've seen make it look like you could swipe a brush all around or on either colour. I appreciate Mac being open with this information, rather than just letting people assume the products were different and finding out after swatching. It's the right thing to do, but a lot of companies don't do it...

If you can use both products separately as well as together, the Archie's powders are a great deal.


Well-known member
Tatyiona [URL=" said:

Originally Posted by Tatyiona;1982909"] just heard back from MAC pr that we CAN use the pro discount!

didn't know, it's a lot to go through
np :)


Well-known member
I'm heading to my counter tonight to swatch (yay!). Does anybody have any requests for swatches in case I can take some pictures? I'm not sure how necessary it would be since I'm at NC40 right now, which isn't much different from what Karen's skin tone is. Either way, let me know if you'd like me to pay attention to particular things!
I would love love loooove to see better swatches of the Pearlmattes!


Well-known member
I'm heading to my counter tonight to swatch (yay!). Does anybody have any requests for swatches in case I can take some pictures? I'm not sure how necessary it would be since I'm at NC40 right now, which isn't much different from what Karen's skin tone is. Either way, let me know if you'd like me to pay attention to particular things!
Heavy swatches of the blushes please :)


Well-known member

Lipstick (left) Lipgloss (right) I uploaded the pic for lipgloss swatch reference. On page 104 there is a better pic of lipstick swatches.


Well-known member
Count me as confused about the pearlmattes as well! Even T listed them the same way that Karen did (omg Karen is so cute! Love her blog and all of the graphics she makes).

So an Archie pearlmatte w/ shell pearl is $29 but shell pearl BP with the snake collection is $24? I have play it proper and don't use it that much so it would be stupid for me to get that one, but I do not have shell pearl... I don't know what to do :)
The Archie's pearlmattes are $30! Regardless of the price, I think I am getting both with hopes that the added blush makes the Archie one different :)


Well-known member
Lipstick (left) Lipgloss (right)  I uploaded the pic for lipgloss swatch reference. On page 104 there is a better pic of lipstick swatches.
Thanks for the swatches. :) But ugh Betty Bright really looks like Reel Sexy and Boyfriend Stealer like Dramatic Encounter. I hope they are different because I really want 1 Betty and 1 Veronica lipstick, but if they're the same I'm afraid I must skip them. :(