MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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My lips looked the same way!!  I looked in the car mirror and did a double take, my lips looked so flaky.  I've actually just recently started looking into exfoliating products for my lips.  I checked out the one Fresh Sugar sells and thank goodness I checked it out in store first because one whiff and I immediately ruled it out!  So the search continues.  What I've done the past few years is just lightly scrub my lips with a damp toothbrush.  Not so hard it irritates them, but just enough to buff out the flakes.  Then I pat them dry and put conditioner on them right away.  Probably not an "official" method, but it's worked pretty well for me over the years.  Until I encountered MAC's Satin lipsticks, that is! Conditioners are another tough thing for me.  I've tried many and I still have a couple left on my list to try.  During the day, I like to use the mineralized balms MAC released with Apres Chic.  They're easy to travel with and feel better on my lips than most other conditioners, which I find too greasy or too waxy.  At home, morning and night, I use the lip conditioner in the tub that MAC suddenly discontinued.  No conditioner I've used has made me 100% satisfied, but those are the best of the bunch I've tried so far, including other Fresh Sugar products, Philosophy, Burt's Bees, Softlips, Estee Lauder, and probably even more that I'm forgetting.  If I find my HG lip conditioner, I'll be sure to let you know! It comes out this March at Sephora.  There's a discussion about it in the "Cosmetics Discussion" section of this site!  I'm going to pass scarlettb's question on to you, erine!  What do you use to exfoliate and condition?
I do the same thing! At night in the shower, i either use a mini body mesh sponge thingy. I bought travel bags to organize my kit, and one came with travel bottles and a baseball-sized mesh loofah guy. I use that halfway thru my shower routine when my lips are especially peely. I just wrap one of the mesh edges around my fing and scub. If not, i have a plain flat toothbrush in there I'll use. In the mornings, i use the same type of flat toothbrush to exfoliate my lips after I've finished brushing my teeth. Immediately after exfoliating, i apply my beloved TT!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: I apply it after moisturizing straight out of the shower, then again right before bed. After brushing my teeth i apply it before doing my makeup. That way my lips are fully prepped and moisturized when i do my lips, which are my last makeup step. I also have MAC's P&P lip exfoliator. I :heart: that thing!


Well-known member
My orders always say "pending", they never update it lol... yet I received my products today. Don't worry, I'm sure your products are on their way ! :)
Oh good... thanks :D

I'm impatient... have major product jealousy seeing everyone's swatches!! You are all beautiful!


Well-known member
Is this going to haunt you
Prettypackages??? Oh just go for it

What else did you get??
Flatter me
Cream Soda
Strawberry Malt
Mall Madness
Caramel Sundae
Boyfriend Stealer (liba's fault)
Kiss and Don't Tell

I really want to see Ronnie Red, Spoiled Rich Quad, and the other Pearl Matte, and Prom Princes. I wish I could've seen them all before buying. I'm afraid my purchases where on a whim... and I'm not sure what I will like... I'm actually getting tired of shopping like that.

BTW, how does Prom Princess compare to the color in Taste Temptations. (I still have not used those blushes)


Well-known member
Enabler! I just E-mailed my 'Angel of MAC' to see if I NEED (wink, wink) Cream Soda. I preordered Flatter Me and Shell Pearl/YOTS arrived on Friday. This is starting to feel like an endless makeup marathon. I just love it!

I cn't wait to see how you like them. I really wnt to know how they are on WOC....


Well-known member
I have a CO Bigelow lip scrub that's pretty good. It's minty and has actual granules of sugar in it. I think if you applied a balm or gloss, then stuck some grains of sugar over it and scrubbed with your fingers it would be pretty much the same thing.


Well-known member
I've given up trying to keep up with this thread.

I got my black box today: Ronnie Red, Daddy's Little Girl and Betty Bright. Bretty Bright is indeed bright on me. I used Auburn lip pencil to make it work better with my skin tone. I'm tempted by BUs of Ronnie Red and Daddy's Little Girl. I went and got myself a Nordstrom card, so I'll wait to Thursday so I can start earning Nordstrom Notes.
Ahoy CC. I've missed you! Sounds like you're just getting started in pure CC fashion. Order #1


Well-known member
I also have MAC's P&P lip exfoliator. I
that thing!
Wow, we have the same routine! Except I don't have TT...I don't remember why I didn't get them. Maybe I thought they wouldn't be anything special?
Anyway, seems like I missed out! But my conditioner does a good job. I'm surprised they discontinued it as I know many people who use it, and it's still the best I've tried. Oh well. On to bigger and better things, I guess. And I totally remember that exfoliator! Omg how long ago did that come out? Was that 2007? 2008? That was a pretty nice product.

For anyone who suffers from dry lips/skin, remember to condition/moisturize at night! I know so many people who only do this in the morning, and it's sooooo important to do it at night because your skin loses the most moisture at night! Keep that skin beautiful!


Well-known member
What is TT? Tendertones?

I think I'm the only who hates Jack Black. Felt like I always had waxy build up. My fave is still EOS.

I need to try an exfoliator. For now, I'll think I'll make one. Maybe I'll use jojoba oil and sugar.


Well-known member
Wow, we have the same routine! Except I don't have TT...I don't remember why I didn't get them. Maybe I thought they wouldn't be anything special?
Anyway, seems like I missed out! But my conditioner does a good job. I'm surprised they discontinued it as I know many people who use it, and it's still the best I've tried. Oh well. On to bigger and better things, I guess. And I totally remember that exfoliator! Omg how long ago did that come out? Was that 2007? 2008? That was a pretty nice product.

For anyone who suffers from dry lips/skin, remember to condition/moisturize at night! I know so many people who only do this in the morning, and it's sooooo important to do it at night because your skin loses the most moisture at night! Keep that skin beautiful!
thank you!


Well-known member
Thank you so much! Can't wait to use Prom Princess tomorrow. :)
Somehow I couldn't quote ur pic but just wanted to throw my two cents in and say you look beautiful!!! I'm waiting till Thursday to see if I like prom princess but it almost looks like it'll come home w me


Well-known member
Aww, so theres no hope? :'( and I have been thinking of getting one of those suckers for my perm blushes (its fortunate that I only have two LE blushes so far. NONE broken. Thank the Lord!)
So sorry your makeup was defiled :shock: .  You might be better off purchasing a pro blush palette (they hold six blushes), depotting the broken ones and putting the blush in the palette.

Liz Aldrich

Active member
I feel I need to stick up for the two products no one has paid attention to... but I have not been reading the last few days of posts. Oh Oh Oh and Summer Sweetheart. I love both of them on their own... I normally hate putting lipglasses over lipstick... but did it randomly today while playing with all my new goodies. MY GOD. Due to the peach tone of the lipglass it turns the lipstick this crazy beautiful plum/red/pink color. It looks great. I always thought it was weird that Oh Oh Oh and Summer Sweetheart were the odd ones out (non matching, compared to the other lipsticks had similer colored lipglasses). NOW I know why they were opposite colors, they work amazing together. That could have been mentioned before, but this thread as blown up with massive posts since my last look.


Well-known member
Funny you mention it...
The Nordstrom by me doesn't carry Nars in store, so I popped over to Sephora after work to check out the pressed version (and pick up a few new MFE Aqua Liners) The texture is AMAZING! It's unlike anything I've ever seen. Totally different than MFE HD powder and any other powder I've tried. It's really weird. I tried a little bit under my eyes...and BAM! I was sold!

Came home and ordered it from Nordstrom...I think I'll end up wanting both the loose and pressed in my arsenal, but I thought I'd start with the pressed.

So...I guess you can add me to the newly formed Cult of Nars Light Reflecting Powder. I'm totally devoted to our leader: Elegant One!
All HAIL!!!!



Well-known member
Both lippies look really nice on you---and BB does look pink---but really lovely

My first package came today! Here are lip swatches for two of the lipsticks.

Betty Bright
I panicked a little when I first opened the tube because, to me, it almost looked neon orange and not exactly how I expected. However, applied, despite its pigmentation, this one definitely pulls much pinker on me. It's a bright but definitely not over-the-top coral in my opinion.

Daddy's Little Girl
Really nice magenta color. I wouldn't call this a pink at all, myself, but it's not necessarily a purple, either. It's just a bright magenta kind of color.

For reference, I'm NW20.


Well-known member
Somehow I couldn't quote ur pic but just wanted to throw my two cents in and say you look beautiful!!! I'm waiting till Thursday to see if I like prom princess but it almost looks like it'll come home w me

Thank you!! :) I wasn't planning on purchasing Prom Princess but did so on impulse.
I'm glad that I did, because it's beautiful and I don't have anything like it.


Well-known member
Aww, so theres no hope? :'( and I have been thinking of getting one of those suckers for my perm blushes (its fortunate that I only have two LE blushes so far. NONE broken. Thank the Lord!)
Erin offered another solution. I like the palettes because they're space-sparing, and you can B2M the empties. It's really up to you. Maybe if not now, you can get a BP later since you've been wanting one.


Well-known member
I'm seriously considering it too! It's such a pretty natural-looking blush.. Perfect for summer. I love it much more than I thought I would

I see myself wearing it nonstop this spring and summer. It's just so fresh looking! And to think I almost passed on it...


Well-known member
Ahh! My box was supposed to arrive today but UPS didn't come by until 9:30 PM so they couldn't get into the building! Good grief. I hope tomorrow's driver comes at a more reasonable time.


Well-known member
Yup! Yup! I left the store with my temp card to order some more Archies online. The MAC counter wasn't taking preorders. Then I saw I couldn't order anything online because I don't have the three digit security code yet. That'll be on my real card. I wasn't about to miss out on a $20 note, so I called the store and bought some Chanel stuff over the phone. I'll pick it up Thursday when I go in for Archies.