MAC in the Netherlands?


New member
This topic is old, but whatever

I love mac, luckily I live near Amsterdam so I can visit the pro store often.

It's so small tho, i mean, it's not small, but the size of the store, it's long and small, skinny. Yeah, it's a skinny store, I always feel like i'm about to get squeezed when I'm in there, lovely people tho.

Hey, does anyone happen to know if they do makeup applications (60 minutes) in the Amsterdam pro store? You know, the 60 minute redeemable make over. so you can buy products for 60 euro's afterwards and get a makeover ( i really need advice on eyeshadows)
I'm not sure if they do.


Well-known member
I don't know if they do the makeovers..

What kind of eyeshadow are you looking for? Perhaps if you tell us your skin tone and the kind of look you are going for, some of the specktra-ettes can help suggest some colours for you :)

I'm not sure if they do.


Well-known member
I know for sure they used to, but I agree, it's the best to just give them a call and ask. You need to call in advance for an appointment anyways!


New member
Well, that is a great idea indeed, i might open a topic about it, but for now: I am mac .... i don't know, i guess i'm a littbe bit more pale than MAC 15. I honestly forgot which i am, I have pink undertones! I like the neutral/brown kind of looks Here, i once made this collage of looks I adore (by pixiwoo and makeupgeek, especially LOVE the pixiwoo ones, they are the long shaped pictures )
I'm just looking for matte/satin finishes, i don't like anything that's too shimmery.
To start with i'm looking for 4 colours ranging from light to dark in a neutral/brown shade. What are the absolute musthaves?
I can't have anything too dark so black is a no go, haha

(if the picture doesn't work, click it, you'll probably see it)
The bottom one is my favourite
I always finish of my look with fluidline, otherwise i find it.. to be unfinished



Glad to sea more dutchies on
I love that we have a mac counter in Den Haag, but my wallet don't haha.


Well-known member

Glad to sea more dutchies on
I love that we have a mac counter in Den Haag, but my wallet don't haha.
Hello, fellow dutchie!
Same here, i love to have a counter on 10 min, but my wallet doesn't either


New member
Hello Fellow Dutch Macshopaholics!

(wow that is a mouth ful) :p

Does anyone know if the Cinematic collection is going to be Released in Holland and when?

I'm actually a bit dissapointed in the collection but I still want to check it out!



Well-known member
Wow, oddly enough the last post is from last year! And we're almost into next year! Seems there's not that many Dutch MAC users on here?


Well-known member
This thread keeps dying, because there isn't a lot of us on here :)
Have you ladies seen that they are now doing events/workshops for which you can sign up? :)


Well-known member
This thread keeps dying, because there isn't a lot of us on here :)
Have you ladies seen that they are now doing events/workshops for which you can sign up? :)
Yes, I have done 2 MAC workshops in Wijnegem (Belgium) and I have learned a lot! (also bought a lot :$)


Well-known member
I'm very tempted to go as well, as they may be really useful. I am still an amateur in many things!


Well-known member
I'm going to a workshop in Eindhoven on the 10th of may. I know it's still far away, but I'm really looking forward to it!


Well-known member
De Fashion sets collectie komt naar Nederland, ben alleen vergeten te vragen welke datum! *derp* Het is namelijk wel bekend geloof ik. :) Anyone know?


Well-known member
Ergens in mei!

En deze post... Nee... Nu wil ik alle lipsticks. Gelukkig komen ze pas in mei in Nederland, volgende maand had ik dat nog ècht niet kunnen betalen.

Wil ook nog PiPi en PaPa en een overpriced jurkje van de Asos voor €75... haha. Huilen!


Well-known member
First world problems, hehe. Dankjewel! Heb een seller via Livejournal gevonden die ze allebei verkocht voor de normale Nederlandse prijzen zeg maar, dus ik ben content. :) Alsnog bedankt!

Denk dat ik Ablaze van mijn lijstje haal. Heb een aantal koraal/peachy kleuren, maar ze staan me absoluut niet. Weet niet of het aan mijn huid ligt of het gewoon mijn smaak niet is, Betty Bright stond ook vreselijk. De MUA vond hem wel mooi, maar goed, kan verkooppraatje zijn. :p Embrace Me moet ik nog even kijken, aangezien ik Daddy's Little Girl heb, straks PiPi en heb al een dupe van CYY... Ik hoop dat Silly echt iets is zoals deze:

Staat super apart, Barbie-achtig, but I like it!

Als hij zo is staan op het moment Heroine en Silly op mijn lijstje. :) Denk de Heroine lip liner ook, maar dat zien we nog wel.