MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I think that I will wear Legendary together with Betty Bright!

Thank you for the swatches, hazyday!
Great idea! I have (will have BB) both. I'll try that! Thank you, MACina!


If I could, I'd like to get a little advice from you guys... I literally have NEVER used blush before. I have a lot of redness in my cheeks, so I've always been scared of using it for fear I'd just end up making the redness look worse. That being said, the blushes/Pearlmattes in this collection are soooo beautiful, I'm having a hard time passing up the chance to get one (or a few!). I was just wondering which cheek product from the collection you guys would recommend to a blush newbie. Maybe something that would be easy for me to use that I couldn't mess up too much!
Try cream soda blush. I love it. The peach helps neutralize redness and it's hard to overdo it.


Well-known member
Okay, ill give it a try tomorrow! Ill let you know how that.goes and gotta find a place to put it. Thank you Erine!!
They just pop back into the hole with a little force. And yes, your blush with the missing clear part will be perfectly fine. Just keep it stored by itself so nothing ends up gouging the powder.
& yes! If I could club someone w/o jailtime id take that rolling pin from that smiley. Kil
Oh noooo!!


Well-known member
BTW, how does Prom Princess compare to the color in Taste Temptations. (I still have not used those blushes)
I don't have Passionately Tempted myself, but I read a comparison between the two earlier somewhere in this thread.
I think that Passionately Tempted has more red undertones and Prom Princess has more violet or blue undertones.

Again, I don't own Passionately Tempted myself, so I can't say 100%.


Well-known member
Try cream soda blush. I love it. The peach helps neutralize redness and it's hard to overdo it.
That's what I was thinking, as well. Either Cream Soda or the Flatter Me Pearlmatte would suit my skintone best, I think. Both are so lovely, it's hard to choose!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by scarlettb

I use Lush, bubblegum lip scrub, I love it. i use it my my 4 year old too. Honestly, just take some sugar and add a tiny drop of water until it's just wet enough to stick the sugar together than scrub away. Cheap, easy and the same thing. :)


Well-known member
I don't have any legitimate statistics on the life of a single lipstick but my guess would be that real makeup enthusiasts/addicts have a ton of lipsticks and rarely exhaust one. If you love something that much and it's really working for you---by all means BACK IT UP!!!!
I went to back it up but DLG and Dish it up look too similar on me so i won't go through both...

i was nervous to get BU's as i read in the YOTS thread people were complaining about having issues "snow on them" with their lustre lipsticks so I wasn't sure of MAC lipstick shelf life. I really only got into MAC since I found Wonder Woman stuff at my CCO in September 2011
. I always used Chanel and Clinique :)


Well-known member
everything but the lip products are on bloomies I wonder if they just sold out already? man I hope I get my hands on BB DLG and RR!!!


Well-known member
I ordered all my Archie stuff on the 30th and my order still says 'pending' on the mac website... guess I'll be giving them a call tomorrow... stupid Canada, I want my stuff!!
I ordered mine 3 days ago from the MAC US site and my order still says 'pending' and some of the items that are in my order are now sold out on the website... so I hope it has gone through!

I emailed MAC Customer Service and they said everything was fine and it will be dispatched shortly ... but I don't trust them! Lol.


Well-known member
My lips looked the same way!!  I looked in the car mirror and did a double take, my lips looked so flaky.  I've actually just recently started looking into exfoliating products for my lips.  I checked out the one Fresh Sugar sells and thank goodness I checked it out in store first because one whiff and I immediately ruled it out!  So the search continues.  What I've done the past few years is just lightly scrub my lips with a damp toothbrush.  Not so hard it irritates them, but just enough to buff out the flakes.  Then I pat them dry and put conditioner on them right away.  Probably not an "official" method, but it's worked pretty well for me over the years.  Until I encountered MAC's Satin lipsticks, that is! Conditioners are another tough thing for me.  I've tried many and I still have a couple left on my list to try.  During the day, I like to use the mineralized balms MAC released with Apres Chic.  They're easy to travel with and feel better on my lips than most other conditioners, which I find too greasy or too waxy.  At home, morning and night, I use the lip conditioner in the tub that MAC suddenly discontinued.  No conditioner I've used has made me 100% satisfied, but those are the best of the bunch I've tried so far, including other Fresh Sugar products, Philosophy, Burt's Bees, Softlips, Estee Lauder, and probably even more that I'm forgetting.  If I find my HG lip conditioner, I'll be sure to let you know! It comes out this March at Sephora.  There's a discussion about it in the "Cosmetics Discussion" section of this site!  I'm going to pass scarlettb's question on to you, erine!  What do you use to exfoliate and condition?
You can make your own lip exfoliator, olive oil and brown sugar Coconut oil and brown sugar. You can sub out brown sugar for cornmeal too. The corn meal won't dissolve like the sugar will.
Does this work w/ the Nordstrom debit card too?


Well-known member
That's really very funny, but you can ID T's lips at-a-glance, probably because of the 100s of swatches that she does.
It is good not many peeps have reviewed this yet... I called out T,Allura and Karen and then I saw one I didn't recognize and said hmmm that one is probably Specktra and it was. My husband was laughing so hard as was I. Karen is actually the hardest for me to recognize except that she often does them at a angle like this: / I didn't see Liz's lips but yeah it is something I have noticed for months when I am googling images... I know whose review I am going to just by the blown up picture :p


Well-known member
I think I'm the only who hates Jack Black. Felt like I always had waxy build up. My fave is still EOS.
I need to try an exfoliator. For now, I'll think I'll make one. Maybe I'll use jojoba oil and sugar.
I actually use a lip balm, in my case that horrid little tin that is impossible to open by rosebud, and sugar by my sink. I keep a wee little bit of sugar in a shallow container and dip my finger into salve then sugar and rub rub rub. After I rinse it off I apply balm on it's own. You might want to consider just using the balm of choice with a little sugar instead of making a totally new product to see if you like the exfoliation