MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


Well-known member
I got my package today. I tried sushi kiss right away because that was the one I was most worried about. Its actually more wearable for me than I thought it would be. My daughter was hovering and hoping I wouldn't like it. LOL I will have to try flamingo and s&s tomorrow after work.


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I've been subscribed via "immediate" emails by default and I still am. I used to receive emails all the time when there are new replies. My settings haven't changed, but all of a sudden my emails stopped.
I love reading everyone's posts and miss those email notifications.
I'm sorry if I missed this, but when I get emails (like notifications) I end up not opening them and just going to the website. My email host has sometimes recognized that I never open those emails and has sent it to spam/junk. Perhaps it is in there?

EDIT: woops took too long replying and you've figured it out...but I don't know how to delete this post so...ignore! :)


Well-known member
I could only buy Tart & Trendy. I wanted to buy Sushi Kiss but the ladies at MAC said the store only received 5 of them.


Well-known member
Thanks for the LUV lady!! Shellcat better come listen to our cries for enabling help! I wanna see alllllll the lippies on you too! SK is my fav so far!


Well-known member
Thank you copperhead :)

Haha yesss I do! TY

Thanks! You rocked it really well too, good choice for the BDAY (unless it was just a try on thing haha)

Thank you Medgal. Will you be showing us pictures of you wearing your lippies? I hadn't planned to. I much prefer looking at pics of other people.

Thank you! The brow comments have literally MADE my day (is that weird?)

honey on boost

Well-known member
Wearing TT today! I love this color! I thought it wouldn't show on me since its a luster but its a beautiful color! Please excuse the no makeup- makeup lol
You are gorgeous! Wish I could off no makeup like that. I skipped this one and now you're making me want it.
I work SK today and man I am so so happy I did end up getting it and gave it a shot.  I love it so much now! First face pic but here goes... Wearing IF on cheeks and SK on lips.
So pretty!!


Well-known member
I unsubscribed then resubscribed and that worked!

Thanks for your input! What did you not like about it? Color, texture, or...?

No, the color is very nice and the texture is not bad (although my lips were a little cut).
I just think it does not look very good in our skin color, not a good combination, I felt like my dirty face. lol


Well-known member

Awesome haul, Medgal

So my UPS man finally 'waded' by and I got my long awaited packages.

Lipstick: Neon Orange
Sushi Kiss
Sweet & Sour
Tangerine Dream
Tarte & Trendy
(Already have Flamingo & Razzledazzler)

CSG: Rising Sun

Blush: Honey Jasmine
Royal Sunset
(Already have Immortal Flower)

E/S: Rainy Season Quad

NL: Sweet Pop

I had Asian Flower & the Louise Young fan brush (amazing, BTW) already in my cart sooooo
. Now off to make labels and play in makeup


Well-known member
Gorgeous, butterflyeyes

Immortal Flower looked much darker on my cheeks too. I think I see Royal Sunset in my future but I really should try these lip colors with all my other pinky coral blushes - Fleet Fast and Supercontinental come to mind. But I'll probably end up ordering Royal Sunset and Honey Jasmine.


Well-known member
....Lipstickdiva, you are soooo beautiful

The lipsticks look all gorgeous on you and I love your outfit

I went to the mac store yesterday and b2m for TT and TD and I love the fact that TD is buildable. Also I wore SK yesterday and I'm so in love with it and I' trying not get a BU of it.

B day outfit

Sushi Kiss




Well-known member
.....ladies, you are all rocking this collection

Addict4Mac, that is a very nice haul and the lipsticks look awesome on you!

I work SK today and man I am so so happy I did end up getting it and gave it a shot. I love it so much now!

First face pic but here goes...

Wearing IF on cheeks and SK on lips.

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