MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Yeah I didn't tell mine either he asked me "Are you getting something from it?" I was like "Why would I be stalking on the computer for days if I wasn't?..."
I'm pretty sure he stays blissfully ignorant about it, because if I told him just how much I spent on this collection he'd lose his mind.At least I'm supposed to be getting my tax return tomorrow.


Well-known member
This is exactly why we both have our own discretionary money. We budget for household expenditures and savings together and then split the leftover down the middle; it's entirely up to us how we spend our portion of what's left. There are lots of financial approaches for couples - this one has worked for us for more than 20 years. We never fight about money.

He would definitely consider my makeup a waste of money at this point (since I have so much more than I really need), but given that I pay cash for it from my share and save a lot he wouldn't be mad about it.
That's a great idea on how to budget.


Well-known member
I received my shipping notice this morning around 8am EST. I used standard shipping and my delivery is scheduled for Monday. For those who made multiple orders and are concerned that their first/biggest/most wanted order hasn't shipped yet, don't worry. I frequently place multiple orders and they always seem to process the last or smallest one first. I'm not sure why. All of my orders do get processed with no issues. I don't think it means that there's anything wrong. Here's my haul (so far): Lipstick
  • Ronnie Red
  • Daddy's Little Girl
  • Betty Bright
  • 184 Brush - It's been listed as out of stock forever. I ordered it anyway so it'll ship as soon as they get more in stock.
That's it! I'll see if I want BUs after they arrive. I'm making more of an effort to control my stash and my spending. I'll check out everything else in person.
nice! u were smart to get the lippies lol I hope I get the ones I want next week ;/ and AFTER this collection I will also make more of an effort lol


Well-known member
This is exactly why we both have our own discretionary money. We budget for household expenditures and savings together and then split the leftover down the middle; it's entirely up to us how we spend our portion of what's left. There are lots of financial approaches for couples - this one has worked for us for more than 20 years. We never fight about money.
We've just started talking about doing something similar. We are the worst at budgeting together so we've kept everything separate and take turns with various bills. Then we realized that it's really annoying for us to keep track of, so we're finally opening a joint account that we can put part of our money in for food, bills, and joint expenses. Then we will finally have defined his money, my money, and our money, only took nearly 5 years. ;)


Well-known member
He will see it once he looks at his bank account
Same here! It was a gift, he just doesn't know that he keeps on giving. Third order placed for party parrot.


Well-known member
On a separate note, I was getting worried because my tracking numbers weren't updating for UPS. I just checked again and box the Snake stuff and Archie stuff will be here tomorrow. Squeee!


Well-known member
Same here! It was a gift, he just doesn't know that he keeps on giving. Third order placed for party parrot. 
My boyfriend and I have our account numbers saved for various things. I have a really bad habit of not double checking the default account. He laughed when I accidentally bought myself a DVF wrap dress with his Bloomies card (that became a I nice gift from him), but he was NOT pleased when I paid off my very scary credit card bill with his checking account instead of mine.


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I have our account numbers saved for various things. I have a really bad habit of not double checking the default account. He laughed when I accidentally bought myself a DVF wrap dress with his Bloomies card (that became a I nice gift from him), but he was NOT pleased when I paid off my very scary credit card bill with his checking account instead of mine.
LOL, I bet. We do have separate accounts and then a joint account for bills and things but he offered to buy these for me for V-day. He never asked how much I was going to spend so I don't feel bad. Plus his gift is comparable.


Well-known member
Everything has shipped except for the the package that had ronnie red and the flatter me pearlmatte :( that was my first order


Well-known member
We've just started talking about doing something similar. We are the worst at budgeting together so we've kept everything separate and take turns with various bills. Then we realized that it's really annoying for us to keep track of, so we're finally opening a joint account that we can put part of our money in for food, bills, and joint expenses. Then we will finally have defined his money, my money, and our money, only took nearly 5 years.
how funny! i was just thinking yesterday that if i ever got me one of those SO things I would do the same thing, hee! i like this plan, that way I can turn it into a "Hey Love" album commercial and say "No no my brother, you got to get your own!".

I like to make plans, lol!


Well-known member
Very tempted to get Party Parrot backup, but on my skin tone it doesn't look very distinct from Impassioned which I have in lipglass form and the lipstick is permanent. Only the finish it different.


Active member
I happen to play around and hashtag search archiesgirls on IG and stumbled across "shopmac" page. How is it possible to preorder limited editions on there ? Seems a little fishy to me. Just wondering if anybody notice anything about that page.


Well-known member
My last order finally shipped. I can stop worrying now. Now I'm trying not to go back and order the brow fluidlines
Here honey on boost---let me make it easy for you! They were sold out so now is the time


Well-known member
Yay, my order shipped! Now I just have to wait until next Thursday for the stuff I pre-ordered, and then I'll really be able to play around with this collection. I know a lot of people feel like we've seen these colors before, but I love the colors that they put out for this. They play together beautifully, and I'm just so excited to get everything!

Did anyone get the Young Hearts mirror? I was debating whether I wanted to get one of the accessories, and Karen's picture of the mirror made it look like it's pretty well constructed/thought out. I decided to get it since I figured it would be nice to have something that's purely a collector's item that's also practical for day-to-day use (been wanting a mirror for my purse for awhile).