RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Just received email my items shipped!!!! Whoooo hooooo! The hunt was worth it!!!
Yay! I hope my RiRi Boy ships soon.


Well-known member
CC This ^ was really what I tried to focus the CS lady on, not the link. She was entirely focused on this board & the link. I told her, I've ordered on launch days for years & there are always glitches in the system. Links, add to cart buttons, items etc. appear & disappear all the time. The product is there then it isn't, its in cart then it isn't, you refresh & there it is again, so for us that order all the time, if the item is visible, we are going to try to order it - that simple.

I think for her it was a turning point from the link story - it was another point of view that honestly cs was not hearing. It was that & the ebay thing. Thats when she honestly admitted the launch was disastrous (her words).

I'm glad you called CS and got your recording forwarded to corporate. The regular representatives can't really do anything to change things. I think they're just a buffer for corporate. I don't want to even bother with calling. I think I'm going to send a strongly worded email instead. I'm much better writing out my thoughts than talking on the phone anyway.

I agree. A leaked link and a forum has nothing to do with how they're handling the situation, and it certainly doesn't explain cancelling orders placed after 12pm.


Well-known member
are you effin kidding me? they cancelled my legit order??? WTF Did anyone get their legit order cancelled and called to ask whats the reason? what did they say?
If you talk to a CS rep, they will basically tell you "they don't know" which is really amusing to hear... Like what are you there for then...an automated computer could have told me that. Shit I could have told you that I don't know why my order cancelled seeing as I know MACs policy and adhered to it perfectly....
We should start a NEW THREAD for JUST PEEPS WHOSE ORDERS WERE CANCELLED AFTER NOON (that contained only 1 for each item in the collection). We could just have peeps POST ONLY how many orders you had get CANCELLED AFTER NOON (that contained only 1 for each item in the collection). This would give an idea at the MAGNITUDE of MAC's DISRESPECT.
Agreed, I'm found all their VPs on LinkedIn... They are going to get an email from me... And somebody will get annoyed enough to fix the problem
First of all if it wasn't for Specktra a lot of people into MAC wouldn't know ANY SCOOP whatsoever or even have the information. MAC NEEDS SPECKTRA just as much as Specktra needs MAC but dont come at us like we are the bad guys here when we are not!  None of us are the ones up on eBay with these ridiculous prices for these collections and we never bother nobody so don't come trying to bother us!
Psh I'm sure specktra could do without MAC, there are plenty of other brands who are willing to provide CS.... So after talking to 2 CS reps who didn't know and couldn't tell me anything last night, I called back to talk to their order review team. The CS rep that answered today first got my order # and all info so she could give them as much info as possible and then placed me on hold. Five minutes of waiting later, she came back only to inform me that the order review supervisor didn't know why it was canceled and would have to look into it further and would call me in 24-48 hours. Just mind blown!!!!! For the love of makeup, does anyone over there have the slightest idea as to what's going on??!?!?! Here's an easy solution CS, how about you make notes on people's acct as to why you canceled an order so a) as you are writing it out, you can double check that you reason is in fact accurate and you didn't make a mistake and b) so when people call CS, they don't get answers like "I don't know"!!!!!!!! And my sentiments on the newbie spilling the beans is like really MAC....you're going to bitch about a board that congregates to discuss what products where going to get and then try to blame them for finding your products on your site early. T posted the link, you think they will tell her anything....NO...she will make a damn mockery out of them and they do not want to lose all her viewers as customers.... So MAC if you don't want us to buy your products in advance....keep them hidden from the site...easy peasy


Well-known member
I was so exasperated yesterday that I had no concept of time other than I had spent way too much of it trying to place an order. I placed one that
I thought had gone through, but then the gateway timed out. I placed a second order and finally got an order number, but still had angst about it. This
whole thing was just poorly handled. I hope you get your goods! I hope everyone is able to remedy their specific issues in this mess.

BTW, I just heard on the news that a man was found on the roof of RiRi's LA digs----
perhaps a SO/Hub wanting their gal's MAC order!! The man

was arrested.
I want them lispticks now, hand em over RiRi..hahaha

Seriously, in the scope of life it seems like such a waste of time.... frustrating & funny all at the same time.


Well-known member
Sorry, I should have noted that I knew you weren't referring to my handling of CS. As far as age goes, not to blow sunshine up your shorts, but I have been a member long enough to envy your flawless skin and the fact that you look 20 years younger than you are.
Blow away! Thanks for your kind words too


Well-known member
Five minutes of waiting later, she came back only to inform me that the order review supervisor didn't know why it was canceled and would have to look into it further and would call me in 24-48 hours.

So some orders are just getting randomly cancelled


Well-known member
Well played MAC, well played... jerks
I tried to select just the ls and got that dreaded gateway error messages numerous times! the moment I clicked the "I want it all" button, transaction goes through all the way to the Thank you for submitting your order page... no errors whatsoever!
I didn't even attempt to take the items out that I didn't want because my bestie tried to do that and she got the error page when trying to submit. conspiracy i tell ya!


Active member
My intent was to get Heaux and RiRi Woo, since I missed out on the first launch. I never went through the process of ordering either because when I logged into the Mac's website at !2:00PM, the collection wasn't up and I knew then that this launch was going to be a complete cluster fuck.


Well-known member
i honestly really dont understand why they are doing this. i think itll make more sense if they keep it pending until they figure things out before just cancelling it all completely. at 10 am my orders still said pending but now i am scared to look because theyve been canceling stuff left and right. i still havent recieved an email about my canceled orders before 12 but i did see those were cancelled yesterday.

my question is though should blushes and lustre drops be in stock now that theyve been canceling people who had this in their orders?
It doesn't make any sense. I never received an official cancellation email either. Only saw it posted in my account. It's been a few hours and I haven't checked my account again to see the current status of my other two orders.

Lol! Nothing should be sold out or backordered the way they're cancelling stuff!


Well-known member
:shock:   :thud: So some orders are just getting randomly cancelled
Basically... She couldn't really tell me why and guaranteed when or should I say "if" she calls me back... She won't have an answer or she will make something up.... But I will not go down without a fight, kicking, and screaming.... I will email every person until something is done....I know how to be a headache....VPs don't want to get emails about this bs.... And it's not really that I care for the products at this point because there is plenty of other makeup...it's more the principal.... They have no regard for their consumers and don't try and rectify situations. The fact that when you call CS, they are like "ya the order is gone and can't be reinstated....is there anything else we could help you with today" ....I mean common that cannot be how you really treat your consumers...

honey on boost

Well-known member
One of my orders with RRB & Heaux were shipped but they cancelled my first order with the drops and blush
They should have canceled the one with just the lippies instead.