MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Okay, my Archie stuff arrived this morning, RIGHT AFTER I was all done getting ready. I marched right to the bathroom, washed my face, and started over.
I didn't know WHAT to's all so pretty! Unfortunately my camera batteries are dead right now so I don't have any good pictures, but here's Mall Madness (I'm wearing the Caramel Sundae quad and Cream Soda too but this is a bad cell phone pic).

I want a backup....but I have so much gloss! I would be a fool to back it up! Right??? .........

HazyDay, that's a beautiful look!!


Well-known member
Alright guys...I need help!

I have a Nordstrom gift card that I'm going to use to get more Archie goodies, but I'm torn.

Should I get another back up of Daddy's Little Girl (I currently have 2 tubes. One that I've been wearing since I received it, and one backup) or the Caramel Sundae Quad?

DLG has quickly become one of my all time favorite lipsticks. I love the color and it is so comfortable on my lips! It definitely is more pink than purple on me so it is super wearable. In fact, I wore it to work today!

I'm really interested in Caramel Sundae since I saw Erin's pictures this past weekend (and reading MAC Guy rave about it) Although I really like the colors, they seem like they might be pretty dupeable. Even though this palette is neutral, it is totally out of my comfort zone. I never wear gold hued shadows and rarely ever wear warm tones in general.

What do you think? Should I get another back up of something I love? Or take a risk on a new item that I may or may not like?

Thanks for your help!
Whoops! Guess I waited too long! DLG is now sold out on Nordstrom.

I'm going to order Caramel Sundae. I know...I'm living wreckless on the edge trying neutral shadows

I'll see if I can get another BU of DLG Thursday. If not, no big deal. I'm sure I'll be on to something else by the time I'm done with 2 tubes!


Well-known member
just not up yet. they haven't added anything from Veronica...'cause i've been stalking it, hee!
When i checked macys earlier they only had dlg and boyfriend stealer. No ronnie red. I have a feeling they sold out of veronicas lipstick :-\


Well-known member
You guys all look so fabulous. The only thing I got from this coll was RR and now I am wondering about all the other thingies.... Must Not Cave

awww who am I foolin'?

Will be at mall doors at opening time on launch day


Well-known member
Alright guys...I need help! I have a Nordstrom gift card that I'm going to use to get more Archie goodies, but I'm torn. Should I get another back up of Daddy's Little Girl (I currently have 2 tubes. One that I've been wearing since I received it, and one backup) or the Caramel Sundae Quad? DLG has quickly become one of my all time favorite lipsticks. I love the color and it is so comfortable on my lips! It definitely is more pink than purple on me so it is super wearable. In fact, I wore it to work today! I'm really interested in Caramel Sundae since I saw Erin's pictures this past weekend (and reading MAC Guy rave about it) Although I really like the colors, they seem like they might be  pretty dupeable. Even though this palette is neutral, it is totally out of my comfort zone. I never wear gold hued shadows and rarely ever wear warm tones in general. What do you think? Should I get another back up of something I love? Or take a risk on a new item that I may or may not like? Thanks for your help!
I vote for the BU!


Well-known member

Legendary on the left, Cream Soda on the right for anyone wondering how they compare. I love Cream Soda!!!


Well-known member
It's so pretty! There's a pair of earrings that I'm eyeing, but it'd mean no MAC hauls for a few months to afford them :) Rose gold Christmas decorations sound lovely
Those are beautiful -- maybe worth a MAC break.

honey on boost

Well-known member
Okay, my Archie stuff arrived this morning, RIGHT AFTER I was all done getting ready. I marched right to the bathroom, washed my face, and started over.
I didn't know WHAT to's all so pretty! Unfortunately my camera batteries are dead right now so I don't have any good pictures, but here's Mall Madness (I'm wearing the Caramel Sundae quad and Cream Soda too but this is a bad cell phone pic).

I want a backup....but I have so much gloss! I would be a fool to back it up! Right??? .........
You look fabulous!


Well-known member
Alright guys...I need help!

I have a Nordstrom gift card that I'm going to use to get more Archie goodies, but I'm torn.

Should I get another back up of Daddy's Little Girl (I currently have 2 tubes. One that I've been wearing since I received it, and one backup) or the Caramel Sundae Quad?

DLG has quickly become one of my all time favorite lipsticks. I love the color and it is so comfortable on my lips! It definitely is more pink than purple on me so it is super wearable. In fact, I wore it to work today!

I'm really interested in Caramel Sundae since I saw Erin's pictures this past weekend (and reading MAC Guy rave about it) Although I really like the colors, they seem like they might be pretty dupeable. Even though this palette is neutral, it is totally out of my comfort zone. I never wear gold hued shadows and rarely ever wear warm tones in general.

What do you think? Should I get another back up of something I love? Or take a risk on a new item that I may or may not like?

Thanks for your help!
I'd totally go for the DLG backup since it's tried and tested (and loved). I personally think CS is dupeable too. :)


Hi guys! I've been lurking in this thread for a while now because my sister is a huge Betty and Veronica fan (and super into makeup), and so I wanted to get her a few things for her birthday since she's unfortunately underemployed right now. But I had to lurk because I'm pretty sure she has an account here and I didn't want to give away the game! I wasn't going to get anything for myself but wouldn't you know it, several things for me jumped into my cart

I just got the first part of our orders (2 of each, one for her and one for me): the Cream Soda blush, Flatter Me PM, Kiss and Don't Tell, and both Betty nail polishes (), and I immediately dropped what I was doing to play with them. I was so unsure about Cream Soda, but it's so flipping pretty! I'm NC20 in the wintertime, and it's just the most perfect flattering color! Flatter Me is also beautiful (why yes, I have one on each cheek! I'm going to have to remember to wash my face before I go to work, lol!), but I'm just so in love with CS it's not even funny. And KaDT is stunning in person. It pulls much much more pink on my lips than coral, and it's so bright and springy that I don't even mind the 5 inches of snow on the ground right now.