MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)

Carolina Marie

Well-known member
I happen to play around and hashtag search archiesgirls on IG and stumbled across "shopmac" page. How is it possible to preorder limited editions on there ? Seems a little fishy to me. Just wondering if anybody notice anything about that page.
i was wondering the EXACT same thing!!


Well-known member
Hey where is the event in Nashville?? I love in the area!
Re: "I love in the area." Glad you're getting some loving in the Nashville area-----sorry KelseeBrianaJai. I'm in a really silly mood. I think I'm sleep deprived.


Well-known member
I don't know if anyone has shared one of these or not (I haven't seen one posted), however this is what I just got in the mail today from Macy's regarding the launch. I thought it was really cute how the heart peels up to reveal the info, unfortunately with it not being in an envelope mine looks like it was run over by a truck. My problem with the line already being available online is I've placed 2 orders already. I still plan to attend the event and am sure I'll buy more thus overspending, :rolleyes: smart move on MAC's part I guess.


Well-known member
Here honey on boost---let me make it easy for you! They were sold out so now is the time
Oooh! Last time I checked (Tuesday or Wednesday) the brunette Fluidline was sold out. Now it's back! Guess that seals the deal! I'll be making ANOTHER order for this, another Party Parrot backup...and maybe the brush set.

I feel like I'm losing my damn mind! Lol!


Well-known member
So - my paypal orders are still showing pending on mac end and paypal end. I just called paypal to see if there was any problem and the guy said that whatever the hold up is, it's on Mac and not paypal. Please Mac..... do not screw me after all this.


Well-known member
I still haven't received my shipping notice either, and I ordered early yesterday morning (Canadian site) - argh!


Well-known member
Yay, my order shipped! Now I just have to wait until next Thursday for the stuff I pre-ordered, and then I'll really be able to play around with this collection. I know a lot of people feel like we've seen these colors before, but I love the colors that they put out for this. They play together beautifully, and I'm just so excited to get everything!

Did anyone get the Young Hearts mirror? I was debating whether I wanted to get one of the accessories, and Karen's picture of the mirror made it look like it's pretty well constructed/thought out. I decided to get it since I figured it would be nice to have something that's purely a collector's item that's also practical for day-to-day use (been wanting a mirror for my purse for awhile).
I got the mirror! I always seem to order collection mirrors and actually use them from time to time.


Well-known member
My package of just Betty bright and daddy's little girl gets here next Wednesday at least I'll get it before the launch so I'll see if I'll want to back up Betty bright