MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I believe that blue based reds are supposed to make your teeth look whiter and RR is a blue based red from what I saw {quick in shop mine arrives today}
Thanks everyone! I know. I've never owned a red. Hubs isn't a fan of bright colors on me... and well... to be honest. My teeth always seem way too yellow for reds... but I don't care. I got it anyway. ha! Guess I'll just have to keep my trapper closed when I wear it. Might be the only time I'm quiet. haha.


Well-known member
I have been keeping a rather low profile lately plotting how to maximize my haul without going broke. My AG online package is due for delivery by end of day today. It's really serious when u just have to keep some a lot of your make-up obsessive deeds and behaviours to yourself. I just wish I could buy out the entire supply of MM lipglosses, lol. BTW, re supply, this is one of the best I have seen ( I kno, I kno) at the counters. My local Macy's stock (no tester was yet available yesterday) had approx 12-15 of each item which is totally out of the norm


Well-known member
Do any of the UK ladies happen to know the prices of the pearlmattes, e/s quads and lipsticks in the UK?


Well-known member
I got BB and DLG. I need some retail therapy this morning. My car malfunctioned on the way to work, went off the road, and flipped, but I somehow got out without a scratch on me. I'm just trying to keep calm with tea and makeup!
Oh wow, glad you are OK!! You should totally shop more, retail therapy + keeping so calm reward!!!


Well-known member
I just placed an Archie's order on Nordstrom's. Hopefully, the order goes through. Last time I placed an order for the Making Pretty Couture collection, it got cancelled because they didn't have it in stock.
Nordstrom over sells a lot. They did that to me in the Heavenly Creatures Collection. I ordered the star wonder and it cancelled 2 days later, so make sure you guys really check those emails. Luckily my MAC counter still had one left.

It is always more fun about having the makeup come to me, rather than me having to go get it LOL


Well-known member
Alright guys...I need help!

I have a Nordstrom gift card that I'm going to use to get more Archie goodies, but I'm torn.

Should I get another back up of Daddy's Little Girl (I currently have 2 tubes. One that I've been wearing since I received it, and one backup) or the Caramel Sundae Quad?

DLG has quickly become one of my all time favorite lipsticks. I love the color and it is so comfortable on my lips! It definitely is more pink than purple on me so it is super wearable. In fact, I wore it to work today!

I'm really interested in Caramel Sundae since I saw Erin's pictures this past weekend (and reading MAC Guy rave about it) Although I really like the colors, they seem like they might be pretty dupeable. Even though this palette is neutral, it is totally out of my comfort zone. I never wear gold hued shadows and rarely ever wear warm tones in general.

What do you think? Should I get another back up of something I love? Or take a risk on a new item that I may or may not like?

Thanks for your help!


Well-known member
Okay, my Archie stuff arrived this morning, RIGHT AFTER I was all done getting ready. I marched right to the bathroom, washed my face, and started over.
I didn't know WHAT to's all so pretty! Unfortunately my camera batteries are dead right now so I don't have any good pictures, but here's Mall Madness (I'm wearing the Caramel Sundae quad and Cream Soda too but this is a bad cell phone pic).

I want a backup....but I have so much gloss! I would be a fool to back it up! Right??? .........


Well-known member
YAY my package came!!!!
I'm so in love with these products. So far I just have Girl Next Door l/s, Daddy's Little girl l/s and Veronica Blush which is prettier than i thought it would be. I'm N4 (or NC15) and it makes the prettiest light pink blush for me. Now i'm considering getting the flatter me one as well. I do have another package arriving tomorrow and my MAC appointment is on the 7th ahhhhhhhhh

I see you all buying tons of backups for the products you love. I don't really go through lipstick fast enough to 'need' a backup than i thought OMG what if i lost it o_O so NOW i get the whole backup thing!!! So my question is without the exception of loosing a product, how long does it take you to go through an entire lipstick? Normal wear. I am totally considering a backup of DLG because I don't normally like colors like this on me but I LOVEEEEEEEEE this one.

I thought GND would look like 1980's cotton candy lipgloss on me
but it doesn't.


Well-known member
I haven't gotten my fedex tracking no, but I got a shipping confirm for my purchase from launch day...yay!


Well-known member
Okay, my Archie stuff arrived this morning, RIGHT AFTER I was all done getting ready. I marched right to the bathroom, washed my face, and started over.
I didn't know WHAT to's all so pretty! Unfortunately my camera batteries are dead right now so I don't have any good pictures, but here's Mall Madness (I'm wearing the Caramel Sundae quad and Cream Soda too but this is a bad cell phone pic).

I want a backup....but I have so much gloss! I would be a fool to back it up! Right??? .........
MM looks really pretty on you....I should have mine in a few hrs...hope it looks as good on me :) As for a BU, I say if you love it, get the BU


Well-known member
Dang! I missed the launch for nordies. I was hoping to get my first DLG. I wasn't stalking because I was hoping it would restock on the MAC site so I could use Paypal.


Well-known member
.....BEAUTIFUL, hazyday!!!
Okay, my Archie stuff arrived this morning, RIGHT AFTER I was all done getting ready. I marched right to the bathroom, washed my face, and started over.
I didn't know WHAT to's all so pretty! Unfortunately my camera batteries are dead right now so I don't have any good pictures, but here's Mall Madness (I'm wearing the Caramel Sundae quad and Cream Soda too but this is a bad cell phone pic).

I want a backup....but I have so much gloss! I would be a fool to back it up! Right??? .........


Well-known member
Okay, my Archie stuff arrived this morning, RIGHT AFTER I was all done getting ready. I marched right to the bathroom, washed my face, and started over.
I didn't know WHAT to's all so pretty! Unfortunately my camera batteries are dead right now so I don't have any good pictures, but here's Mall Madness (I'm wearing the Caramel Sundae quad and Cream Soda too but this is a bad cell phone pic).

I want a backup....but I have so much gloss! I would be a fool to back it up! Right??? .........
Wow! Looks great on you! Very fresh and pretty. Creme Soda seems to really suit you