Whenever I wear a purple lip, I try to keep the blush and eye colors in a cool theme and not do a smokey eye to keep the focus on the purple lipstick. I do admit I don't wear LW that often, as much as I adore the color, b/c I do have to be sure the outfit is cool colors or neutrals and to tell the truth,
I am a lipstick junkie and cannot pass up a new color, but I get most excited every morning to do my eye make up. So then, matching the lip is an afterthought. IDK, I am just weird that way, but I feel my eyes are the best feature so they get the glory. Now, if I had Angelina Jolie lips, it could be the other way around. I will BU LW lipstick if I can, just because I fear if I ever lose the original one. I doubt I would ever run out.
I am hoping to start seeing swatches of this collection soon, need to plan the damage/budget for April