MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Thank you so,so much for sharing these swatches and your thoughts, moonzie :bouquet: I am so impatient and cannot wait to get my goodies.....I love that the glosses have shimmer and that Prom Princess has SILVER shimmer :eyelove: And also that GND has purple-pink shimmer :heart:
I'm pretty sure that GND had a little bit of a sheen to it instead of being flat. I was only there for about 20 minutes, so I apologize if I'm off a little bit in these descriptions. I definitely remember it being different from Beauty from Glamourdaze, though!

Audrey C

Well-known member
As far as the negative comments. I just don't read them. I personally would want to monitor the snark, but it's her choice. It's cool with me, I'm just there for the photos and comparisons.
Christne buys the full collections; it's the only site I've found to date where the full line is consistently photographed and dupes provided. I like Karen's site a lot too although her colouring is nothing like mine so swatches aren't as relevant to me; she's a very engaging writer. It's not the site I would look to for critical analysis though; Karen rarely says anything negative about what she's reviewing. Personally, my favourite take-down of MAC was Dusty's lube rant. Hilarious!

In the end, it's just makeup. I really like being able to see pictures and swatches before I buy, so I appreciate the many bloggers who make that possible.


Well-known member
Christne buys the full collections; it's the only site I've found to date where the full line is consistently photographed and dupes provided. I like Karen's site a lot too although her colouring is nothing like mine so swatches aren't as relevant to me; she's a very engaging writer. It's not the site I would look to for critical analysis though; Karen rarely says anything negative about what she's reviewing. Personally, my favourite take-down of MAC was Dusty's lube rant. Hilarious!

In the end, it's just makeup. I really like being able to see pictures and swatches before I buy, so I appreciate the many bloggers who make that possible.
I agree. The fact that she continually buys Mac products shows me that she's still interested in collections. If she wasn't, she would stop reviewing Mac altogether and many people would be very upset. I also don't think she fully hates Mac. Yeah, she may approve Mac bashing comments, but if it's the negativity everyone's concerned of, just don't read the comments.

Whether or not she gets samples from Mac anymore, we don't know and I'm not even going to try to wrap my head around that. I just don't think we should spend our time trying to figure it out when there are literally so many collections to get excited about. Luckily, we have many sources to get swatches and reviews from so if one doesn't do it for you, there are more blogs that might.


Well-known member
Why should she? Just because she's a blogger? They're not obliged to send her every collection.
I also don't understand why she bothers to buy every collection if she doesn't even like Mac anymore. She gets so many other samples, she could just stick with those. Not my business, obviously, just wondering...
Nope, Mac isn't obliged to send her samples just because she's a blogger. Was just wondering what changed because she used to get them along with Karen and the other bloggers. That's all. :)

It was just one of my random musings. It wasn't meant to start another full-blown discussion about T.


Well-known member
I think people take the negativity on T too personally. I loved Karen's swatches and her layout was awesome, but I still consider T to be the gold standard when it comes to photographing swatches and documenting the quality of a product. I don't take her word as gospel but I've agreed with her sentiment many times.

I like MAC, but I've definitely had a negative word to say in the past and agreed with many others in the past. I just feel like its not a commentators job to censor themselves, MAC has disappointed a lot of people in the past. Especially if you hopped on it earlier and you feel like you've seen a decline in the way they go about business (I feel that way). It's one thing if you were introduced in say the last year or two, because that's the quality you're used to.

For me...since being sold to Estee Lauder I just don't see ALL of the MAC I used to really respect. Like I said I still love them, but I also see a lot of stiff competition coming up in the makeup world and judge them on how they're responding to it as well as what their customers/clients want/need. I like both boards Specktra and Temptalia, and I've never let a negative comment keep me from getting my makeup love on
Talk mess all you want, it's all about the Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y baby!

Considering how MAC runs it's sales, promotions, answering customers (with 400 different answers) I don't think T even HAD to do anything. Lol, MAC loves the hype and mystery and getting people IN the store and ON the website. Better to have customers flying around and panicked and buying 4 of everything than have them analyze a picture, read a review, and make a calm informed decision. Ironically I bet if she stopped reviewing MAC completely without a PR sample they'd probably start sending her a ton, but hey...if someone's already putting THEIR money on the table to get a whole collection to review for the masses...again MAC knows what it's doing.


Well-known member
I was looking up a shade that's being repromoted and Temptalia's site came up with swatches. I think this from the mid 2000s. She provided her honest review about MAC back then as well. It's great to have her site a reference no matter her opinion is.


Well-known member
I actually did ask her if she gets samples. Nope, Mac isn't obliged to send her samples just because she's a blogger. Was just wondering what changed because she used to get them along with Karen and the other bloggers. That's all. :) It was just one of my random musings. It wasn't meant to start another full-blown discussion about T.
I understand, I think a lot of people were observing the same thing.


Well-known member
Why should she? Just because she's a blogger? They're not obliged to send her every collection.
I also don't understand why she bothers to buy every collection if she doesn't even like Mac anymore. She gets so many other samples, she could just stick with those. Not my business, obviously, just wondering...
I am sure that that had to do with attracting people to her site. Let's be fair: there are a lot of
out there and they look at her site for reviews and swatches. I guess that is the reason she keeps reviewing. Imagine all MAC addicts staying away from her site alltogether? Besides, perhaps, deeeeep down in het heart she still hopes to find gems among the MAC releases.


Well-known member
Christne buys the full collections; it's the only site I've found to date where the full line is consistently photographed and dupes provided. I like Karen's site a lot too although her colouring is nothing like mine so swatches aren't as relevant to me; she's a very engaging writer. It's not the site I would look to for critical analysis though; Karen rarely says anything negative about what she's reviewing. Personally, my favourite take-down of MAC was Dusty's lube rant. Hilarious!

In the end, it's just makeup. I really like being able to see pictures and swatches before I buy, so I appreciate the many bloggers who make that possible.
Ok, you've got me interested. Do you have a link for that? P P P pleaaaaaseeee?


Well-known member
Yes Nordies is getting this.
I know Macy's will be getting this collection but does anyone know if Nordstrom will be getting it instore and/or online? I may wait on kiss don't tell and summer sweetheart. Just in case I don't like them (very unlikely) Nordies has free returns. For sure I want to order 2 Betty Brights and one flatter me pearl matte right when they pop up on the mac site because I know I will love them!


Well-known member
Lucky Karen, she totally deserves it! T just approves too many basher comments with no constructive value at all. I'm kind of not surprised she didn't get any.
I dont think thats how it is. IMO T makes much better reviews.. comparing colors, their longevity, better swatches and such. Of course I give props to Karen for her creativity but I have never relied on her 'reviews' which is just a description, not really a review. Unlike T who does a much more in depth one. I am by no means bashing on Karen btw! I appreciate her hard work and enjoy it as well, but MAC is making a mistake by disregarding T's blog.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Is Girl Next Door anything like Gaga 1, Pink Popcorn, or Budding Love? Trying to cut down my list.
I was wondering about those three as well. I still have a BU of Gaga1 and I barely wear my BL, don't like that one too much, and I skipped PP. So I'm really not sure if I need GND. Comparison swatches would be great.
That's the one thing I'm missing the most, a blogger that does comparison swatches for every collection (like T used to do). MAC is releasing SO many collections, and there are a lot of products that are similar. And a lot of bloggers own a ton of MAC, I think it would be easy for them to do that. It would be immensely helpful.


Well-known member
That's a looooong time ago. It's a very simple case of "don't bite the hand that feeds." Negative vibes do not sit too well with PR departments - and there's a big difference between an honest review and just trashing collections and feeding into negative comments. Make up should be fun. If you don't like a brand (anymore), don't buy or review it.

Anyway, 'nuff said :)
I wonder if it could also just be that since she seems to be moving toward higher end brands maybe MAC PR figures her blog just isn't the right atmosphere anymore.


Well-known member
I wonder if it could also just be that since she seems to be moving toward higher end brands maybe MAC PR figures her blog just isn't the right atmosphere anymore.
I agree they should rethink that, because positive or negative, the exposure helps them either way and I agree if she quit reviewing their items they would start sending her them again.

I am interested to see how all of this will play out...


Well-known member
Thank you so much moonzie! My list has changed again lol. Lipsticks: Daddys Little Girl - Mid-Tone Pink Violet (Satin) - I think when this lipstick is applied lightly it will look lovely. I have a few tinted lipbalms in a color very similar to this one and a lipstick is longer lasting than tinted lipbalms so if it really is that specific color I will definitely buy it. Boyfriend Stealer - Deep Blackened Plum (Cremesheen) - I really like Dramatic Encounter but I'm glad BF is not the same yay! Betty Bright - Light Vibrant Peach (Satin) - not sure about this one anymore, I hate VG Nicki so I don't think I'll like a RS-VG Nicki mix.. so probably a skip. Blush: Cream Soda - Light Neutral Coral (Satin) - I don't get excited when I see swatches and I already have Easy Manner and Supercontinental (and I got rid of Immortal Flower) so probably a skip PFP: Flatter me - Golden peach base with coral hearts - I really love how it looks in the packaging but I definitely need more swatches. I already have Shell Pearl so I don't need it for that purpose and combined it seems too light to use as blush and too dark for highlighter.


Well-known member
I was wondering about those three as well. I still have a BU of Gaga1 and I barely wear my BL, don't like that one too much, and I skipped PP. So I'm really not sure if I need GND. Comparison swatches would be great.
That's the one thing I'm missing the most, a blogger that does comparison swatches for every collection (like T used to do). MAC is releasing SO many collections, and there are a lot of products that are similar. And a lot of bloggers own a ton of MAC, I think it would be easy for them to do that. It would be immensely helpful.
Pink Popcorn is definitely darker and more purple in comparison to Girl Next Door. And if I remember correctly, Girl Next Door has a little bit of purple-pink sheen in it to keep it from being very flat and super-white based.


Well-known member
I know I'd read on here somewhere but am having trouble finding it now, the pigments - are there any close dupe colors? I'm on the fence about those (especially the dark pair)


Well-known member

Betty Bright l/s
Kiss & Don't Tell l/g
Cream Soda blush

MAYBE Boyfriend Stealer l/s, but I'm going to wait to check that out in store before purchasing. I like it in some swatches and hate it in others, so I'll take the chance on this one and if I miss out by waiting to look at it in the store first, then oh well, I can live without it. Something better always comes along eventually!