MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
Patiently waiting and smiling... Just finished my strawberry oatmeal, news is on and left the desktop to get comfy in the couch with iPad... So yeah MAC, I'm not going anywhere.. :D


Well-known member
For those of you non-pro members worried that there won't be anything left when it releases: there are MAC stores, Macy's counters, Nordstrom counters, etc you can go to. It'll also be up on those websites. Another option I haven't seen mentioned: calling ANY Nordstrom and placing an order over the phone with them on launch day. Nordie's ships FREE to your home. Also, something I've done in the past when I've missed out on LE items; call the MAC pro store in Vegas (Caesar's Forum Shops) & place an order there. They charge $7 shipping but it's worth it to get your items. Same applies to the MAC store in Times Square, New York. Hope this helps and brings you a small amount of peace of mind.
fell asleep, woke back up saw it was released was pissed then realized im not a pro member, so now i sit and wait. ughh i feel like a guy waiting in line for jordan release. torture!


Well-known member
fell asleep, woke back up saw it was released was pissed then realized im not a pro member, so now i sit and wait. ughh i feel like a guy waiting in line for jordan release. torture!
I was so excited, and half asleep. And then realized the same thing :(


Well-known member
Well, join my party :) I don't think it's going to happen soon though.
Heeeeey! Are there cocktails at this party? I don't think so either. I'm going to sleep in 15 minutes if its not up by then. Fatigue is taking over and I can always get the pearlmattes at the store event I'm going to on the 5th.
This gives hope!
I'm new here and never anticipated a MAC collection so eagerly!