RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


I ordered RRB last night and my order is still pending. Weird. I'm in Canada - maybe they haven't got to cancelling Canadian orders yet?


Well-known member
4 and a half hours later and firefox,safari, goggle chrome and note 2 phone got all my order in


Well-known member
My order placed at 11:12am today, still says pending. I wonder why some orders have been cancelled and others not? Good question I ordered at 11:40 and this is my order status u are a lucky lady I hope mac does not cancel
Looks like I spoke to soon! I was checking the order status on my laptop and it said pending, when I finally checked from my phone it was updated to cancelled!


Well-known member
I am new to the site and would like to thank all of the members on Specktra that have provided pictures, feedback and all sorts of info to feed my lipstick obsession!

That being said ...... this has been a crazy afternoon. I have an order that received an email confirmation but will probably be cancelled and another that did not receive an email confirmation (both are still pending). I have never experienced such a bad online situation. I cannot imagine that MAC's IT team predicted this type of frenzy but GOOD GRIEF! What was their contingency plan? End users should not be punished for their error by having orders cancelled.

Again...THANK YOU for feeding my obsession. But I have to agree that their are other companies out there that produce a comparable if not better product without all the drama. I love MAC colors but ...


Well-known member
3 1/2 hours on my ipad in the waiting room. For the hell of it, I also went on my laptop....low and behold it took 10 mins on my laptop to get to the checkout. Everything is backordered or removed from cart now....but my ipad is still in the waiting room going on 4 hours. Obviously there is a glitch in the system somewhere. Not cool.


Well-known member
Okay ladies, I need some reassurance because I'm starting to get paranoid with all the craziness that is going on today...

I placed my order post-launch around 1:10 pm Central Time. I was able to get both Heaux and RRB without any backorder messages. I made the purchase on my Android phone from MAC's mobile site. Of course it took about half an hour to process everything but so far all I have received is a confirmation, no money has been withdrawn from my bank account yet. Is this a good or bad sign? I'm used to money being withdrawn immediately when I confirm my purchases with other collections.

Has anyone else had a similar experience today? I guess I just don't want to get my hopes up yet because of all the nonsense MAC has been putting us through all day.


Well-known member
Hmm...that's odd...oh well...I would feel pretty bad returning the drops now when I know a lot of you ladies want them...might keep them...


Well-known member
Mac is so unfair with this why is rihanna collection in a waiting room I rather stalk then this.not to mention we had to wait almost 2 additional weeks for this to launch I'mad as hell I feel like I wasted my whole day messing with mac.i saided it before I hate the waiting room before and I still hate the waiting room now my head hurts just like last time


Well-known member
3 1/2 hours on my ipad in the waiting room. For the hell of it, I also went on my laptop....low and behold it took 10 mins on my laptop to get to the checkout. Everything is backordered or removed from cart now....but my ipad is still in the waiting room going on 4 hours. Obviously there is a glitch in the system somewhere. Not cool.
There's definitely a glitch...I just came from lunch and refreshed MAC...got to my cart and checked out within ten minutes, the lipstick was still in stock....not cool MAC...

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