RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
I made it to checkout twice and it timed out both times! Too many posts to go back through so I'm not sure if anyone has officially received a cancellation on the early orders (although my lipstick one was only about 30 minutes early). I really want the drops but MAC site is acting retarded. PayPal is working fine...it gets all the way through that...it's just when it's MAC's turn to complete the order it times out! At this point I'm pretty much over it...I hope the lipsticks don't get canceled but if they do I'm good. MAC needs to at least get their servers right! They aren't new to the hysteria so why in the world would their website act up at this point? Ah well....even got the timeout on my iPhone JUST NOW! The Gateway Timeout. Well...on my iPad now too lol
check your email for a confirmation.


Staff member
Let's chill, guys. It's frustrating, but let's not attack each other. Mac should be prepared for the traffic and using multiple devices doesn't make someone an idiot. If this thing launched like a regular collection, multiple devices wouldn't be necessary.
Exactly! Please, keep it nice.


Well-known member
I'm saying I guess we are alien shoppers we are not the "normal customers"
Excuse me while I order off of my UFO.


Well-known member
I got to the checkout...gateway timeout both...haven't gotten an email....

I'm using the BFs card too....X_______X;;


Well-known member
Hated the waiting room before, and I still hate it now. I wonder if those that were for it still feel the same.
Nope! Not anymore.Not after this. I figured doing it a 2nd time would have given the opportunity to improve the process and make it better the next time around. It's worse than the first time. A lot worse. I also realized that I liked knowing the launch time, not necessarily the waiting room. It's annoying having to place so many multiple orders.

I also think it may be better to give a range of time instead of an exact hour. Like instead of saying specifically noon, it would be between noon and 3pm. That way you're not flooding the server with a mass group of people at once and slowing everything down to a crawl.


Well-known member
girl, just keep refreshing the gateway timeout when it stops, it will get past it it just takes forever, im going on over an hour on here!!! hope you get yours!!
I agree! Keep trying ladies. Last time around I got the same message and it still went through.

Miss M Monroe

Well-known member
Let's chill, guys. It's frustrating, but let's not attack each other. Mac should be prepared for the traffic and using multiple devices doesn't make someone an idiot. If this thing launched like a regular collection, multiple devices wouldn't be necessary.
We are calm and collect its seems to be only one person who is upset about it


Well-known member
So over this. I already got uta rebel and ruby anyway so I honestly don't give a f anymore Good luck ladies but this isnt worth my stress. -Emma

honey on boost

Well-known member
Really?!? MAC should be prepared. This is 2013. The internet and mobile devices were not created yesterday. And for the record this is not the first time in the world of history AT ALL that MAC has had technical difficulties during a launch. They knew this was a big one and they should have been much better prepared for an "online only" launch. You need to chill.
Unfortunately no IT team can know what to expect until it actually happens. I complained about this same thing during the target missoni fiasco and my friend explained how it works. Even though we're frustrated I can only imagine what those poor people are going through right now.

The only good thing I see about this is that a lot of orders aren't being processed due to time out errors so I doubt stuff is selling out. I'm sure people are going to start giving up and clearing the site up for everyone else to order. :fingers crossed:


Well-known member
If your in the last step of checking out and are getting gateway timeouts (like i have been for the last 20 min) check your email. I had an order confirmation from mac even though your order is timing out.
See, I think that's why I ended up with 3 orders that are processing.

Watch me end up with like 100 of each...LOL!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Serenityy

Excuse me while I order off of my UFO. 

Does your UFO have a better connection than on Earth? LOL, Sorry, I couldn't resist. Because if it does, can you place me an order or put me on proxy so I can order through your connection?