MAC Fashion Sets 2013 Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
here in Italy there is that habit for a few drugstores brands (the main one is Essence for sure) and I just hate it.
Plus, we don't have a policy of returns, so if I purchase an item previously opened... I can only throw it in the garbage D:
I wasn't aware of the fact in USA there's a huge problem too o_O


Well-known member
I really think that they should have testers for drugstore brands,but with the amount of money they make by mass marketing their products I think they just do not care if they loose a couple of products that people have opened. I for one never return a product that I buy from a drugstore. I just become very lazy and it takes somehow longer because sometimes I loose the sticker that shows u where u bought the product. Just a big hassle. However I will not open a sealed product in a drugstore but if there is one that is opened I will try it,but that does not really happen much because of all the amazing bloggers and youtubers that have great swatches of drugstore products.


Well-known member
I really think that they should have testers for drugstore brands,but with the amount of money they make by mass marketing their products I think they just do not care if they loose a couple of products that people have opened. I for one never return a product that I buy from a drugstore. I just become very lazy and it takes somehow longer because sometimes I loose the sticker that shows u where u bought the product. Just a big hassle. However I will not open a sealed product in a drugstore but if there is one that is opened I will try it,but that does not really happen much because of all the amazing bloggers and youtubers that have great swatches of drugstore products.
Oops I Defintely meant opened by someone else. I didn't realize that there are lipsticks that do not have seals in drugstore. Anyways prefer places like sephora,ulta department stores to get my makeup .


Well-known member
I just remembered all the 5 year old and 6 year old girls/ boys who were shot at sandybrook elementary . Some who will not live to try on their first lipstick. Does it really matter if a lipstick is opened or not. Mrs Walgreens get a life!


Well-known member
I just remembered all the 5 year old and 6 year old girls/ boys who were shot at sandybrook elementary . Some who will not live to try on their first lipstick. Does it really matter if a lipstick is opened or not. Mrs Walgreens get a life!
yes it matters. it is unsanitary and sometimes damaged. and that sucks for people who live in places where it cannot be returned. many stores have to mark out of their inventory and we are all paying a price for it because manufacturers have to factor this loss into our prices.

anyway, back to the fact that Heroine lipliner is on my mind...and the minds of many others...


Well-known member
I think the drug stores should put up signs saying opening cosmetics is considered shoplifting. I check anything not wrapped too and I will swatch something that has already been opened. I wouldn't appreciate someone accusing me of something I didn't do either. But twice I bought Hourglass lip stains and they had been used. I made the SA check and only one hadn't been used. They didn't make me feel so great.


Well-known member
I think the drug stores should put up signs saying opening cosmetics is considered shoplifting. I check anything not wrapped too and I will swatch something that has already been opened. I wouldn't appreciate someone accusing me of something I didn't do either. But twice I bought Hourglass lip stains and they had been used. I made the SA check and only one hadn't been used. They didn't make me feel so great.
I agree! They should put a sign that opening cosmetics should be considered shoplifting so that way people will know better not to open the product, ruin it, put it back on the shelves and act like nothing happened.


Well-known member
I think the drug stores should put up signs saying opening cosmetics is considered shoplifting. I check anything not wrapped too and I will swatch something that has already been opened. I wouldn't appreciate someone accusing me of something I didn't do either. But twice I bought Hourglass lip stains and they had been used. I made the SA check and only one hadn't been used. They didn't make me feel so great.
Yeah, unfortunately opening something that is unsealed to check it is a must with lipsticks, because so many people are so unbelievably gross and inconsiderate of others. I personally get sick easily and have skin sensitivities, so I don't need that added grief. I avoid unsealed lipsticks and eyeshadows as much as possible, and I avoid unsealed glosses altogether because there's no way to know for sure if it was used. Nail polish, you're kind of stuck with not knowing, I guess.

As for the Fashion Sets.... since I have very little on my want lists from the upcoming collections until the summer one (and I rarely buy much of anything from that), I might treat myself to the full set of lip products for Heroine and Embrace Me. I don't have any of the products that were already released, and all of them look great. No interest in the eyeshadows though.


Well-known member
Companies should just send testers for these displays so people don't do stuff like that! Like at Walmart, when those Maybeline Vivids came out I couldn't even buy one color bc someone had tested the last one lol smh. Yuck! Then I sometimes think about foundations and how dont you know with the ones that do not have those seals that someone tampered with them? Pretty scary


Well-known member
Companies should just send testers for these displays so people don't do stuff like that! Like at Walmart, when those Maybeline Vivids came out I couldn't even buy one color bc someone had tested the last one lol smh. Yuck! Then I sometimes think about foundations and how dont you know with the ones that do not have those seals that someone tampered with them? Pretty scary
i agree. if there were testers, at least there would be less chance of someone opening a sealed item and ruining it for someone else. half the time i don't buy things in drugstores because i don't really feel like gambling with it possibly not looking good, or whatever. i guess maybe in the US the drugstore products are less costly, but here sometimes the drugstore items aren't even significantly less expensive than a department store brand, unless they're on sale.

i also don't understand why someone feels self righteous enough to berate someone else in a store, when they've only witnessed a part of an event and don't know the whole story....


Well-known member
Companies should just send testers for these displays so people don't do stuff like that! Like at Walmart, when those Maybeline Vivids came out I couldn't even buy one color bc someone had tested the last one lol smh. Yuck! Then I sometimes think about foundations and how dont you know with the ones that do not have those seals that someone tampered with them? Pretty scary
Those lipsticks didn't have a seal of any kind on them! How does that happen!? :blink:


Well-known member
Those lipsticks didn't have a seal of any kind on them! How does that happen!?
I'm guessing because it's cheaper not to put any kind of seal on them. It makes me less likely to want to buy the product, but I guess enough people aren't bothered by it to affect sales.

I do tend to find that Wal-Mart has the worst issues with used makeup in my area. Even sealed makeup is not safe there. I've seen plenty of things where the seal was clearly removed and then shoved back on. I have always assumed it's because of all the teens who go there and hang out in the beauty aisles.


Well-known member
So crazy that the drugstore topic came up bc I was just looking around twitter earlier and saw some YT guru girl (I think) say she bought some drugstore makeup n she tested out products in the store before she bought it


Well-known member
It's normal in the UK for drugstores to have proper testers out - I had no idea until I visited the US last summer that it wasn't the same there. That would drive me nuts! Mind you we can't usually return cosmetics here.


Well-known member
We have testers of a lot of products here in Germany too and I have already watched people doing their makeup at the drugstore
with testers

It's normal in the UK for drugstores to have proper testers out - I had no idea until I visited the US last summer that it wasn't the same there. That would drive me nuts! Mind you we can't usually return cosmetics here.


Well-known member
We have testers of a lot of products here in Germany too and I have already watched people doing their makeup at the drugstore
with testers
I've seen people do almost a full face at Sephora with the testers and I get thoroughly grossed out.

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