MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I lost my cream soda and betty bright box! Haha Im so ocd that I want it back, so if anyone doesnt want their boxes or have backups that do not need boxes, please let me know, ok i sound so ridiculous now
off to hide in embarrassment..
I have a Cream Soda box that I don't need! Not sure why I keep the boxes, but I think I can part with it! I don't have Betty Bright, though.


Well-known member
Rats, BS lipstick looks like poo on my lips. (literally, like poo. I guess the initials should have been a warning) Yes, I am always late to try new stuff. Any tips for making it work? I am thinking either a pink liner or pink gloss. If not, maybe I can mix it with Fleshpot since that one looks like putty. Hmm, maybe the mix will be like a putty lavender...
I had the same problem!!!! I actually patted Heroine on my lips very lightly and then covered my lips with BS. It's what saved it from going back to the store.


Well-known member
I have a strong hunch that AG items will be next to show up at the CCOs prob in the summertime. Since Styleseeker, Marilyn and Glamour Daze items were already seen at CCOs then ? Making Pretty and AGs may be next IMO. I hope so as if I didn't haul enough already.
            Don't ask me how but I had sorta kinda :blonde:  forgotten about Taste Temptations, Strength and Apres Chic although sometimes it seems as tho items that pop up at CCOs are so random. I guess it has to do with what items are available and how quick the CCO manager put in the order for their store etc. I recall  a sales associate in a Orlando CCO telling me in December when I visited that  her manager is Mac crazy and they do seem to get some  the best items at that location ever so quickly.  I hope AG does show up soon tho.
Hello..newbie here! Whats the CCO and where is it located in Orlando?


Well-known member
Hello..newbie here! Whats the CCO and where is it located in Orlando?
A CCO (Cosmetic Company Outlet) is a make-up outlet store I think owned by Estee Lauder that sell various brands of make-up and accessories some past season. The items are discounted and if you missed out on a collection you may be able to find a few items or so several months later at the CCO. The one that I go to is located inside of a Saks Fifth Ave store in Sawgrass Mills Mall . Orlando has two CCOs that I am aware of (Prime and Premium Outlet Malls). I think one is on Vineland Ave and the other International Drive. I was visiting Orlando so I am not very knowledgeable on the area. My husband navigated the locations for me as we got some shopping and tourist brochures from Westgate Resort and Spa where we spent Christmas. Try googling CCOs etc and you should be able to find some information on most locations. I am not the best at explaining stuff so HTH


Well-known member
         A CCO (Cosmetic Company Outlet) is a make-up outlet store I think owned by Estee Lauder that sell various brands of make-up and accessories some past season. The items are discounted and if you missed out on a collection you may be able to find a few items or so several months later at the CCO. The one that I go to is located inside of a Saks Fifth Ave store in Sawgrass Mills Mall . Orlando has two CCOs that I am aware of (Prime and Premium Outlet Malls). I think one is on Vineland Ave and the other International Drive. I was visiting Orlando so I am not very knowledgeable on the area. My husband navigated the locations for me as we got some shopping and tourist brochures from Westgate Resort and Spa where we spent Christmas. Try googling CCOs etc and you should be able to find some information on most locations. I am not the best at explaining stuff so  HTH:welcome2:
Wow!!! Thank you for the information! I live in Orlando and have been to those outlets over a dozen times and have never noticed that store. I must make a trip out there soon. Thanks again!!


Well-known member
I tried BS mixed with almost all of my lippies and it looks great with anything cool toned. Up the Amp, Hot Gossip, Syrup, Lavender Whip, Feel My Pulse, Strong woman, etc I am really impressed with this lipstick as a nuancing agent!
I had the same problem!!!! I actually patted Heroine on my lips very lightly and then covered my lips with BS. It's what saved it from going back to the store. 
thank you both ladies. I must try to make it work somehow because I love it in the tube plus the name and the packaging. I guess I am a dork that way.


Well-known member
This was definitely my favorite collection so far in 2013. I practically bought everything from the collection. I've been contemplating purchasing the mail polishes. On the haul videos I've seen, the polished were in white top packaging but I've seen some pics floating around with actual Betty and Veronica faces. Am I going crazy or others have seen this too?


Well-known member
I've been contemplating purchasing the mail polishes. On the haul videos I've seen, the polished were in white top packaging but I've seen some pics floating around with actual Betty and Veronica faces. Am I going crazy or others have seen this too?
At my CCO they have the ones with white top only on display, but I bought Comic Cute and it came with Betty's face on it! :) That was exciting!